Content Harry Potter


Erik Wiggins posted a comment on Friday 22nd December 2006 8:26am

Awesome Chapter! Screw the French I hope you really give it to them hard. Even though this is fiction your portrayal of the French government seems deadly accurate. I doubt they will give the British Government in exhile permission for them to fly their brooms through French air-space. The French don't really even deserve their own country. Not only have they been completely invaded twice in the 20th Century but now because of their immigration policies and family values, they will be a muslim nation within the next 50 years. 8 out of every 10 children born today in France are from muslim immigrants. Ooops sorry, I kind of got off on an off topic tangent there. My bad! Anyway, great chapter. I wanted to cry when you said no more updates till after the New Year. Couldn't you just kick your house-guests out early? -Avid Fan, Erik A. Wiggins

Prof. D. Kirke posted a comment on Friday 22nd December 2006 6:30am

Happy Holidays to you lot, too! This was a wonderful early Christmas present. I'm glad Peeves isn't dead and with four brothers I fully expect him to make Voldemort's "life" miserable. I'm glad Neville was rescued safely and that Ginny was able to think quickly and get herself and the other wives out of danger using things other members of the Brotherhood suggested they pack as a prank. Lovely. Amhar's death was certainly poetic justice for his attempt to turn triple (quadruple?) agent. It will be interesting to see how they deal with LaRoche and I'm awaiting the Avalonian Council with baited breath. I hope you two have a very happy new year. Since you won't be posting this at Portkey, I'll recommend it to my LJ friends.

Kinsfire posted a comment on Friday 22nd December 2006 5:29am

The other thing that came to mind is that there is no real way for France to come out of this with any power whatsoever. They are likely to see done to them what was done to Germany after WWI - the other nations will hit them with an unbelievable number of sanctions and bankrupt the country until some semblance of leadership that doesn't follow evil gets into office.

Given their past history....

Rovias05 posted a comment on Friday 22nd December 2006 4:33am

Alright. Issues with the story.

Issue One:
Now, Harry has more power than God at this point. I recognize this. God could heal people. Ergo, Harry has a gimp leg why?

Issue Two:
Harry has more power than God. He is whipped by Hermione because?... Oh, and she just begins to grate on my nerves with the whole "Harry [i]ordered me to do what![/i]" thing. After the mass fluffiness of the entire damn story.

Issue Three:
Harry is more powerful than God. Ergo, he suffers debilitating injuries in battle and has an angst-fest afterward. Error 0x0002 - Does Not Compute.

Issue Four:
It took some 18-20 Chapters to kill off Dumbledore. Not counting the prequel. Now, I don't know about you, but Harry warning the stupid bugger so many times and not acting makes him seem rather impotent.

Issue Five:
Haven's military strength. They've had how long now to build up? And they still suffer mass losses every time they go into battle? Wow, they must really suck!

After all those, though, the story is alright. I like the political stuff, but Harry needs to finally do something with the overflowing amount of power he has. Like fix his leg and go kill some Death Eaters in a brilliant bloody massacre without whiling about it afterwards or suffering crippling injuries. Or maybe the stupid Frenchies that are charging him for Dumble-dick's murder.

Alright, that's enough ranting from me. Later.

Bobmin356 replied:

Issue one:
We get it, you don't like the story. That is what your back button is for. Please use it and go find yourself something you actually enjoy reading instead of forcing yourself to read a story you don't like.

Issue two:
We really get it, you don't like the story. See our comments in issue one.

Issue three:
We've begun to think you don't like the story. Then why are you reading it?

Issue four:
It's come to our attention that you don't like our story. Might I recommend you find something else to read? Perhaps a newspaper or a good book.

Issue five:
Please see issues one through four. Rinse and repeat as needed.

End of reply.

Kinsfire posted a comment on Friday 22nd December 2006 3:18am

I think that Ginny needs a serious attitude adjustment. That might best be delivered by the others going to the trouble of calling her "Molly" when she's at her loudest and bitchiest.

Might make her stop to think.

Actually, that would be something unusual for her to do - stop and think. She's too much like Molly, and I think that someone is going to have to point that little bit out. Jump to a conclusion, scream at people for it, and then apologise when shown to be wrong. Or, as in this case, have to be stopped from killing someone who has the information that they need.

