By Bobmin
Jamie46 posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 9:21pm
Really, really good chapter. :) I loved the Winky and Hermione bit. hehehehe... And I was wondering about the orphanage myself, so I'm glad that got cleared up. hehehe, yay for Mama Olga! She's so like Mrs. Weasley used to be, all motherly and bustling. :-D hehehehe. the *good* Mrs. Weasley, of course. Yay for Charlie rejoining his family; I'll bet these last weeks have been killing him. And the house elf deployment during extraction was great. :) ...Anyway, I'm just rambling now... It was awesome, and well worth any piddling little wait. ;) Keep up the great work, but try not to burn out! :-D hahahaha
harry85 posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 8:59pm
Good. I liked the start of this story, and I can't wait for the moment Harry kicks Voldie's ass. But it will need a long way to go, won't it?
James13 posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 7:29pm
A review said: "I just hope you do not derail as the story progresses." Well, now you all know whom to tar and feather if we do! Derail? Come one, what are we? Amtrak?
Hmm..not amtrak and I sincerely hope not like CN Rail either. 11 derailments in the last year blast them.
I love the story so far, and I can barely hold on for the rest of the storey.
As for knowing how the story turns out, yeah, I'd like to know how it ends. I KNEW how the Titanic ended and I still sat around for 4 and a half hours to watch that, so I can easily wait hmm...maybe 4 and half months to finish this story too :)
noylj posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 6:38pm
Love story. Wish Harry could get a harem out of this (just don't see N/G as working. Since your story doesn't have horcruxes, why not just wait for moldie to fall under the lack of people to feed him. Talk about a less than third world economy...
nurray posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 3:58pm
"Leftenant", Oh well done, not that stupid loo-tenant (is that a toilet in a tent)?
Voldemort not being an idiot should at some point send over an ordinary witch/wizard or even a muggle with an owl via portkey so he find out if all travel is blocked or not. If Voldemort keeps a loved one within Britain them they would do as he asks.
Well Dolohov may not be able to "mark" potential followers and that means infiltrating his group should be somewhat easier via polyjuice or metamorphic abilities.
The death of SPEW, well done. To me Hermione reacted to the idea of slavery in house elves before getting the full picture, in the books.
This way she will get an idea of what the house elf bond really does. I doubt she will give up the idea totally as certainly a number of house elves were/are being treated dreadfully but her aims should be more achievable.
HD posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 3:02pm
Damn! So no battle of the puffskein? and Dumbledore is not going splat anytime soon? and the muggle women cleaning up the blood, do they see it or are they just forced to clean what appear to be ruins?
I understand why you can't just put a line of death around Hogwarts as it would defeat to many plot points but it was just a possible flaw that I wanted to point out...
What sort of wards are around haven and would they keep Dumbles out?
Till if and when I next review
Dedicated Reader
Kathleen posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 1:15pm
What a great chapter!
I'm intrigued by the idea of this rite -- how many druidic things is Harry going to do? Also, was bemused by the thought of one couple taking in 12 kids. Plus the three they have. Yikes! Surely somebody will realize that the children would do better if they were spread out a bit, to get more attention per kid...
Loved the idea of the house elves confusing the DE. Go Dobby!
mike engle posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 12:53pm
just wanted to say i have been a fan since the beginning. really like the story can't wait for each new chapter.
Muirnin Cocan posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 12:00pm
Ok I concede... it's 8:51pm as I write this and it's only 25F... but at least I bought myself a new pair of boots to wear since sandals and snow do NOT go together..
This was a pretty good chapter... I love how you gave the 'update' to the President and how he was able to 'see' the dementors at work...
Is there going to be like a new love interest for Arthur??? I can see it possibly happening in the future...
Hermione and Winky... Oh now that is a pair to draw to... What has Dobby 'trained' all his elf minions to be 'battle-ready' and in uniform or something? I love it...
Can't wait to see the ritual... Nekkidity all over the place!!! Now if this was a Keith piece there would DEF be an orgy somewhere in the midst (sp?)
Well if all goes right and I get BOTH kids to school tomorrow I may have about 3 hours to do some serious writing...
Take care both of you... have fun with your disclaimers... They are ALMOST as much fun to read as your story...
