Content Harry Potter


Vidar posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd January 2007 11:16am

I love your story guys, absolutly brilliant:) Keep up the exellent work and grace us with a update soon:)

I kind of like this whole war thing, it's well written and interesting the whole way through... The only thing I realy can't seem to understand is the way you paint hermione and ginny, they have a temper and a ego I haven't seen for a looooong time, if ever, in a character that is a good guy that the reader is suppose to like.... Strange.... I also think that you were on the edge with the pranking from the twins, I know it's fun to play with them, and they do make the story for fun. But you nearly let them get out of hand:) Though the last chapters have reversev that a little:)

I feel that it may be important to tell you that I'm sorry for my poor english, I haven't had english in school for nearly 5 years, and when you live in Norway it's not so easy to keep your second languages in shape....:/

Well, once again, thank you very much for writting such a fantastic story, it's truly brilliant:)

Best regards
Vidar (my name, hehe)

ps. please, a comback from a nice Ron would make this story the best ever;)

Alorkin posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd January 2007 9:29am

Yet again, a well written chapteer. I salute you.
I thoough thte diplomaic mission was a bad idea, but I've never understood the convolutd logic of the dark side...erm, I mean, diplomacy. I believe Kahn Noonien Singh, stated it best. "Diplomacy is warfare, concealed."
Ginny handled herself well in combat, as to be expected from a member of the brotherhood, especially given her temperment.
I hate the waiting. Having been a soldier for a substantial portion of my life, I know full well, that it's the waiting that drives soldiers mad. Although it sounds cruel, let us hope the security team is in fact, dead, and not being reprogrammed into weapons against Haven.(See Dudley Dursley.)
Amhar's death was an ignoble one, entirely suiting the man. Yes, it's a shame Harry didn't get to slice and dice him with his trusty lightsaber...erm, I mean reducto his in-bred arse through a stone wall, but as Richard Longshanks said: "Just as good."
As always, I eagerly await the next chapter of 'Sunrise'. Alorkin

Vidar posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd January 2007 9:21am

you can't kill minerva? that's not fair!!!

fyrecat posted a comment on Monday 1st January 2007 4:21pm

Hi, First, I want too say that I am greatly enjoying your works. Second, I'd like to make a general editorial comment on somethoing which I have seen consistently through the SC and Sunset/rise story arcs; "to" indicates direction 'go to' 'speak to' etc. "too" means either 1)indicates quantity as in "too much" "too little" "too hard" etc. OR 2)it can have the derivitave meaning of "also", "as well" as in "me too"
- remember too has too many 'o's
I have observed that you consistently use "to" in place of "too."

- Your friendly neighborhood grammar geek,


Vidar posted a comment on Monday 1st January 2007 1:22pm

well, that curse that you mentioned abouth the arch must have some use, so i'm guesing this isn't the last we see of that old fool....

Tanaxanth posted a comment on Sunday 31st December 2006 3:59pm

Love the story, and nice LotR reference there by having Dumbledore take the name Radagast. Especially since he was in brown robes :)

Probably not the first to mention, but love the story and am very sorry I did not start reading this sooner.

yournombrehere posted a comment on Saturday 30th December 2006 2:16pm

I don't think Remus was right in completely blaming Hermione. It was extremely unlikely that Harry would've gone, but what was she supposed to think when he blocked the link completely. She had no idea what he was doing, where he was at. She was afraid. Frankly, Miles is more to blame than her. He's supposed to be a leader, a tactician...and his orders are ultimately what caused the disaster. And furthermore, Caleb knew Miles was making a mistake....he could've refused....called for a brotherhood member to counteract any irresponsible orders Miles gave.

Mell posted a comment on Friday 29th December 2006 1:57pm

You guys never cease to amaze me.

And who said the pace was slow?! Because it's absolutely perfect! There ARE so many plot lines (that's part of what makes this story as completely wonderful as it is) and you both have done a incredible job of managing them all.

I can't wait to see how Neville is (even though you've told us that he's okay) because the G/N in this story is so adorable. (Along with all the other ships, of course. They're all brilliantly written.)

I'm glad that Amhar is dead. He deserved it. ;)

And I'm definitely looking forward to the new Quidditch team.

Great job! I adore this story, and definitely don't want to wait to see where you take this when you update it next.

