By Bobmin
Lurk posted a comment on Saturday 27th January 2007 2:36am
Oh ho! My reviews are appreciated! ::does a happy dance::
Alrighty! Lucky for you, I'm not tired at all right now.
First thing: I have to say, I think this is my favorite chapter for how you've done the ORDER of things. You've alternated between three places, almost in an ABCABC order (or completely in the order, I'm not gonna go back and double check).
Second: Poor Hermione. She's REALLY upset about the multiple wives thing. She's pretty certain that Harry won't have another, and I know that she's all gung-ho about other's rights (READ House Elves), but could there be something more behind it? A fear that Harry WILL find a second wife?
Third: Tobby. I believe that's the strongest statement you've made in this entire story about how close Harry is with the House Elves. It was a touching scene, without falling into anything even vaugely mushy. Nice job.
Fourth: Gah! That comes close to being a cliffhanger! I'm not going to call it an actual one, because it appears that you've finished the fight, but what happens next?!
Fifth: Well that was a stupid question, no? I'll find out next chapter.
And so I end with my trademark
Keep it up!
chris13 posted a comment on Saturday 27th January 2007 2:24am
"Chris1: two words Chris.... SPELL CHECKER." in responce Bob & Alyx, 1 word DISLEXIA!
vl100butch posted a comment on Saturday 27th January 2007 2:20am
Question that came to me while driving, aren't the Scout Elves part of the 24th SAS or are they the elvish equivalent of the Alaska Scouts of the Alaska National Guard?
For those who don't know, the Alaska National Guard has a couple of infantry battalions made up of Native Americans whose mission was to patrol the far north. They are the only unit in the US Army authorized to wear mukluks.
Crys posted a comment on Saturday 27th January 2007 1:52am
*chuckle* I like that shirt Harry's wearing.
Oh, sneaky artifacts. Though I like what they did with the one. *evil grin* The other thought is to leave one functioning, return it somewhere out of the way (or turned invisible).
Ouch. Heck of a thing to do to the poor necromancer. And an innocent (or as innocent as they get, anyway) one at that.
Urgh. Okay, new thread. What's Merlin's staff up to?
I like the internal thoughts from the ghosts' PoV. Your version of the Baron is becoming more and more interesting.
Good first step in the trial. Though if Harry and Amelia both know that the current French government isn't really in charge, then why continue forward? This trial may end up punishing the wrong people, and they know it.
> bought from Jeconais Jokes in Toronto
> Village People Powder and Spice Girl Sauce
> had inadvertently started a new religious movement
It's a wonder Amy still works there with everything they've done to the poor girl.
Nice touch to give Tobby a military burial. And I'm glad you didn't have Harry do some sort of "miraculous revival" thing.
> Ginny smiled brightly and resisted the urge to skip from the witness box.
*snicker* Show off.
Hmm. Minor cliffie. You already said everyone living was missing from the room when it collapsed.
Looking forward to the next chapter.
a_wanderer posted a comment on Saturday 27th January 2007 1:14am
Actually Moody would have understood Patton. I wonder if they ever met?
Haeton posted a comment on Saturday 27th January 2007 12:58am
You my friend are a sadist in the truest sense of the word. Such horrible cliff hangers make me wonder if you are secretly working as a screen writer for series television.
The action, is superb, the death and dismemberment are inspired but man (and Alyx) the cliff hangers are just cruel.
Colpinky posted a comment on Saturday 27th January 2007 12:33am
Bah!! You had to end the chapter like that. Now I have to wait to see what happened. And yes I'm whining. Keep up the good work.
Ishtar posted a comment on Saturday 27th January 2007 12:06am
You microwaved Toto AND fed Sean Connery to mutant sea bass? All right, that's it! I'm sending the Flying Monkeys after you. Don't bother to hide, they'll find you.
Eliew posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 11:58pm
Arrgh.... you guys left the battle at it's climax!! I want to know what is it that Luna had done. Since it seem to involve the entire Able company of the Brigade, must be something only Luna can come up with.
I like what Peeves and his siblings are doing though, creating havoc and being a right pest to Voldy. A shame they didn't do something more drastic to make sure that those who have fell into the pit have no way of return to Voldy's service.
Anyway, I do hope that the shadow government's end is coming, and that the British Ministry will get a new ally soon. Hmmm... if that is the case, who will be the next main opponent to Harry and his crew, the Irish mafia perhaps? Or did you guys have something else planned. Whatever it is, I will be looking forward to reading the next chapter to see the aftermath of the attack.
loralee posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 11:36pm
Great chpt, i hope Amy manages to kick off her shoes so she can launch a suprise attack before the twins realize she's back. lol
DrT posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 11:36pm
All right, the return of the t-shirts. I've missed them.
Interesting final scene. Decent cliff hanger.
dic posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 11:12pm
really nice chap.. i particularly like the scenes in the council of avalon. they show that it has not always to be war and action and death to be exciting.
well then.. keep writing.. i want the next chap!!
greetz dic
ps fuzz rulez! ^^
ponderous stibbons posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 11:09pm
I presume they got away ... now the question is whether people (gossip etc) will blame the French or the Brits for the disaster...
Love the whirring sound.
Is the Bloody Baron Salazar?
Peter Clark posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 10:38pm
I've just read my review, and, wilst I stick with the just plain mean comment, it was meant in jest.
However, I'm still for Bob and Alyx to star in the next disclaimer. Something involving blenders?
Peter Clark posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 10:35pm
Leaving that as cliff hanger is just plain mean. I vote for Alyx and Bob to be the stars of the next disclaimer!
ponderous stibbons posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 9:41pm
Given the emergency items Ginny had packed for her, I'm surprised one of the three men wasn't decapitated by Hogwarts: a History ;)
Dominick posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 9:30pm
Oh my! I can't wait to read more!
misumo posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 9:14pm
When the French Minister asked Harry about being a wanted felon - HP should have said that he had committed no crime on French soil or against French Nationals on any foreign soil. So France declaring him a wanted criminal was without jurisdiction and hence illegel.
Donald McLeod posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 9:01pm
Oh man! What a great cliffy. Your right about Patton. He only died after he sent thos other poor bastard to death for thier country Harraw!!
Badger-dude posted a comment on Saturday 27th January 2007 3:41am