By Bobmin
Colpinky posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 11:39am
Okay, so really good work on that. Having old voldie going out like that is cool. Anyway, if you can't tell, I enjoyed it. Keep up the good work.
scott2 posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 11:30am
one of the best last battles I've read :)
Gardengirl posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 11:19am
Yea, an update! Yea, VM is dead. Yea, Harry's not dead.
Sad face that so many were hurt or killed.
Don't know which numbers Bob needs to manage, but best wishes with that.
JIM HOOD posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 11:13am
Bob& Alex,
I have follwed allof your stories, both here and ffn . and i must say this is the absolute best story to date. thank you for entertaining a grandfather and his five grandchildren. i have enjoyed reading each and evry chapter. yes i know i haven't reviewed each and evry chapter but i hope this makes up for the indescretion. thakyou , thankyou and thankyou for all the stories.
Prospero Hibiki posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 10:55am
Loved the chapter as usual and can't wait for the wrap party!
-ET3 Mongoose
ian mcfarland posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 10:48am
very good best story so far only one more chapter to go i think.. can not wait for your next story..may a harry lune or pansy or any other girl at school..good luck
Kyle Bissett posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 10:45am
The next step: Voldemort's funeral. I think the most appropriate ceremony would be to flush his ashes down Myrtle's toilet.
Unfortunately, the most appropriate song I can think of to play at the funeral (Ha Ha You're Dead by Green Day) was published in 2002 and this story takes place in 1998.
Of course, the next big job is making sure that wizard society doesn't end up setting itself up for another civil war in a generation or two (Which is what I think is going to happen in canon Harry Potter).
Chrispy posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 10:31am
Wicked chapter, absolutely wicked!
redjacobson posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 10:31am
wow! just; wow! sorry; but words fail me. Amazing work on this story; and; after the next couple of chapters are out; i'm going to take some time and re-read the whole thing from the beginning.
minervakitty posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 10:06am
Have a plate of roast beef sandwich with glass of Harp on the table, with some very tempting desserts just waiting on the side. I do hope that you get a lot better, Bob. I'm a bit surprised that Siomha Amelia Jennifer Boot had chose the date of Voldie's defeat to be her birthday. At least her arrival won't be notice by the other Brotherhood members till later. :D When would the ritual or what ever to cleanse Hogwarts commence? How will they get rid of the corpse of Voldie and the Death Eaters? You had to main Ginny a bit. Will she grow her legs back? A bit stunned by the way Voldie was killed. I would have thought a little more blood thirsty ending would have been more entertaining. I wonder on how many couples will be canceling some contraceptive charms and how many babies will be going to Hogwarts. Will Harry and the others find out what happen to Amhar? Will Harry lead the next Avalon meeting? Wonder if they caught the leader of the underground French leader? Who would have thought that such an obvious person would be the archivist?
mathiasgranger posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 9:36am
Well, that was an interesting final battle. What I want to know is what Harry was blasted with after he killed Voldemort. That seems to me that maybe something isn't quite kosher.
Neville, Draco, Luna, and Ginny were injured but all things considered it could have been much worse. It just goes to show you that Wizards don't use logic. Voldemort's rage, arrogance, and lack of contingency plans cost him the day. But then again he did conquer Britain so in a way he succeded even if it wasn't a permanent victory.
Thanks for writing,
Aki posted a comment on Friday 16th March 2007 10:40pm
Wow, it's been a hell of a ride all the way from sunset to sunrise. The end seems to be in sight and I look forward to the next chapter!
igotbannedfroma2k posted a comment on Thursday 15th March 2007 6:00am
Any chance of telling us what that short video clip was...the one with the sheep.
I remember it, but I can't remember what movie it's from... I wanna watch it again.
Woot! Love the story! Hope you update soon!
FriskyPixie posted a comment on Tuesday 13th March 2007 1:47pm
This, by far, is one of the best stories I've ever read about Harry Potter. :dances in joy: I must apologize for not leaving a review ealier, but I will say that your disclaimer's are very funny, as are your author's notes. You both (Alyx & Bob?) have very sharp minds. Simply put, these two stories are great and I can't wait till I can read another chapter.
