By Bobmin
AK posted a comment on Monday 12th December 2005 12:33am
Disclaimer: 1) a renunciation of any claim to or connection with; 2) Disavowal; 3) a statement made to same one's own ass. (Dogma)
Hehe! You know just your comments alone are almost worth reading the story :). The Metatron indeed, well at least you have good taste in movies, do you like platypi? Stupid animals...
Anyway to the review! So good ol Dumbledore is still around, well he might be a nuisance in your story but he is smart and powerfull right? And he is not dark ( I think you said that somewhere that he was just misguided or something) So yeah I guess he might end up usefull... for the plot at least :)
Mickey posted a comment on Monday 12th December 2005 12:10am
Nice chapter, Liked Harry's proposal and Hermionie's (eventual) acceptance.
One problem, by this point in the story people rescued from England may be so malnourished as to have problems if they eat as much as mama Johansen would be willing to feed them. Deaths are unlikely as of yet but eating until they throw up should happen with people such as the orphans.
The Unicorn
If you want to stop the reminders of the parts of Britain how about explaining where Harry's ward line goes? You had Harry say Voldermort was stopped at the shores of Britain yet Britain controls part of northern Ireland. Has that portion come into Irish control (Oh! won't THAT be fun?) under control of british forces not in contact with those under Voldermort's thumb? Under Voldermort's indirect control (i.e he controls it using orders from controled agents but has no Death Eaters there) disolved into complete chaos (the most likely possibilty IMO) or is it inside the wards confining Voldermort?
Meg posted a comment on Monday 12th December 2005 12:04am
Awesome chapter and Awesome Birthday present for me!!!!!!!!
Coulda been longer, though... ;) But since you didn't know it was my b-day today, I'll forgive you both.
Elfguard48 posted a comment on Sunday 11th December 2005 11:47pm
Great chapter and story. As for nit pickers and those who are affended you didnot include their country(blowing a rassberry). Get a life or write your own. I'm an American but has strorng English and Irish blood lines. Please keep up the good work. The nit pickers can write their own if they are so bothered by yours. Take care....Helen
Paul Ellison posted a comment on Sunday 11th December 2005 11:45pm
Brilliant new chapter, no nitpicks here, for an outsider you're doing a lot better than most (inc natives)! I swear some don't know what an atlas is!
Keep it coming and good luck with the insanity case for Alyx ;-)
Dedr24 posted a comment on Sunday 11th December 2005 11:33pm
I have been reading your work since Dumbledore's Army, and I have been a fan ever since. That stated, every time I read a new chapter I become a bigger one. Great work. Is that Dumbledore that found Charlie?
harry85 posted a comment on Sunday 11th December 2005 11:22pm
Who's the one who found Charlie? Well, we'll see it soon. As for the rest, I liked the chapter a lot, you know.
TheBlackPearl posted a comment on Sunday 11th December 2005 10:47pm
Oh, what an intriguing update.
It would appear that Dumbledore found himself a bit of leverage in Charlie. I'm not altogether sure Harry will leave Charlie to rot with DD in the face of Ginny and the twins' pleas to help their brother. Though, it might be prudent to do so, given the current state.
I know Snape is bad...downright evil in this Potterverse...however, I remain fascinated with his characters. One of Rowling's greatest creations.
And, of course, being the female romantic sap that I am...I adored the proposal. Hermione's reaction. Poor Harry, but it made her answer all the sweeter.
I am really interested to see this rite to call up the Brotherhood. I have no doubt, that it will bring forth many surprises and be an absolute joy to read.
I do hope they manage to retrieve Charlie, explain about Molly and Ron, all without any major damage to any main players I am fond of.
I look forward to the next update. Wonderful job.
rmcclain124 posted a comment on Sunday 11th December 2005 10:23pm
Another outstanding chapter.
First off, Charlie Weasley must have dung for brains. I know that you have plans for him and that he will probably be a catalyst in some sort of subplot, but as someone just looking in from the outside, he's got dung for brains. That said, I can't wait to see how that all plays out.
