Content Harry Potter


Fishburne posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 2:45pm



vl100butch posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 2:18pm

The evil cliffie strikes again.....I just have a feeling that Harry has just begun to fart in the general direction of the French :-)

rippergirl posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 1:35pm

I hate you guys right now. Ending the chapter right when it was getting good. You guys do enjoy the cliffhangers don't you. Sorry. I apologize, I was really getting into the story and started the review with exactly what I was thinking. Anywho. Glad to see some of the French getting what they deserved. Guess this will serve them right for thinking they could take on Harry and the Brotherhood. T-shirts were filarious as always.(and yes I did mean to write filarious). Glad to see that the necromancer didn't get rid of anybody important from Hogwart's.(sad to see him go considering the back story we got. I mean he was only doing his job.) Anyways I have to go make some voodoo dolls of Bob and Alyx and force them to finish and post the next chapter A.S.A.P.!(and no I am not telling you were I got my secret ingredients for them).

Alex00 posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 1:32pm

Nicely done.

Princess Fictoria posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 1:00pm

Great chapter. Loved the inner workings of international magical governments. I look forward to the destruction of the French magical government since they were the ones who disrupted the proceedings. I also find it rather amusing to see the destruction that the undead or nondead are causing for old Voldie shorts.

I also wanted to take a moment and let you know that your effort on this story is greatly appreciated. You are the most talented, dedicated, and exciting fanfic writers out there... and you update regularly... yay you!

Please accept this virtual representation of my thanks:

Dr.Shadow posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 12:33pm

Wow awesome story so far, and it was a really fast update!

seishi posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 11:44am

As that supposed to be a cliffhanger? What a bloody and gory way to end a chapter :D. this is the funniest chapter i have ever read (not easy at work when your boss thinks you are supposed to be working :D:D:D) Keep up the good work

Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 11:38am

What and utterly evil place to leave the chapter. Brilliant job, thank you.

mathiasgranger posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 11:03am

Hmm, what an evil way to end the chapter. A cliffhanger of sorts, no?

I liked Umtumba, will he be a recurring character?

Well, I think we could all see what the French were going to try but it was still entertaining to read just the same.

Thanks for writing,

Scwarrior posted a comment on Wednesday 24th January 2007 10:29am

You killed Moody... *pouts* oh and where is Molly? Anyways wonderful chapter... How did Moody die? I mean, you figure he would of had a portkey straight to the hospital... Even with both his legs blow off?

Bobmin356 replied:

I hate to rain on your parade, but even with magic, loss of both legs would have you bleeding out in under a minute. Not even the best trauma center in the world could save you from that.

He didn't have a portkey to the hospital, his portkey took him to another destination.

Molly Weasley is dead. She has been dead since the end of Sunset.

Dragon posted a comment on Saturday 20th January 2007 5:29am

Well, its been a while since I've last reviewed, shame on me. Well, I haven't kept up since about chapter 10, until a few days ago, then I read up to current, what can I say? Work and long chapters don't mix well... That and since I keep up with so many fics, it's hard to keep up with all of them. Keep up the good work!

Have you thought of including some omakes? Sure it's stealing an idea from Rorschach's Blot, but I don't think he'll mind, you can ask him if you feel compelled. It's a great way of giving the readers what they want, without having to change your original plot.

Just a quick thought, Hermione always read ahead in the school texts, which I would assume she would also do with Care of Magical Creatures, so even if she didn't participate in Seventh Year, why wouldn't she know of a Crumple-horned Snorkack? With her personality, wouldn't she do a little research before saying with absolute certainty that they don't exist? Even with denying it at first from Luna's personality, certainly she would later go and research it? Just wondering...


Bobmin356 replied:

No we will not be including Omakes in our stories. Frankly I (Bob) think it's a dumb idea and it's annoying as hell to put omakes into chapters.

Going into what would have been her seventh year, Hermione had far more important things to read than a Care of Magical Creatures textbook. Even canon Hermione denied the existence of Snorkacks. Why don't you ask JKR why her Hermione didn't research Snorkacks?

Darksong posted a comment on Thursday 18th January 2007 11:58am

Im currently on chap. 4 of and was just curious but why doesn't harry just drop a nuke on voldemort ? do you think they he actually needs to hit him with a spell or...? I just think that if harry droppped a nuke from a safe distance, no fight...but that wouldn't be very exciting eh? Thanks

Bobmin356 replied:

Ok, here's some of the reasons why he's not going to drop a nuke on anyone.

