Content Harry Potter


scott2 posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 9:09am

enjoyable :)

Merle Corey posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 8:56am

Another excellent chapter. Here's a scary thought: The Weasley twins as instruments of God, flaming flatulence and all...

minervakitty posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 8:43am

Out of curiosity, did anyone rescue Queen Elizabeth and Phillip's bodies? How many of the allies will Harry use in the take back operations? Hands Bob, a bakers dozen of chocolate covered doughnuts. "There's fat free, but have the same taste, just like the originals and no nasty after taste. It would be very amusing to see Lucius get into a whole lot of trouble and things getting worse for Voldie. Is Snape a ghost now? Has there been any break through in either finding a ritual or creating one that would cleanse Hogwarts for all the evil that was done during the occupation? Just how quickly will the take back go and things get almost back to normal. I do hope that someone comes up with either a new department or system that would make sure that a repeat of Voldie or Dumbledore will happen. Just how many kids are you planning on having every have?

Jed posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 8:33am

Actually, I do know of a low cal, low everything except taste chocolate chip cookie. (And please allow me to extend my sympathies for your hospital stay! Are you alright?) And actually, I don't know much about what constitutes low carbs, so you'll have to be the judge of that.

Trader Joe's Chocolate Cat Cookies (For People). That's what they're called, including the for people part. They are chocolate animal crackers that are really good, and not unhealthy! And the best part is that 15 of these crackers = one serving. It feels like I'm overeating when I have a serving. But I'm not! :D

Here's the nutritional info.... Calories: 110. Total fat: 1.5g. Sodium: 70mg. Total Carbohydrate: 24g. Dietary Fiber: 1g. Protein: 2g.

bratling posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 7:45am

About Amhar... May I kill him? Please? I specialize in doing in characters that I hate... am infamous for it in some circles...

freakyfinger posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 7:21am

As may as this may offend people, I just want to point out that, concerning the relgious views in the beginning of the chapter, true Hinduism says exactly that. No matter who it is, and who we call it, there is just one entity known as 'God'.

On another note, I loved the mobilizing!

Alex Tremaine posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 7:03am

Be still My Heart! This may actually end....


That's a bad thing. Then what will I read?


That's a good thing. I want to see how it turns out.

Never mind the fact that I think this is one of the best fanfics I've read in the last four years, or that I am highly peturbed at the lack of another sequel, I'm just going to go sit in a corner and goes quietly insane trying to figure out if this story ending is a good or bad thing.

(They're coming to take me, haha hehe hoho.)

mike6 posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 7:03am

there is something wrong with the 2 of you...

Tracey posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 4:56am

"You may not believe in him, but I think he believes in you,"

Seen the Count of Monte Cristo lately, then? :D Paraphrased, but almost word-for-word from Abe Friara tells Edmund Dantes. And, again, later what Jakapo tells Edmond.

Good chapter. Shame to see it's coming to an end though. Will you be giving an epilogue, showing a decade or two down the line for hwo the "new" wizard world exists? ((As nice as these war-fics are, we all know Harry will win, as the traditional hero!))

rippergirl posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 4:45am

Just finished and am glad to see that I am the first or one of the first to review. Glad to see that the poltergiests are still going strong. Love the Flaming Flatulence potion. ""Is there three?" "I have three!"." What a way to go.And the goblins are going to help in the war.That should help a lot. Also loved the name of the camp for the soldiers. Camp Outhouse. Can just imagine all these small buildings with the half moon all together in a field. It's a good thing that it isn't the olden days when everyone used one or there would be some awfully confused people. Good to see that Arthur and Melinda are getting married. Can't wait til the next chapter. I imagine that there aren't that much more if the are getting so close to the big attack on moldyshorts. Write fast and if you do I will send you some of those low carb low everything chocolate cookies. A whole bushel full. Oh and if you don't I might just have to resort to using the voodoo dolls again.

bratling posted a comment on Thursday 1st March 2007 2:27pm

Darn! *g* I decided that the Weasley Twins should invent portable holes of various sizes before I read this. You know... oubliette size, pocketbook size... (It'd be a nice change from a bottomless bag) Then there's the handy escape kind for Aurors who've been captured... simply throw it against a wall and walk through the hole...

Christina C. Keimig posted a comment on Thursday 1st March 2007 1:25pm

Fantastic chapter, guys!
Sadly, I'm finally all caught up and will now have to WAIT for updates. Oh, well. Such is life.
And your chapters are always worth the wait.

Christina C. Keimig posted a comment on Wednesday 28th February 2007 12:24pm

I like Amhar's end, personally. He's not worth Harry's time. Good show, there.
Congratulations on another excellent chapter!

Christina C. Keimig posted a comment on Tuesday 27th February 2007 12:13pm

I'm SOOOO glad you didn't kill off Peeves. And I very much look forward to reading about what he and his new friends get up to at Hogwarts...This is just so much fun!!!

Christina C. Keimig posted a comment on Tuesday 27th February 2007 11:28am

And a blooper in this very chapter:
"Arthur heard the sound of furniture scrapping along the floor, then he felt two sets of arms steadying him."
I wonder that he didn't freak when the two sets of arms steadied him, perhaps thinking they were arms of violent furniture? (scraping has a long a, scrapping is a short a, and thus means 'fighting')
Otherwise, awesome chapter. And yes, you're mean for attacking Minerva like that, but as I'm behind on my reading, it's no biggie. ;-)

Mel Evans posted a comment on Tuesday 27th February 2007 7:14am

I loved the chapter, can't wait to read the next one.

Darkwind posted a comment on Tuesday 27th February 2007 5:58am

hi i started reading sunset a few days ago and just couldnt stop, amazing job,kudos and all, please update as soon as you can

Christina C. Keimig posted a comment on Monday 26th February 2007 1:07pm

Luna rocks indeed! Good Heavens you had me cracking up! What a blast!

Mystkyten posted a comment on Monday 26th February 2007 12:56am

WOW WOW WOW WOW...This is an amazing story!! I have been reading both this one and Sunset for the last few days straight!! We moved in the middle of me reading Sunrise, and I was driving everyone nuts, trying to get the computer set up and back on the net, so I could get back to reading. I can not wait to read the next update. I am torn. I want it to be long, but I want to see how it ends as well. Thank you for writing duch a wonderful tale.

o.T posted a comment on Saturday 24th February 2007 8:25pm

The next opponent of Harry's will be... (pulls paper out of top-hat).. A Weasley-haired Ahmar with insane cheek twitches of Dumbledore! And this one has an extra phallus. See what happens when people open up dimensional rifts, crazy demons from fan fic hell come up and cause plot bunnies to randomly explode!

And on that note, I've forgotten the other question. And the first one. Goodbye!