I also have a question. I believe that I read somewhere that Harry healed himself (maybe of a minor injury), so if Harry is so powerful, is there a reason that he can't heal his leg? I only thought of that after reading that Terry's leg will have permanent problems too. I was only wondering:)
And like Vidar , I too can be caught reading while I'm supposed to be working OR sleeping, like right now. Lol. BUT, its worth it! Reading is magic.
lelila posted a comment on Tuesday 13th March 2007 2:49am
the coming dawn, eh? oh, boy. *rubs palms together* the final battle looms closer and preperations are started. excellent on the goblins joining them in the war.
i can only imagine the amount of fun u 2 had coming up with the flaming flatulence. hee hee.
oh, and i liked that conversation that harry had with alim about god. it was quite profound and it's actually very similiar to a few conversations that i've had with my hubby about faith and religion. and ya know, hermione really should be used to harry violating the laws of magic. and of violating laws of common sense and such, luna still takes the cake on that title. i do like that girl. hee hee. just walking into the spiders pit like that with no fear was typical luna. and poor susan with another possible 2 weeks. that's a bit cruel, isn't it? and terry's a good man tho i am glad he can use the medallion as a way of escape. i don't think anyone would blame him for doing so.
bloody amazing chapter. i can always rely on u guys to put out a fantastic update. i can't wait for the next up as things continue to gear up!
waywardson9577 posted a comment on Tuesday 13th March 2007 1:45am
Once again a well written chapter, BUT how in the world can good ole "teddy" tonks cast an obscuring charm??? He's a muggle and I hope that you have some interaction between cissy and andromeda now that the sisters are back together in Haven
Fenris Ulf posted a comment on Monday 12th March 2007 1:38pm
Wow - Finally caught up. just found your stories a few weeks ago and haven't been able to stop readding. Now write more :P I have been so taken in by your stories that I felt inconvenienced everytime someone had the gall to call 911 and make me put the laptop down. Don't they know I'm busy? All bleeding/chestpain/shortness of breath/choking/any other injury/illness stop eventually just wait for it.
Can't wait for the next update it's been a long ride!
heart_bloodline posted a comment on Sunday 11th March 2007 3:37pm
First off, howdie doo! No onwards we go...ish...!
To my darling Alyx *remembers those fond phone conversations we use to share* *sighs*... you really should not be complaining about not having a normal disclaimer like you were a few chapters back. If I recall correctly,and I do, there were several "normal" disclaimers at the beginning of the series. Stop complaining love and move on with life. There are worse things then Snape in a thong and a troupe of technicolor penguins. Trust me! It could be like... oh, I don't know, Snape giving the disclaimer in a bathtub while doing some personal shaving! That is much worse!
Bob my boy, I send you an infinite amount of low carb puddings of the strawberry variety and am currently mailing you several boxes of donuts to that secret PO Box we discussed. Chin up boy!
On a more serious note, I have loved your series ever since I found it over a year ago. It has been one of the best pieces of FF I have read since I got into the fandom, just shortly after OoTP was released. Praise in the millions be washed upon both of you!
Unfortunately, this will be the last chapter I will be able to read for many many months to come, if not the next year. I head off to Navy basic training at the end of this month and from there I head off to combat and combat medicine training to become a Hospital Corpsman/Fleet Marine Force (HM/FMF)and will be detached to a Marine battalion upon which I am assured profusely that I will be deployed off to the war. Somewhere within the timespan of eight to ten months. I wish you both the best of luck and look forward to one day being able to finish reading the series. It has been a great joy of mine in all honesty.
To you and yours.
United States Navy, HM/FMF
Vidar posted a comment on Sunday 11th March 2007 10:00am
Hehe, this time I read the chapter at home, but now I'm going to loose some sleep so I'm going to bed before my girlfriend kills me for that:)
Love your chapter and can't wait for the big fight that's coming:)
I hope you plan to write a lot of stuff abouth the story after the war is over... I like it when the authors take their time to finish their story in a way that give us the feeling that we actually followed the life of the characters:) Maybe even a new sequel;)?
Jeff Hobbs posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 11:46am