Vidar posted a comment on Friday 29th December 2006 12:01pm

Nice story so far, I downloaded the story when this chapter was the last written one, intending on reading it when i was going to travel a long way by train, but i forgot all abouth it back then. I found it on my computer a couple of weeks ago and have been reading it since... I have to say it's one of the better ones out there and you guys have done a incredible job:)

Best hollydays wishes from Norway

Jeni Tomlinson posted a comment on Friday 29th December 2006 3:56am

lovely as both are exciting and accomplished in your writing and i am enjoying it so much!

Dale Dietzman posted a comment on Tuesday 26th December 2006 12:40pm

Hi Folks,

usually I'm not to picky about anachronisms, since you do such a good job in most respects. I did gripe that at the time this story is supposed to have happen the Blackwatch wasn't just a Battalion in the 3rd Scots...the reorg of th Brit Army hadn't happened yet!

But this one is MUCH worse. Unless you claim the Bastille is hiddn under a gianormous "Notice Me Not Charm", then your use of it is a very bad boo-boo since it was destroyed not long after the French Revolution.

Place de la Bastille
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Arrondissement IVe, XIe, XIIe
Quarter Arsenal . Roquette . Quinze-Vingts .
Length 215 m
Width 150 m (average)
Creation 27th June 1792

"The Place de la Bastille (48 °51′12″N, 2 °22′9″E) is a square in Paris, where the Bastille prison stood until it was stormed and subsequently torn down between July 14, 1789 and July 14, 1790 during the French Revolution; no vestige of it remains."

As the square is used for concerts and other large gatherings, claiming the prison still stand in the middle of it, under some invisibility charm, is a REAL streach.

Perhaps you should clarify that the meetings of the shadow French Government are under the FORMER SITE of the Bastille, in basements and cellars which survived the leveling of the above ground portion?

Sorry to be a pain about this but the historical error is just TOO noticable for anyone who know anything about Paris.

ridmania posted a comment on Monday 25th December 2006 1:09pm

awesome!!! love it cant wait to see what happens to france!!!! man this story bloody rules!!!

nurray posted a comment on Sunday 24th December 2006 2:40pm

Thankyou for the Christmas present.

I thought you would have Ambar try to duel with Neville when he got to France, and the DST arrange it so it looks like two British subjects having a personal quarrel.

Still an excellent chapter.

The Avalonian Council sounds like a stage for some interesting politicing to go on. I can see the Magical French people being claimed by surrounding magical governments once the Magical French Govt is disenfranchised by the council. Of course its temporary due to the war with Voldemort.

Income taxes were a temporary measure to pay for a war in the 19th century in Britain. Temporary can be quite permanent at times.

I bet the assemble it yourself disclaimer kit didn't come with batteries included.

Luke posted a comment on Saturday 23rd December 2006 11:47pm

Nice chapter as always. Can't wait to read the next chapter.

May I be so bold and request for Harry, that he takes out the complete Shadow Council by himself?
Something like Askaban or the like? *grins*

greenansatsu posted a comment on Saturday 23rd December 2006 7:28pm

Haha its nice to see the French get their due even if it is in a fictional story written by a madman and his wife.

Are we going to find out how someone got the better of Neville or are we just left to make up random guesses involving revolvers Sake and a pig? ^.-

Srikanth posted a comment on Saturday 23rd December 2006 2:49am

BOB don't let Alyx brow beat you into abandoning all things shiny and with a lot of buttons!!!! "WE Who have affinity for all things Nuclear and with buttons bow to none" HA!!!

Seriously!! great chappie. So now things are stirring into action. Can't wait to see the French to have their A**es handed to them in a plater in the Avalonian Council.

One gripe is giny's temper.. She sounds too much like Molly for my taste. may be we could see some behaviour modification? Like the scene in Spiritus Crystalus where she suspects Harry for assigning her a guard and realizes her mistake a wee bit late( i always thought harry was very forgiving there)... i was hoping to see something like it.

You fixed upp hermione alright. But ginny? i am still waiting.

crawfsh posted a comment on Friday 22nd December 2006 4:38pm

Happy Holidays! Thanks for another great chapter!

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Friday 22nd December 2006 4:07pm

Very good chapter and nice action. Really enjoying this story.


TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Friday 22nd December 2006 2:02pm



Donald McLeod posted a comment on Friday 22nd December 2006 11:51am

OK.!!Down with Vishies or whatever Naze French Gov. thats down under the Bastille. Maybe go back on July 4 and doit agen.
"Your story is not going to slowly." Its excellent.