As Always,
Muirnin - who actually feels sorry for you living in Idaho only because I rolled my car a year /half ago and spent 3 horrible days in Rigby... And I used to have family in Idaho...
igotbannedfroma2k posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 11:22am
Yayness! New chapter. That makes me happy. I just recently found your story Dumbledore's Army. I read it in two days and then read the sequel in one. (I'm in school too, so this is in between tests and homework and studying and such) I didn't even realise there was a sequel and when I went to click on the link in your profile on, my computer was being retarded and not letting me open this page. I finally found Sunset over Britain and read it...very fast-like. I'm so glad you updated so soon. And I must say, if there is one thing I love about your writing more than anyone elses, it's the humor. Wether it's in your A/N's or in the story, it's one of a kind. Not something another author would pull. I like your idea of pet peeves and, yeah, I just like your stories. I started writing my own. Had the plot all written out and everything, really original, just a really good idea. Then I started typing it and figured out that each chapter was about two pages. (Yeah, that's not going to work :-)) SO! I have this great outline (I think it's great anyways) and nothing to do with it. Rather upseting really. ANYWAYS! I love your stories. Hope you feel better soon, Alyx...and...yeah! Keep up the spectacular work!
Olorin1 posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 10:33am
Greetings. I'm olorin stormcrow, and you probably have never heard of me. Reason is--I only review stories I feel have potential or are worth the time of fanfic readers everywhere. And I must apologize, for not having reviewed before. I started reading your stories back when you started HP and Dumbledore's Army. You were excellent back then, even though I thought you could improve on your chapter structure and length. And by Luthien the Fair (yes, I'm a LOTR fanatic, as well as star wars--go Bob!)you have surpassed any and all expectations I ever had. Too few people out there are willing to put the time and effort into creating a good story, and Your Sunset, Sunrise duo is truly fantastic. I enjoy the fact that you update often, your disclaimers are fresh and witty (although the Alan Rickman things getting a bit old, even if I do agree completely), and your chapters are of epic length. You two are truly a joy to read, and I'm wondering if you'll post your older stories here as well, like Spiritus Crystalus-I rather enjoyed that little bit. On another note, I'm thinking about writing a story that I'll actually post (I'm notoriously private-and lazy) and I humbly beg your permission to use the idea of the Brotherhood. It wouldn't be the Druidic Knights, but I feel that the two of you have created a perfect alternative to the Order of the Phoenix, or Dragon, or Dog Star, or whatever overly cliche'd name people come up with for Harry's following. Also, I'm thinking about doing a sort of crossover with LOTR, and a Starcraft type of conflict. Any thoughts, ideas, suggestions? Email me at or whatever you please. Just know that the two of you are by far my favorite authors out there, and belive me, I've read it all. Keep up the good work, and if you ever want a second (more like 15'th, I'd imagine)opinion, I'll always be willing to give an objective suggestion. May the force be with you, and let all the perverted geeks of the world untie behind your banner!! Then again, that probably wouldn't help your image....
MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 9:27am
Another GREAT chapter. I can see that you are leading up to something big. It looks like Arthur is getting a girlfriend. I also can see that Harry and Dumbasadoor, are going to have it out, but not before he gets to Charlie.
M. R. Moore posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 9:10am
lets see, i got a few things to say.
1. Great chapter, as always. Looking forward to the next one.
2. My mom is from Montana. Almost my favortie state, that would be Illinois.
3. You could start using peeves about every day life. or even better, President Bush. :) Everyone loves Bush Bashing, even those that voted for him.
Jake posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 9:10am
Great chapter, a lot happened and it was all wonderful. I really liked the scene where Olga bursts in and takes all the children, it made me think of a mother hen and it was something I think was really missing from the story since Molly was a bad character and as such there wasn't really any intense mothering going on. Keep up the great work, and can you really blame him for wanting to give mouth to mouth to Hermione? Emma Watson is ridiculously hot, even if she isn't legal(don't quote me on that). Excellent story so far, update soon!
Kari posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 9:00am
Kudos for new chappie!
bdh008 posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 8:53am
Awesome story. Really, I've been reading your stories from the start and have never reviewed.BTW, what city do you live in?
kittykatluver posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 7:31am
Oooo, thanks for the rescue mission! I love 'em! Hope you get better soon, Alyx!!
TeoLumos posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 6:40am
Hey !
What is that despicable thinking about French ???
I'm French, and I like to think that I have at least a chance to be smart !
Lol ...
Great story by the way ... Just politically incorrect but well ... ;)
Keep up the good work !
Tanydwr posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 5:25am
Technically Northern Ireland is part of Britain/UK too... Just on a different island. If you want to include Ireland, they're the 'British Isles'.
Are the Shetlands, Orkneys, Scillies, Channel Islands and other British groups included within the line or not?
Lol, Tanydwr
Bethany1 posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 11:01pm