By Bobmin
PruePotter posted a comment on Tuesday 29th November 2005 7:28am
I have a question. Do you just kill random people, or is there certain people who die for like, a reason?
TNaSeein' posted a comment on Tuesday 29th November 2005 5:43am
WooHoo! There's a new SOB in town! Sorry, couldn't resist :-D This was an excellent beginning and well worth the wait. "Parallels," was great and tided me over for a while, but I'm really glad to see this fic continued. Keep up the amazing work! I loved reading the scene where Harry met with the Irish Minister of Magic. Is the press conference going to happen in the next chapter? Please. I'm REALLY looking forward to the public's reaction to the new, improved, forceful, much more adult Harry Potter. Especally thier reaction to Harry's use of a staff as opposed to a wand. I'm asuming that in your fic it is well known in the Wizarding World that you have to be tremendously powerful to be able to do magic through a staff. Can't wait 'till next week's upadate!
Arkeus posted a comment on Tuesday 29th November 2005 3:59am
grins :-)
that was a nice chapter, very good pacing between the patil situation and the rest of haven.
Snapesmistress005 posted a comment on Tuesday 29th November 2005 2:17am
wow what an amazing start! i'm uber anxious to get this party started. great job guys! oph and btw, i need an address to send the krispy kreme's i promised. or at least a gift cert. mmmm now i'm hungry!
Erik GL posted a comment on Tuesday 29th November 2005 2:12am
Great start! Touching and thought provoking. Like so many others I can't wait to see more :-) Keep up the good work you two and thank you for the good read.
Puck1 posted a comment on Tuesday 29th November 2005 1:30am
Steven2 posted a comment on Tuesday 29th November 2005 12:22am
Well done. I liked the size of the story, I haven't found others with long chapters like these in awhile. I'm happy this one is going to keep the pace of its prequel and do more.
Muirnin Cocan posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 9:17pm
Oh my Goodness, that is a fantastic start to what is sure to be a spectacular sequel...
I have been very guilty lately of spending way too much time reading your work as well as Keith's and Old_Crow's... I even have neglected my Nanowrimo story!!!! along with AEA...
I should tell you that I have two friends who have no internet connection but have been reading Sunset *grin* I'm spreading the gospel according to Bobmin!!!! I even printed out all the pages for Parallels...
Great work... look forward to the rest of the story!!!!
As Always,
Muirnin - who is freezing in Provo!
Davideg posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 9:00pm
fantastic keep up the great writing
Aberforth's Avatar posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 8:00pm
What a wonderful chapter, both as a start to the new story and as a bridge from what went before. I was hooked immediately. I can't wait to see where you take us. Thanks for sharing this with us.
Michael69 posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 7:22pm
Great beginning...You know I"ll be keeping up.
Jamie46 posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 4:42pm
Ok, so I was thinking on the way home. I kept wondering about why he said that "she knew him better than she thought"... and I think I've got it: he still blames himself for Willie's death, just like the "old" Harry. He's putting on a brave front, and yes he acknowledges that Voldie's mostly responsible, but literally seeing the blood on his hands that evening made him only feel MORE responsible for Willie's death... am I right? :-D ... Ok, so I *did* nap on the way home, and this thought came to me right as I dozed off. But I still think I'm close. I think that's what part of those tears are: blaming himself...
jpotter posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 4:28pm
This was a great start to the sequel and it was very emotional for a beginning chapter. I love it so far just like I loved Sunset Over Britain. I can't wait for more
Deborah posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 4:26pm
Wow! Well worth the wait.
Please sir, can I have some more?
nurray posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 3:26pm
A great start. I loved the house elves in army khaki. Will Harry promote Dobby to corporal or sargent and how will Draco react to army elves and saluting. Actually I think he'd like that. He may have turned his back on the pureblood rubbish but the "air of command" is something Draco has expected to attain since a young age.
Maybe Hermione will get her wish and the elves will demand to serve in the house elf army. Though I feel sure that wasn't what she wanted for them.
There are indications you have thought of this already and it will appear in a later chapter, but just in case, you may want Harry to setup a "Free British Wizarding wireless (in exile)" in Ireland to broadcast to Britain to give hope and propaganda against Voldemort to people/wizards/witches in Britain.
Jamie46 posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 3:24pm
:) Sigh. What a great story. The chapter was good, too ;) hahahah. I kinda like how Harry`s not taking Willie`s death as another burden to be placed on his shoulders, and is properly laying the blame at Voldemort`s feet... :-D LOVED the `we`re revoking your passport` bit. :) That was great. Overall, another great chapter. I liked the back-and-forth, telling simultaneous bits of the story. Yay for more rescued family members! :) Here`s hoping that there are more families still to be rescued... although that does mean they`re still in danger :( ... but I don`t think enough have been `rescued` yet, so I`m guessing they`re still there anyway... Interesting bit about the House Elves. I wonder how they`re gonna get into Voldemort`s service? ;) hehhehe... That oughta be good... Well, whaddaya know? It`s time to leave work. ;) hehehe, gee, where oh where did the time go? :-D ... hehehe, thanks, and have a good one. I look forward to the next chapter next week.
Dr.Shadow posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 2:19pm
very good story so far! keep up the good work
Ken Warner posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 1:41pm
off to a fast and fabulous start - great setup and detailing of the burdens of leadership, when the leader actually DOES care, unlike most of the real world politicos.
Thanks fro some wonderful writing
Warmest Regards
kittykatluver posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 1:23pm
(Stifles a pleased gasp) Wow. I just wanted to say that, in the short time I've read this story, it's just gotten better and better. Please include more rescue missions in later chapters, will you? They're awesome! (And so emotional!!)
Tell Alyx that I think Snape is a snivelling pile of cow-dung, Bob!
Inibrius posted a comment on Tuesday 29th November 2005 8:09am