By Bobmin
Reviews posted a comment on Friday 12th January 2007 3:04am
OUTSTANDING CHAPTER!!!! I can't wait to see what happens in the next chapter. Ah come on you can too have blood and guts in every chapter. They could be the entrails of some idiot Death Eater spilled out on the ground, works for me. It should be interesting to see how the Necromancer fairs when he crosses the anti-evil/anti-dark ward around England. I hope when he does his head pops like a rotten grape! DO keep up the outstanding work and update soon please:):):):)
shlager_5321 posted a comment on Friday 12th January 2007 2:10am
again as usuall with your work.
an absolutly great chapter! :-)
but why?!, oh why did you have to kill Moody???
another thing that i think that you should bring back is the updateless list...
i think it had a really good potential and i dont know why it was stopped...
keep up the good work and update soon
R. Daniels posted a comment on Friday 12th January 2007 1:48am
Very nice chapter. The 'student issues' are all being handled very well as far as balancing emotional impact on the charactors and stategic impact on the war is concerned. I'm really havng fun with the Idea of the Avalon council, and like how you've set it up so that even disenfrancising the French still wont take out all of the leadership... though beheading the head archivist is a step in the right direction.
Jim_xinu posted a comment on Friday 12th January 2007 1:14am
Good chapter, thanks for sharing it with us.
Melferd posted a comment on Friday 12th January 2007 12:55am
Wonderful!! New chapter!! ***Twirls you***** Woohoo!!
Translated from fangirl squee, the above means thank you for another long, rich, and nuanced chapter. I love this story down to it's complicated little cul de sacs. I cannot wait to see the council, and what they do...I'm certain the French are fixin to (sorry, lived in Texas too long) screw up and find out what happens when you piss off that many world class wizards and witches in one place. I think Amelia's faith in the might Avalon isn't misplaced, but the council MIGHT need a modern heads up..
Tia! Mel
john2 posted a comment on Friday 12th January 2007 12:46am
As always, lovely chapter.
Nits, as always - a few missing words and apostrophes showing up where they shouldn't.
Do you want me to flag those for you?
A guilty pleasure from watching the French get set up? But of course.
mjc posted a comment on Friday 12th January 2007 12:44am sometime around the middle of April, Harry and Moldywarts are going to duke it out. About two months away...hmmm.
Amelia can't really have been that dense, can she?
She should have left those rose colored specs back in Haven.
And the French aren't going to be THAT stupid...wait, they've already been that stupid, I guess we are going to get to see some new IQ lows here. A few less inbred PB idiots in the world can only be a good thing...and the fact that their Oaths of office are what did them in, so much better.
uthamm posted a comment on Friday 12th January 2007 12:39am
Great Chapter! I appreciate the detail and effort that you put into the story. The scene honoring Moody was fantastic.
Can't wait to see what happens at the Council! I am thinking that this will finally draw the lines that bring in all the light and dark side players. The 'shadow' government has no idea what they have gotten themselves into <grinning like Ameila> . . . Thanks!
PS - I know that Harry couldn't think of what to do with a trained Nudu and it's handlers, but can't YOU think of something to do with it? Disclaimer? Sic it on the Flamers? Gotta love the Nudu. OH! Bunny: Nudu & Fuzz? Now THAT would be a pair!
Crys posted a comment on Friday 12th January 2007 12:38am
Re: Dale. Subtle, Bob. Subtle.
> "Cockroach. No. The roach? I don't know. I was roach-something,"
*snicker* Anti-French to laugh at their names like this, but . . .
> "Remind me to pick four elves to give to your parents, Hermione, but only after I make them watch Monty Python's Flying Circus for a couple weeks,"
*cough* *snicker*
> There were limits to even what a ghost would watch.
> You couldn't save her life, but you saved her soul.
Nicely played scene.
> "'I hold back the dark.'"
Another well-done scene. Important character (to us and them) falls, and we HAVE to acknowledge it. That ceremony "felt" right. And that line sums up Alastor so well, doesn't it?