Second, the proposal scene was quite amusing. It was one of those, "I know I'm forgetting something" moments. Perhaps her parents will get her a remembrall (?sp) as a wedding or wedding shower gift to commemorate it. Oops!
Third, to all those that are criticizing you for the inclusion/exclusion of lands under the title of the british isles and the blating of new characters...bugger them! JKR has introduced new characters with every new volume. She does catch some grief over it, but it's hard to argue with an author that sold over 6M copies of her book in the US alone over a weekend. She must be doing something right.
Best regards and post again soon -- PK Fan
AzureSky posted a comment on Sunday 11th December 2005 10:00pm
Great chapter. Can't wait to see what will Dumbledore plan after Haven's fidelius is dropped.
Riven posted a comment on Sunday 11th December 2005 9:59pm
well its a very wonderful chapter and i must say the AN at the beginning eas awsome. i love the move DOGMA and thought that was totally sweet.
the whole Hermione running away with out an answer thing was awsome and totally something i could see her doing. the same with harry standing there scrathcing his head trying to figure out what just happend. totally awsome.
glad to hear alyx is ok, and personally i think all women have a little bit of insanity built in, its what allows them to deal with us guys.
verry snazzy idea about Gringots and i would really like to see the scene where harry has the goblin over for dinner. i think it would be very cool.
the visit to the orphans was totally awsome, "stick em up!" "im Robin hood! no wait, im Harry Potter!!!!" totally awsome. would have been cooler if harry had done some really sweet magic for the kids, maby given them all long beards and blue hair, kids like that kind of thing.
awsome chapter, and i cant wait for the next.
Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Sunday 11th December 2005 9:55pm
Well, a very interesting chapter, it's a dead shame the route Charley has taken, I think he's about to become another lost Weasley, though if I know that meddlesome old codge as well as I suspect I do, Charley will be showing up in Haven all to soon in an effort to do Dumbledore's bidding. The question will be how long untill he gets caught. Nice bait and switch by the way, I think the last chapter had everybody expecting Dumbledore to show up at the press conference to stir up trouble.
MattD posted a comment on Sunday 11th December 2005 9:44pm
Good chapter....did Charlie heal the bullet inside his leg? That's not good...but neither is his 'capture' by Dumbledore...his world is about to be shattered.
Daan posted a comment on Sunday 11th December 2005 9:08pm
Oh boy, what evil plans will Dumbledore come up with now that he has found Charlie Weasley...
fashizzlism posted a comment on Sunday 11th December 2005 8:57pm
GREAT chapter! i love this story! i hope that we will see another chapter asap :P
i was wondering though, Charlie knew that his parents broke up right? but does he know why? and does he know about his parents/dumbledore and harrys moneys?
if he does i cant wait to see what happens with old albus finding him... mably harry and albus will meet up next chapter :P
keep it up, love the story so far
ridmania posted a comment on Sunday 11th December 2005 8:23pm
bloody awesome chapter!!!1 this story just keeps getting better and better!!! keep up the great work and can't wait until the brotherhood is awakened again!!! harry willbe the leader won't he?
Davideg posted a comment on Sunday 11th December 2005 8:02pm
dudududuu o no whats dumbuldore going to do now chant whait for your next chapter this one whase fantastik keep up the great work
FairyQilan1 posted a comment on Sunday 11th December 2005 6:47pm
Well that ain't good. Thanks for the Dogma insert, btw. It was... interesting. Poor Charlie. what will he do?
rippergirl posted a comment on Sunday 11th December 2005 6:12pm
Yay I was excited to see that a new chapter was up before I went to sleep. Glad that Charlie got through. Got thing he has good instincts and listens to them. Porbably from all his years with the dragons. (Dragons do the body good). Don't like that guy in France(Claude) though with the portkey. Hope Charlie tells Harry about that and he gets what's coming to him. Anyways can't wait until the next chapter is out. Yay get to go to sleep with happy thoughts because I got to read the new chapter. Ahhh.
Crys posted a comment on Monday 12th December 2005 12:37am