1) He doesn't have any nukes.
2) Someday, they might like to have Hogwarts back. Can't do that if you vaporize it.
3) That would end the story at chapter four, leaving you with nothing to read. How boring.
4) If we drop a nuke, then the story ends. And we have nothing to do with our time except bug you!
5) Harry is smart enough to know that nukes are not good things.
6) He also knows if he uses a nuke, he will annoy Hermione and get no more nookie for the rest of the story.
7) He can't exactly run down to walmart and find a nuke in their weapons of mass destruction aisle.
8) Dropping a nuke on Hogwarts would result in a massive EMP, blowing out your computer and you'd never be able to leave a review. Then where would we be?
9) Believe it or not, the story is already plotted out, and it doesn't involve any more nukes.

10) We didn't want to.


Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Wednesday 17th January 2007 2:40am

I wasn’t as good as Hermione — I did laugh at Harry’s tail. Nice idea. I also liked the prophecy, suitably ominous without actually being completely damning. You killed Alastor and I’m shocked by it though the gods know I should have accepted that a lot of people die in this fic before now. Luna remains a superb character, beautifully realised and so very funny. Good chapter. I liked the return of the Sheikh. More please.

Dale Dietzman posted a comment on Tuesday 16th January 2007 2:05am

"She laughed softly and watch him. "

Been infected by Fan Fiction (dot) net much?

You try and torture ME we-l-l-l-l- you'll see what kind of reviews you get, Buster Brown.

I pick every nit you let slip through. That's what I'LL DO FOR YOU LATELY!!

MonkeyAxman1302 posted a comment on Tuesday 16th January 2007 12:19am

I really liked this chapter! It was sad when Moody died and I found your little memorial service quite moving, its really good that your writing can evoke such emotion in its readers. Thank you for writing!

I liked the conversations within the Brotherhood following the service. Harry and Hermione's was good but I really liked Luna reassuring Draco about life after death. A personal question I know, but the way you wrote that got me curious as to whether either of you believe in the next great adventure?

I also liked the fact that your holding the Council at Beauxbatons. Its nice to see a story with Madame Maxime in it.

Kind of excited by the arrival of another prophecy. You word them quite cleverly. I doubt the "Blood fights Blood" line will be so easily explained as; Harry (half-blood) v. Riddle (half-blood).

Keep writing this please, I didn't read the last chapter until it had been out a couple of week so it doesn't feel like I've been waiting that long which was good!


Donald McLeod posted a comment on Sunday 14th January 2007 1:01am

Tisk tisk there's a Dale every where trying to crush the muse of fantasy. Sorry to read the passing of Moody but I love those five words of his to live by and you visual image of bagpipe and casket ending. On the lighter end 'Harry the disgrutled honorary poltergeist'. Well you both keep the story going at high speed of entertainment. Thank you.

Merle Corey posted a comment on Saturday 13th January 2007 11:38pm

Another great chapter. I liked how the normally business-like Amelia was initiallyl disillusioned to the sanctity of the Council meeting. All of your characters are quite different and equally real. The death of Moody was a little unexpectetd, and makes a reader nervous about the continued vitality of all the major characters... Keep up the amazing work!

Dustin Johannes posted a comment on Saturday 13th January 2007 6:53pm

Oh, one last thing, from someone still in the military:

*taps playing in background* I wish to give a salute to Moody for putting up a good fight, and wish him well in the next great adventure.

Dustin Johannes posted a comment on Saturday 13th January 2007 6:31pm

I think I'm starting to get an addiction...I stayed up until 4am reading this latest chapter, unable to stop. And I find myself needing more. You guys think many are blood-thirsty? I'm not (I think); though some more action scenes (not just fighting) would be nice. I must ask--when will Arthur propose to Melinda? I can see something will come out of their relationship, I'm just waiting for something to happen there. Well, here's to the new year, and to the next chapter.

P.S. Feel free to use me in those disclaimers you write. I always get a kick out of those.

mekareami posted a comment on Saturday 13th January 2007 3:18pm

Thank you very much for the update. This story is so unique that it only requires a one chapter skim after more than a month :) I look forward to the next update as soon as your muses allow.