As a complete aside, Alastor may NOT be dead. Losing his remaining leg would cut his mobility to nearly zero. Or at least his combat mobility to near zero. And that would reduce his (self-perceived) utility to the same. So he quietly lets the world at large think he died while he retires to somewhere. This way he can let his image be perceived as a martyr (he's honest enough to recognize this without being happy about it) and NOT be pitied due to the loss of his remaining leg. That's not how everyone (well, at least the Brotherhood) would look at it, but how HE would. Assuming he survived that.
> Then she reached out and patted Draco on the back with her paw.
*chuckle* Amusing mental image, that.
> I always feel relaxed after an orgasm.
Luna does have such a direct way of looking at the world.
Lots of good development in the story. Looking forward to the next chapter.
Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Friday 12th January 2007 12:11am
New prophecy, huh? This one I have absolutely no idea about (except blood fighting blood, Voldie with Harry's blood fighting Harry).
Nice scenes with Luna.
Good bye Moody. We hardly knew ya.
The lead up to the conference is building tension. That wasn't your intention as authors, was it :-)
Are some of Peeves' brothers (good names, btw) going to be killed by the necromancer?
Still very enjoyable.
Thanks for writing.
Tom A.
Jenni posted a comment on Thursday 11th January 2007 11:46pm
Cookies and love to you both... Excellant chapter with lots of excitement and plot movement.
Moody's funeral was exceptionally touching and just right for such a man as he.
Thanks for the escape from reality.
Gardengirl posted a comment on Thursday 11th January 2007 10:57pm
Yea, love updates! I find it interesting that Amelia has lost her Head of DMLE instincts now that she's Minister. Good thing Moody taught Harry et al to be good and paranoid. I'm sad you killed him off, but all good things must come to an end.
morriganscrow posted a comment on Thursday 11th January 2007 10:20pm
A great chapter and its real fun to see all the threads coming together.
I've just finished re-reading "Sunset" and the previous 25 chapters of "Sunrise", and I enjoyed them as much the second time as the first.
Keep up the great work.
Ken Warner posted a comment on Thursday 11th January 2007 10:10pm
a thoroughly enjoyable chapter, genuine pathos at the moving on the captured girl, great discussions with Luna/Draco and Arthur and his fiance.
As a former resident of France, I am excited to see how you take out the self-appointed elite without damaging too much of the countryside ane keep the 4% or so who are decent people alive.
thanks for so regular with these wonderful long chapters - each one is a treat.
warm regards
DrT posted a comment on Thursday 11th January 2007 9:47pm
Oh, my . . . the very powerful son of a Marauder and now honorary poltergeist? The twins should worship him.
A good send-off for Moody.
Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Thursday 11th January 2007 9:45pm
Nice chapter. It was interesting to see Minerva's reaction to the leak problems in her school. She gets that its a war, but she doesn't want her students hurt. I think you got her character just right here. The bit with Amelia over the Council of Avalon was amusing. She's so swept up in the pagentry of it, that she'd failed to recognize the harsh reality of the situation. Operation head shot would've been safer. At least this way, they might learn of the group pulling the strings from the Bastille. Great chapter, thank you.
Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Thursday 11th January 2007 9:27pm
Wow, a great chapter, one with lots of intrigue, humor and action. Felt bad that Moody didn't survive, and poor Minerva seems about at the end of her rope. Loved that Harry was made an honorary poltergiest, and that he and Hermione, while have bumps, are still very much in love with each other. Can't wait to see how things go at the council, and whether the French plot will go through, or if Harry and the gang will be able to pull a win out without any casualties.
Eliew posted a comment on Thursday 11th January 2007 7:57pm
Ahh... sorry to read that Moody had his last battle. Was thinking that he would soon be moving around with two club feet, based on the injuries he suffered, rather then not making it back to medical help in time. A shame, he will be missed.
Hmm.. wonder if the shadow council will meets it end soon, or will you two allow them to live a little longer. I must say your plots flows very well, like how there is always some main enemy against Harry and gang. Amhar, then the shadow council, etc.
Ian Morgan posted a comment on Thursday 11th January 2007 7:56pm
great chapter
I See you have it comming to a close
Please update soon
agent fisher posted a comment on Friday 12th January 2007 5:19am