By Bobmin
Aku posted a comment on Monday 5th December 2005 11:12pm
Even when pronounced leftenant it is spelt leutenit (or however it is properly spelt :) ) I was going to ask if you did this on purpose because a house elf is saying it but you'll just use that excuse anyway so I thought I would give you a heads up. Otherwise great chapter and when will we see a harry irish-deatheaters confrontation?
MattD posted a comment on Monday 5th December 2005 10:50pm
Good chapter. Keep 'em coming. I must say, though, that for some reason this one felt more fractured than normal. Still enjoyable.
Sean Li posted a comment on Monday 5th December 2005 10:07pm
Try #3
Cliffys = Good if time between cliffy and resolution is less than 7 days. Chapter 2 was great - more good stuff. But to amuse myself I might have to go back on a 10-hour rereading of Sunset.
1. Is it just me, or did you guys slip in an insult on the euro in the disclaimer?
2. Dumbledore seems rather...out of it. He take his old-people medicine?
3. Don't druidic rituals usually involve a fair amount of blood as well?
Sean Li posted a comment on Monday 5th December 2005 10:06pm
Cliffys = Good if time between cliffy and resolution
Ken Warner posted a comment on Monday 5th December 2005 9:51pm
a very heart warming chapter, even in the midst of tragedy and high drama life does go on. love the ideas of having the house elves help out with false alarms - magical chaff for the DE radar-
Did we just happen to meet the next Mrs. Weasley? methinks I caught a hint there.
Thanks so much for your wonderful work
Warmest Regards
Beowulf posted a comment on Monday 5th December 2005 9:42pm
thank you again for another wonderful chapter.
I hope you both are well now.
i hope to see Harry in more action.
Also please show the elves getting the better of some of the death eaters.
thank you again for your time to write this story.
David Thacker posted a comment on Monday 5th December 2005 9:40pm
Great chapter!!!!!!Thank you for this story and the time and effort that you have put in to it.Please ignore any and all flames.Enjoy your self when you write and have fun in your life when you can.
Mickey posted a comment on Monday 5th December 2005 9:32pm
Very nice chapter. I particularly liked Mama Johanson taking in the orphans. On nit, why didn't voldermort try sending people flying by broom or cross the line in a boat or some such?
ridmania posted a comment on Monday 5th December 2005 9:21pm
AWESOME!!! loved it!! can't wait to find out where molly is and if ron is truly dead? i hope so lol!!! gotta get dubledore to fin harry but then everyone help harry and full put him in his place!!! or just harry kick his ass!!! keep up the great work!!!!
Hood posted a comment on Monday 5th December 2005 9:15pm
Hello again Just got in from work . i work nights and when i get home of a morning first thing i do is look to the fanficauthors site to see who has updated. thanks for the great stories . i have all of ya'lls completed fics printed out so that i can sit outside or whereever to read them and i read them over and over and over lol. again my thanks for writting them for those of us who couldn't write a story if all i had to do was to push one button lol.
shlager_5321 posted a comment on Monday 5th December 2005 9:02pm
great chapter !!!
one thing i want to know is what happened to mad-eye? i mean if i remember correctly he didnt go to heaven so where is he?
update soon
Trebond posted a comment on Monday 5th December 2005 8:58pm
I havent readen this chapter jet, and this isent a real review, but I have a Question that i cant ask any other place, so I hope you can forgive me and maybe answer it under A/N.
But first I must say that I like your storys VERY much! Over the two last days I have readen "Sunset over Britain" and its wonderfull.. Not just the story it self, but also the way you set up the story. The way of telling where some thing happen is making the story must easyer to understand and the reader, from my point of view, get at good over view over the total story.
But back to my question. I realy like the storys, and over the last mounths I have been reading a lot of Harry Potter fan fictions, but there is one thing I hate more then any other ting: Un-complete storys. Yes yes, i know it take time to write the storys. And I hope you can forgiv my lack og pation. *S*
But I was thinking about how often you add a chapter...?
I can see that from you start writing on "Sunrise over Britain) to the first chapter got out there was about 1 week, and the same for chapter 2.... is it normal that it take so long time?
I may say that I have NO idear how it is to write a story like this, but... *sigh* I must say that I will hate to wait 1 week for a new chapter. *sigh*
Never mind!
Thanks for a WONDERFULL story, and I will follow alle the time.
Best Wish
Ps. Im sorry if my English is bad, im from Denmark and my English is not the best. :(
Lady FoxFire posted a comment on Monday 5th December 2005 7:32pm
Bob let Alyx write the disclaimer next. I'm curious to see what she can do with it. Women are much cruelier and evilier than men can ever be.
Forgive this brain fart but where is Percy?
I really enjoy how the house elves are saluting. It just seems right for some reason.
Was Harry really asleep when Hermione pushed him off the bed or faking it?
Will Hogwarts ever be used as a school again after having housed the evil that is Voldemort and his Death Eaters?
Erin posted a comment on Monday 5th December 2005 7:14pm
Are we going to see more of Mrs. Weasley?
Erin posted a comment on Monday 5th December 2005 7:12pm
great update, looking very forward to the next.
Riven posted a comment on Monday 5th December 2005 5:59pm
totally badass chapter.
i am really looking foward to seeing the brotherhood ritual and seeing what kind of nifty powers it gives them all. as for the reviewer asking for a cliffie, well *Riven cuts the string holding the piano up and watches it fall on said reviewers head*
oh and i will point out that technically your disclaimer for this chapter isnt actually a disclaimer at all, it doesnt "say the words" as you so fondley put it anywhere at all. i only point this out so that there is no chance of my fave authors getting in trouble over some bullcrud legal issues.
cant wait for the next chapter and i think it would be really cool to have harry personally visit the orphans and maby do some really special cool magic for them or something.
i do have one small question though. Do the DE's not know about the line of death? i dont car who it was, if someone handed me a gun that i was 95% sure was loaded and told me to hold it to my head i would tell them where to stick it, and telling someone to apparate across a line that they KNOW will kill you to cross is basicly the same thing. Anywho i hope Alyx starts feeling better soon and i hope Bob gets Word to work better. cant wait to see what you write for ch3
AcceleratedGlass posted a comment on Monday 5th December 2005 5:50pm
great chapter, update soon
Julia1 posted a comment on Monday 5th December 2005 4:59am
its like a continuation to sunset which, knowing sunset, is great. its kind of strange now though, cause before, the "outcasts" were mentioned in every chapter, and now it seams like they've grown a little apart. they dont spend that much time with each other anymore.
rahul posted a comment on Sunday 4th December 2005 3:43am
guyz.... need a new update............. need a new update......
Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Monday 5th December 2005 11:16pm