Content Harry Potter


Meg posted a comment on Sunday 18th March 2007 4:37am

Wow, wow, wow.

Other reviewers have summed up the awesomness of this battle already, and I've nothing better to add. I will say that once I saw the title of the chapter in my inbox, my heart rate shot up and I didn't relax until Hermione got to Harry near the end. Between the length of the chapter and doing normal "Mom stuff" for my girls, this meant that I was a nervous ball of twitchy energy for a couple hours. Now I need a nap! ;)

I read Dorothy's review, and while she's correct that waters breaking don't hurt, I read that as Susan had a contraction after she stood up and *then* her waters broke. Also, with my first labor I had those twingey, crampy contractions for 12 hours or so and then about 5 hours of "real" labor. Granted, mine was drug-free, and y'all made it WAY too easy on Susan, in my opinion, just for that. ;)

I hope this does go three more chapters. I've been following the story since just before it was moved here. Besides getting nervous seeing the chapter's title, I also nearly started crying knowing that it was going to come to an end soon. This has been one of the most gripping, entertaining, well-researched, well-plotted, and emotionally engaging stories I have ever read. I can't remember which author's "favorite" list I found you guys on, but I'm so glad I followed the link.

Thanks for sharing this with all of us. You two rock.


Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Sunday 18th March 2007 4:31am

Loved Luna's comments about Hermione's dirty thoughts and wanting to see the Grand Dame of the ancient Snorkacks. I also really liked the drama of this chapter. Tonks rescuing the pleasure women was really good. Poor Ginny! That sounded horrible but I know Neville will try his best to help her. Loved the way you had Harry kill Voldemort. Fantastic battle scenes. This was dark and gripping, the Luna-Draco-Lucius scene being particularly good. More please.

wwwendy posted a comment on Sunday 18th March 2007 3:44am

Well, I'm glad you did the battle scene all in one chapter with no evil cliffhangers...actually I'm a bit surprised about that, but pleased.

I'm also glad that we know that Luna, Draco, Neville & Ginny aren't missing, yes, they are hurt, but not missing.

Great job, I look forward to the next section.

Oh and I hope Remus proves the healers wrong.

whyshouldicare posted a comment on Sunday 18th March 2007 3:25am

THAT WAS GREAT! It left me on the edge of my seat!

Jim_xinu posted a comment on Sunday 18th March 2007 3:10am

Good chapter, and a good final battle. Many thanks for sharing it with us.

Amber Dragon posted a comment on Sunday 18th March 2007 3:10am

Just some things to ponder
While reading reviews

If everything tastes like chicken, what does chicken taste like?

Why is abbreviation so long?

Why is phonetics not6 spelled the way it sounds?

Why do Kamikaze pilots wear helmets?

If a cow laughs, does milk come out of its nose?

Why do 24-hour gas stations have locks?

Why do gas station bathrooms have locks on the doors;are they afraid someone will clean them?

Very good story. I definitely know that I'm not this good a writer.

kainboa posted a comment on Sunday 18th March 2007 2:53am

great chapter as always, really loved how they totally defeated mouldywarts, and the battle between harry and mouldywarts, brilliant!!

keep up the genius work :)

C. Harris posted a comment on Sunday 18th March 2007 1:00am


Dustin Johannes posted a comment on Sunday 18th March 2007 12:59am

Ding dong, the witch is dead, the witch is dead, the witch is dead. Ding dong the wicked witscriiiitch...
*Hey, think I can edit that witch out with wizard?*{Why not? Go ahead.}
*All right!!!*
scriiiitch...wicked wizard's dead!!!

Awesome chapter guys. I don't think I can leave a review long enough to cover everything I have running through my head right now.

I hearby congratulate the following:
-Susan, Terry, and Siomha. What a way to come into the world.
-Narcissa, Danni, and Melinda, for saving Susan.
-Draco, for killing his father using a means that many wizards just don't get. (I understand it perfectly, as I am currently sitting in Iraq on deployment with the 25th Inf.)
-You guys, for intimately describing the details of the final battle. You had my mind kicking up a storm just imagining myself there in the heat of battle.
-Fuzzy, for saving Neville's life.
-Narcissa (again) and Emily Watkins, for working together to put Draco back together.
-Harry, for saving the world.

But, as along with the good, comes the guys have left a cliffy in there, with what's going on with Ginny. I do hope she survives. And with Eocho (how do you say that, anyways?)...he said he offered himself up as a sacrifice...what happened to him? Anways, keep up the good work on the final few chapters.

Also, my dad has the same kind of problem with his health as Bob does, so I understand all of what's happening on that end. My dad has had it for over ten years, and he's gotten so good at reading the signs, he's been able to keep his levels under control without really needing to check his blood often. I can't really says get better, as he'll have it the rest of his life...but I can say keep up the good work at keeping your levels where they need to be. I'll be watching for your next chapter in the coming weeks. So, until then...

Dustin aka Dudeous1492

turnlach posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 11:11pm

Wonderful chapter. Very interested to see the aftermath as I expect that lots of Muggle troops have landed to begin fighting the DE controlled troops.

