By Bobmin
Xyverz posted a comment on Sunday 18th December 2005 4:49pm
Keep up the wonderful work. I'm looking forward to reading the next chapter when I'm more awake. (It's almost 1AM in Silicon Valley right now!) I also look forward to reading chapter 4 when it comes out. Oh, I'm so glad to finaly be caught up. It was getting pretty horrible to know I was six chapters behind... on the previous story. I'm rambling now. I should go to bed. G'nite! Thanks again!
Gianda posted a comment on Thursday 15th December 2005 11:21pm
I really like the story so far, please just do not wait to long for the next chapter.
I just wonder what kind of ring hermonie would have taken?
Not that this is really important.
Just want to say loving your story and maybe a trilogy would not be so bad.
Puck posted a comment on Thursday 15th December 2005 6:01am
Oh man, its going to be a Charlie as Albus's lap dog fic, grrrr
Save him Save Him
Ian Mcfarland posted a comment on Thursday 15th December 2005 1:01am
good story with sunset over britain this is in line with j,k,r work at the end can you tell us what happened to the dursleys
Zero Blitz posted a comment on Wednesday 14th December 2005 9:28pm
So far it's gotten to the 5th of May and there doesn't seem to be that much important for the next few days, so does that mean we'll get to read about the ritual next chapter? 'Cause I don't really want to wait for two more weeks. =P
Lady FoxFire posted a comment on Wednesday 14th December 2005 7:20pm
**dance around happily** You used my idea for a disclaimer!
And Bob you need to get your eyes checked. Metatron does NOT look like Snape. Snape is oily hair, pale skin, hooked nose git. Metatron looks like Alan Rickman. And as you keep telling those silly fangirls who are in love with Snape - 'Snape is NOT Alan Rickman'
Ok on with the review of the chapter.
With everything that Molly and Ron(who is dead) has done why is Charlie willing to risk his life for them? Yes I know that Molly is his mother but she been shown to be a user and a betrayer.
I could understand a parent rushing in to save their child but to see a grown child rush in to save their parent with no back-up or plan is harder for me to believe.
Charlie was trained to deal with dangerous cretaure so he understadn the need for a plan and for help when dealign with one. He was not trained to go into a war zone.
Or is he being a typical Gryffindor - jump right into the mess and hope for the best.
Bree Peeler posted a comment on Wednesday 14th December 2005 3:32am
umm, how often are chapters loaded???
azntgr01 posted a comment on Wednesday 14th December 2005 3:31am
Great as usual. ^^ I hope that it was not Dumbledore who had found Charlie...
Maxennce posted a comment on Tuesday 13th December 2005 9:45pm
So is poor charlie going to be brain washed by Dumbledore's stupid ramblings, or is he going to escape all forms of the manipulative and decietful headmaster and head to haven? There are many questions and that doesn't even break the barrier about the brotherhood and just what Harry has in plan for the coven and the brotherhood. Whether a guardian will appear, whether those twelve will become the new generation of brothers, and how that will affect the fight against Voldemort. Keep up the great work, really looking forward to your next chapter
Julia1 posted a comment on Tuesday 13th December 2005 11:42am
nice chapter
harry finally did it! who will they have as brides maids/groomsmen? actually, its the least of their worries right now.
also, how come dumbledore found charlie if charlie apparated to ireland? wouldn't dumbledore have died if he somehow ound a way to get out of britain?
anyway, update fast, ts a great story
Tracey1 posted a comment on Tuesday 13th December 2005 5:16am
The only thing I hate about your stories is having to wait for the next chapter!!!
Arkeus posted a comment on Tuesday 13th December 2005 2:45am
hum, very good, though your french aren't that good sniff :p
ah well, Canada is fearsome.
Can't wait to se e what happens during the ritual :-)
jmcqk6 posted a comment on Tuesday 13th December 2005 1:17am
so are Nerfherder's merely one legged, or truly one footed? i.e. two legs, but only one foot?
lol! Great work!
lainy posted a comment on Tuesday 13th December 2005 12:19am
i love your stories, all of them, but whats happened to the "pet peeves" i thought they were brilliant! keep up the good work
Schokki posted a comment on Monday 12th December 2005 11:27pm
Great chap!
I'm curious what's going to happen in the rite and with Charlie! I may think that's Dumbie who has finally found him! -.-"" It will be an interesting concurrence... ;-) I wonder if Charlie is aware of Dumbie's intrigues...
Ps: Puh... I'm relieved!^^ I'm from Luxembourg and to those people who can't put up with such peanuts like Britain includes this and this... Don't be so finical! It's just a story (an excellent story!*gg*), so enjoy it!
Graup posted a comment on Monday 12th December 2005 9:08pm
Your story has an amazing array of characters and things happening all at the same time. That testifies to strong outlining and preparation skills.
One of my favorite parts of your story are the small departures into humor. I really enjoyed Arthur Weasley and this girl he appears to fancy. I also enjoyed the orphans capturing Harry and Hermione.
All in all, I find the story funny, warm-hearted, and enjoyable.
Thanks for sharing it.
Kathleen posted a comment on Monday 12th December 2005 3:18pm
Great chapter! Loving the story!
Manatheron posted a comment on Monday 12th December 2005 2:26pm
I am just a little bit worried about the whole 'religion' thing. but I shall simply see where you take the story before passing judgement because of that.
Excellent chapter, certainly vauge enough in places, but that does add to the allure of it overall I suppose. the erm... Embarassment section. I do wonder if there is a reason that you have all the characters involved in the ritual either married, engaged, or otherwise sexually involved with each other. Have you Read 'the divinci code' ? will it be THAT type of ritual?
jpotter posted a comment on Monday 12th December 2005 1:27pm
another excellent chapter. wonder what dumbledore will do now that he has met up with Charlie Weasley? anyhow great chapter can't wait for more.
David M. Potter posted a comment on Monday 19th December 2005 12:55am