By Bobmin
MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 4:59am
What a great opening chapter. I cant wait to see Harry start kicking ass. Staring with the Death Eaters in Iraland. I think its time for Harry to ask Hermione to marry him. They are all but married now. Make it offical so if Harry dies she gets everything no quesitons asked.
emt101 posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 4:53am
Very nice. I especially liked Harry's message to Voldemort when the barrier was breached. Hope to see more soon.
Lorel posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 4:22am
This was a very good chapter. It's suprizing in the fiction world that a few hundred have so much strength to scare millions. Of course that is how it is in the real world. I am glad that you updated. This chapter was really well written. I didn't see any mistakes or OCs for this story. I would like to know what has happened to Ron though. He usually is very close to Harry. I forget what exactly happened with him and Harry. Looking forward to the next.
Harrypassion posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 4:19am
A good start to this story.
Kitten posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 4:14am
Brilliant start to the sequel. You guys are absolutely amazing authors. Keep up the good work.
ginyginger posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 4:09am
like it? of course I like it!!! I love it!!! can't whate till next chapter !
oh, and when will harry finely ask hemiony to marry him???
Quizer posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 3:59am
Great chapter, and so sad. You really bring that situation to life. Few stories ever reach a depth like this.
I must also congratulate you on how Harry deals with his demons. I have read so many Troubled!Harry fics that I'm really sick of them by now, but yours never seemed dull or repetitive.
Continue soon! :)
Ricky posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 3:55am
Bob and Alyx; another Great story; i look forward to reading more
gs110 posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 3:42am
Amazing, keep on writing, an quickly, I think i'm addicted ;-).
Michael3 posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 3:24am
You people are a riot. No really, you are. Half the time I just read the story for the beginnings where the maimings of Ron and Snape occur. Such anger, such violence -- damn that rap music. Then of course, there are Harry's shirts.
Great beginning to a new story and to a sequel. I can't wait to read more. Good luck with the writing and keep up the good work.
knightout posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 3:24am
This isn't so much a review as a thank you. We thought it would be a much longer time before we got to see the continuation of "Sunset Over Britain". As always, looking forward to the next Chapter.
Crys posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 3:19am
‘I caged Voldemort, ask me how!’
*laugh* A nod to NQM perhaps?
Very nice job on Hermione and her insecurities and Harry and his minor explosion. The two of them were starting to appear superhuman and it was nice to see both of them stumbling a little.
The Patil family put another human face on the story. Though it was rough on him, Willie was necessary to Harry and his growing into leadership.
Dan and Emma, the "fun" spells . . . *snicker* Hermione teaching HER MOTHER contraceptive spells. *laugh*
Sooner or later either Voldemort, Lucius, or one of his hoodwinked muggle generals will think about sending explosive missle/rockets OUT of the island. Okay, even if you sent all the nukes out, Tomahawks or Harpoons are still plenty damaging, aren't they? How about an Imperio'd muggle pilot? What happens when he crosses the line?
Looking forward to the next chapter.
Dave Harris posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 3:18am
I'm sure I won't be the first to tell you, but Scotland is actually part of Britain, so when you say:
"The international Wizarding community has decided that you are far too ugly to be allowed to travel outside of Britain and Scotland [...]"
It's a bit confusing!
Britain = England + Scotland + Wales
United Kingdom = Britain + Northern Ireland
British Isles = Britain, Ireland (North and South) and all associated islands.
Otherwise, great "start" (though I guess it's not really a start since it follows straight on from Sunset), and I look forward to the next Chapter, and hopefully some more Voldie-bashing :o)
Kyle Bissett posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 3:18am
It's not surprising that people would be running low on food. 1:Britain is a net importer of food, which will be a very serious problem for Riddle when winter comes around, as the rest of the world is avoiding Britain at the moment. 2:The average refrigerator in Britain is much smaller than its American counterpart. People there don't think to buy food for a week at a time like they do here, so virtually everyone would be short on perishables to begin with. 3:Non-perishables would be the first things to vanish with looting.
The next time Lucius and Riddle talk about relative strengths of muggles and wizards, Malfoy might want to remember that the only spells to equal a nuke are the Dragon Slave and Giga Slave, which exist in the Slayers anime, not the Potterverse. If Harry fails to kill Riddle, Plan B is probably to give rough coordinates of Hogwarts to America and watch it vanish under a mushroom cloud (Unplottable means you can't aim presicely. Tha doesn't mean much if you can destroy everything within five miles of where you do aim).
james marriner posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 3:15am
A great start to what I am sure will be a roller coaster of action and emotion. Must say though, you guys are spoiling me against other authors. Not many can perform to your standards.
beauty01021 posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 3:09am
yeah great chapter can't wait for more.
Adam posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 3:03am
A great start, and well worth the small amount of waiting we have all had to endure :D
Matthew Terlich posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 2:54am
Awesome start to the sequel!
I look forward to seeing what comes next...
Why was Harry exhausted just by doing that message? I'm surprised he would be... considering I would have thought double-apparating through the hospital wards for example, would be much more exhausting...
Are there any plans to fix his leg? It's a little depressing (at least to me) that he's so easily exhausted just by walking somewhere....
But of course, you're 'da boss.
Quillian posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 2:47am
Wow, excellent start! :D Keep it up! (Sorry, but I can't find much else to say, other than that!)
Stephanie6 posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 5:01am