I love the story, but I wonder how many people realise that it's likely to run at least five to ten chapters AFTER the downfall of Moldie? There's been too much in the political arena to get away with saying "And then they fixed everything" once Tom is dead.

erin_colien posted a comment on Friday 22nd December 2006 12:21am

great update looking forward to the next. Happy Holidays.

snapemustdie9008 posted a comment on Friday 22nd December 2006 12:06am

great fic, extremely entertaining

Jarrod posted a comment on Thursday 21st December 2006 10:41pm

Wow, very nice and a hearty good job. Personally I'm a Clancy fan when not reading fan fiction and I gotta say that lately this story has been like the best of both worlds, its great.

lelila posted a comment on Thursday 21st December 2006 4:59pm

this chapter's disclaimer was just way too close to how my own hubby is like when he finds something shiny and with lots of buttons.

and peeves finally makes his reappearance. i hadn't expected the splitting of him for mulitples tho. that's awfully evil. i just don't know how if the world can handle more than 1 peeves.

and i bet u people had a lot of fun thinking of different things that harry's cold caused. so did that new wing to the manor end up being structurally sound?

good of ginny to kick butt like that. i had been hoping to see neville kick a lil butt around tho but the rescue mission was a nice plan. good to see those fellows enjoying their job like that.

i understand that harry can't kill everyone but ahmar was a true jerk and deserved a more gory death.

i couldn't have asked for a better present. excellent chapter. i'd have to say ur story has totally surpassed jk's books. i plan on reading book 7 but i doubt i'll enjoy it as much as i love reading this story. i don't really want u guys to speed up the pace of the story. i'm enjoying the ride and i have no desire to end it any sooner than it should be. have a happy holidays!

Tonnocal posted a comment on Thursday 21st December 2006 2:07pm

with the crest - have you considered a russian (the falcon) link, with a possibility of saving the crown from a duck?

supenseful and striking - while reality may have infringed a little on the plot line (Super!Harry can do anything he wants to - even single handedly decapitated the thousands of seeting enemies with a spoon while dodging projectile odd socks) i have to say it's a refreshing change to the unlimited sense of magic in other

Merry Christmas

Lady_Readwolf posted a comment on Thursday 21st December 2006 1:08pm

Great job, as is expected. ^__^ It was lovely to see Ginny kick a little ass, and... [winces] ouch, it's usually no fun being sick, but Harry's quite a bit of amusing, no?

MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Thursday 21st December 2006 1:00pm

Great chapter and have a Merry Chrismas and a Happy New Year.


traveller posted a comment on Thursday 21st December 2006 12:20pm

I smell trouble.
You said in your A/N: Lugo got through the death ward around Haven by walking. He's not a marked Death Eater and as far as he's concerned, he's done nothing wrong in his business dealings with Marne's cartel. It is, after all, just business. The ward didn't trigger because the man doesn't think he's evil. Interesting loophole in the wards, wouldn't you say? ~Grin~

Someone also said: There is no good or evil, only power.

Roll out the welcoming mat, the door is open to Voldemort.


PS. Still love the story.

Princess Fictoria posted a comment on Thursday 21st December 2006 10:50am

I sincerely hope that you have a happy and blessed holiday with your family.

I love the way you have layered the war within the international political scene. It is very realistic that certain things must happen a certain way because of how it affects the world or nation as a whole.

You guys are awesome, and if you send me your physical address I will be more than happy to send you homemade fudge and cookies. You could send it to:

Merry Christmas!!

Melferd posted a comment on Thursday 21st December 2006 9:25am

Hee - PS:
Joan Wilder got it wrong, apparantly it's "Bastards and Poltergeists have brothers"

Just sayin'

Alex00 posted a comment on Thursday 21st December 2006 9:24am

Good work.

Melferd posted a comment on Thursday 21st December 2006 9:22am

!!!!!New Chapter!!!!!!

****GOTTA DANCE**************SNOOPY DANCE***********

Thank you for the christmas goodness!!!!!!!!

Good luck with the Fam.
Disclaimer: Bob-two words- Seek Therapy-
**Sends Alyx Tea and homemade Christmas cookies in sympaty***
Y'all rock!! Have a great season!!
Tia, Mel

IndigoCat posted a comment on Thursday 21st December 2006 9:11am

Well, dang. I was hoping Amhar would challenge Harry to a duel, then get his butt handed to him. Oh, well, as long as he's dead. :)

Hesuse posted a comment on Thursday 21st December 2006 8:11am

Great chapter! I beg you to have a war with France, damn french. Please!!!

Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Thursday 21st December 2006 6:14am

Hooray for the return of Peeves and his back-up band of brothers. Nice names for them too. Loved the excitement of the use of the prank objects by the prank subject and then Neville's kidnapping and return. I have a suspicion that will not be as simple a recovery as it seems thus far. Loved Harry's plan to just kill the French minister. Excellent chapter. Happy holidays. Can't wait for the New Year & more. I'd say a quicker plot would be good, but to be honest I'm enjoying the ride too much to ask for it to move faster and presumably end sooner.