Britain is going to take a hell of a long time to recover from this.

fanofdrows posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 11:10pm

Very nice battle scene! The best - and most realistic - I've ever read! Please enjoy attached cookies drinks! ;)

Now, being Swedish, I really feel I must comment on the horrid mess you made of my native language. While anyone who knows Swedish will understand what you mean the grammar wasn't so good. Back to school for you! :D

The sentence structure was good, though.

Now that I feel more calm I can admit that Swedish is considered quite difficult to learn (from what I've heard) so to get a simple phrase right when you don't study/know (?) the language is very hard.

The correct wording should be:

"Vänd den här dimman till rök."

which translates to:

"Turn this mist to smoke.".

In this case "Turn" ('Vänd') has meaning only in the physical sence, as in: turn around, turn right.

The correct word to use would be "Förvandla" which means "Turn" in the sence of switching materials or similar.

If you write "Vända" the -a at the end makes the word take on the meaning "will turn", as in it's going to happen in the future.

And "dimma" is the base form of the word meaning of course "mist". But in this case "dimman" is the proper word as the -n makes the word mean "the mist" rather than the floating meaning of mist.

I hope my impromptu lesson didn't bore you to death because I like this fic and am eagerly anticipating the end.

Feel free to lecture my on my use of the English language.

Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 10:26pm

An outstanding chapter across the board. I was a little shocked though, I thought you were setting it up for the only Brotherhood casualty to be Susan who was safe at home. It would have been a bit of bitter irony. The whole chapter was just wow, I really can't think of much more to say, thank you.

shadowtrey posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 10:12pm

Awesome. Sheer, total awesomeness. So Voldie is dead-dead, or just dead? I mean, he pulled off the "just dead" role before, some... what, seventeen years prior? *pokes whatever remains* Hah! He's gone!

Wait... did Harry absorb the Dork Wanker's magic? That's something I'm a little fuzzy on. And if he did, does that include anything else? Like... personality, or anything?


Loved it. I'm glad that Susan and the baby came through alright- thought one question... Does her name have any meaning behind it?

Eocho was great, too. And if that was the Lady of the Lake, then... Ho-lee crap. That Come to think of it, what kind of things will come from his sacrifice later on? Hmm, good question.

Great battle scene, and awesome use of perspectives; both the little guys, and the leaders. Though since you introduced us to Amos, I hope you plan on telling how he survived. Oh, and the young soldier who saved Harry too. I wanna know how they came through this.

Again, pure awesomeness. Can't wait for more.

Joseph Berngartt posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 9:53pm

A great end to a fantastic story. Alyx and Bob, you are by far my favorite authors in the fanfic realm. I can't wait for the next chapter, and hope that at some point you'll write some other stories.

Cu posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 9:45pm

Nag M'blow? So that's how goblins make people/buildings explode? By sheer annoyance? lol

morriganscrow posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 9:38pm


*is speechless*

*is still speechless*

*contemplates offering to have Bob and Alyx's Intarwebz babies*


DrT posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 9:37pm

Wouldn't Remus have a few stories of baby Harry to share?

The battle sequence was very well-done (could have used a bit more on the animals Luna summoned, but one can't have everything). Glad one of her followers gave Lucius an appropriate send-off.

And, of course, now comes reconstruction. The hard part. I wonder if the wizengamot has learned its lesson?


dic posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 7:42pm

wow... that really was a wonderfully long chapter... i was wondering, to be honest, what had happened to these blood jihad and asian triad guys... wasn't voldie allied with them? or am i confusing that with another story now? dunno^^

in case i didn't say it the last time i reviewed, this story is the most amazing work of fanfiction i have ever come across. and it's not only the length, which is always a great factor for me, but the content. really like it. can't wait for the next chapter!!

Aberforth's Avatar posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 7:40pm

Amazing. Just amazing.

This chapter delivered beyond all expectations. The battle scenes were taut, and the death of Voldemort absolutely original. You have outdone yourselves. Thank you!

Kalen Darkmoon posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 6:33pm

Awesome chapter! Very tense and well done battle. I was chewing my fingernails through it.

You two have produced one of the finest HP fics out there and I daresay your version of events is far better than JKR could even hope to produce. Canon HP is hideously riddled with plot holes and makes little sense in how she has handled Harry's abused childhood. Canon Harry has been shown to not be any sort of hero but a puppet/pawn of adult given how Harry blindly (almost puppy-like) follows Dumbledore. Its absolutely disgusting that in HBP it is revealed that Dumbledore knew entirely about the "cruelty and neglect" the Dursleys inflicted upon Harry but yet had done nothing to stop or discourage it. In fact he ordered yet again that Harry return the next summer until he was 17. This has made me despise canon Dumbledore even more-so than Voldemort. Dumbledore is represented as and supposed to be the embodiment of good and hope but yet he condones 16 years of child abuse and thus is proven to be little better than Voldemort in how he uses people under his influence. His treating Harry as nothing but a prophesied weapon shows Dumbledore to be as much of a monster as the Dark Lord.

Since canon now makes me want to vomit in disgust I am very grateful for fellow fans who have stood up and written far better continuances of the Potter Universe. Thank you for all of your efforts in sharing your wonderful imagination.