By Bobmin
Machelle posted a comment on Wednesday 30th November 2005 4:36am
Another well written chapter. I was very happy to see Harry blow up at Hermione. I understand her fear and empathise with her but does she not see that by protecting the house elves - even after Dobby said that they wanted to help take back their home - she is being as much as a Master to them as the ones she complained about. These house elves were not bound to any family and had voluntarily bound themselves to Haven. Who is she to take away their rights to choose?
exar posted a comment on Wednesday 30th November 2005 12:35am
Wonderful beginning to the sequel....I loved it and there is not much more I can say. Really enjoyed what you did to the death eaters crossing the line.
Jimmy posted a comment on Tuesday 29th November 2005 10:01pm
VERY NICE!!!!! That's all I can say. I can't wait till the next chapter.
Carolyn1 posted a comment on Tuesday 29th November 2005 9:50pm
I like it good beginning(grins)! Thanks for the story.
TheBlackPearl posted a comment on Tuesday 29th November 2005 9:37pm
Well, we are off to a wonderful start. But I knew we would be.
I love the relationship with Harry and Hermione. Neither are by any means perfect. And they even fight now and again.
And while this is quite a dark story, at least right now, I love that some humor is injected now and again.
I have not read all of the books, and after reading Sunset Over Britain, and now continuing that wonderful story in Sunrise...I fear Rowling won't live up to your creative skill in weaving the final battle with Harry and Voldemort.
And total props on your research that lead to vivid and (seemingly very real) descriptions of the conditions in the wake of the initial skirmish with Voldemort and Harry and Britian.
And I wait with anticipation your next update.
sternchen posted a comment on Tuesday 29th November 2005 9:05pm
I realy love your story. Hope you continue soon!
rippergirl posted a comment on Tuesday 29th November 2005 5:19pm
Yay! Need more chapters. Must hold on till they arrive. Hope they will come soon.
missindy posted a comment on Tuesday 29th November 2005 1:50pm
I totally love this story. A friend said you were mentioning giving it up. Please don't! There are so many of us who love it. Y'all are so talented. If I can just strive to become half as good as you are, I will be very happy. Don't let the nitpickers get you down. And please update soon :D
Lord Salazar Slytherin posted a comment on Tuesday 29th November 2005 1:11pm
GREAT begining LOVE IT. Please update soon
John10 posted a comment on Tuesday 29th November 2005 12:49pm
Awsome story, I look forward to more chapters in the future. Nice humor by the way.
Christopher Estep posted a comment on Tuesday 29th November 2005 12:32pm
Funny and poignant by turns, this first chapter. Interesting segue with Dan and Emma; rabbits and sexual potency and contraceptive spells? (About as subtle as a Blasting Curse to a Death Eater's hatrack; how did *Hermione* miss her parents' joke? Hatrack=head.) Doubly good for the Patils; not only are they reunited, but they also adopt Lavender Brown (now Lavender Patil). Has Harry realized how stealthily *Amelia Bones* is setting him up? Even though Amelia and Arthur are the official joint Ministers In Exile, both in reality report to *Harry*. Miles Pickerton, MLE Director, reports DIRECTLY to Harry (not to either Amelia OR Arthur). Harry is, whether he realizes it or not, ex-officio Minister for Magic (in fact, with the Royal Family *dead*, as far as anyone is aware, it is possible that the throne itself could fall to Harry). When, not if, he pulls this off, will the *rest* of Amelia's Sandbag come crashing down on his poor young head?
Ignoramus posted a comment on Tuesday 29th November 2005 11:15am
I am simply amazed at the rate you're churning out these high-quality chapters. Many other authors have taken far longer - weeks, even months, before updating; and even then, not all are as lengthy or as well written.
How much time are you spending on writing? Just wondering.
NathalyaKiaraMcElwood posted a comment on Tuesday 29th November 2005 10:40am
Wow, quite nice beginning for this sequel...
I liked "sunset" pretty much and i hope "sunrise" will be as good aus "sunset".
Perhaps i should excuse me for reading "sunset" without any review, but i gues it tooked me quite long reading all, after i recovered the story (thanks to a german translation on, that isnt yet finished. So as i read the last chapter it was yet online about a couple of days.
On some days i didn't even had the time to rad a whole chaper, on other days i managed it for one and a half.
so again sorry for not reviewing, but i hope this review will fix it up =)
Keep on this way guys! i'll watch for the next chapter on my mail box!
Nathalya from Germany
atlantis-rob posted a comment on Tuesday 29th November 2005 10:24am
Great start to the next part! And I dont think new "books" are usually considered new stories! :P Anyway excellent job on the rescue of the patils and everything. I love the way you guys handle this story. Excellent work on the end also, good to see you are keeping harry very very human! CheerS!
Shades posted a comment on Tuesday 29th November 2005 10:14am
*claps loudly* Excellent! 20/10 and a A+ ^_^
words alone can't describe how amazed i am at this!
darkslifer posted a comment on Tuesday 29th November 2005 10:12am
excellent, but i have to wonder, wheres mrs. weasley while all this has happened
dave su posted a comment on Tuesday 29th November 2005 9:27am
this story and all those u guys have written are amazing...
i seriously dont read any of the real books or watch the movies anymore cuz this story is just too good
hope that didnt offend u but thats just the way ur fic has changed me
mitchie67 posted a comment on Tuesday 29th November 2005 9:09am
This is my first review. I just wanted to let you know how much I'm enjoying all your stories, even the first two because I'm a H/H shipper. You actually brought me to tears several times with the Patil's rescue. Are we going to see more of Voldie's reaction. The message was hilarious. Absolutely love Harry's t-shirts.
Mikee posted a comment on Tuesday 29th November 2005 8:13am
Wonderful. What more to say. I still love how you've characterized everyone. I was glad the Patil's were rescued, and mourned with Harry when Willie died. I am looking forward to more, and am wondering what's going on with Dumbledore. I also wonder about Dumbledore's aura -- is it now dark enough that the line around Britan would fry him.? Love your stories. Thank you
Michelline posted a comment on Wednesday 30th November 2005 5:28am