Content Harry Potter


spokaneman99209 posted a comment on Thursday 21st December 2006 6:01am

Any Chance Ron will show up as a ghost working for voldy?

Christopher Patton posted a comment on Thursday 21st December 2006 5:22am

Thank you for this wonderful holiday present. I hope that you and yours also have a happy holiday as well.

Jim_xinu posted a comment on Thursday 21st December 2006 4:37am

Good chapter. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Thursday 21st December 2006 2:38am

I hope we see what the secret french government thinks after the raid.

Is the new wing structurally sound?

Loved the magical disease. You had to partially turn Tonks into a duck? Why, wasn't Amy available for torture?

Glad Amhar got his just desert.

Wonderful chapter. Thanks for writing it.

Hope Snape gets his naughty bits bit off next time.

Tom A.

jdcox61 posted a comment on Thursday 21st December 2006 1:43am

Yes! An update, thank you! I thought that it was funny that the team to gut the french building sounded as if they were enjoying themselves. I thought that humorous. It was a pretty good update, I'm glad amhar is dead that rat bastard. Nice hit scene, been watching too many sopranos reruns?

harryetty posted a comment on Thursday 21st December 2006 1:38am

Great fic.
If you are interested, the address of the Brittish Embassy is 37 rue du Faubourg St Honoré. (My Uncle is the Butler)

Lang posted a comment on Thursday 21st December 2006 1:25am

Heh, how many pizzas, and/or donuts are we talking here? I don't want to accelerate the plot, I want to get that remote from Click and skip all the waiting time between chapters. Longer stories are better. Period.

Is there some way we can get you to drink more coffee? People type faster under caffeine I'm sure.


Lurk posted a comment on Thursday 21st December 2006 12:42am


I'd review more, but I'm in school, and I've gotta get to class.

Keep it up!

AcceleratedGlass posted a comment on Thursday 21st December 2006 12:41am

good chapter update soon and merry christmas

Jenni posted a comment on Thursday 21st December 2006 12:25am

Fabulous Christmas Present. Love the magical cold. Makes you wonder what a witch's labor might be like?

Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 11:13pm

A wonderful part, and looks like things in the wizarding world are getting much more full of intrique now, and will be looking forward to what may happen when everything really starts to break loose and the rest of the world burns and dances in the wind thats coused by it.

neely61 posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 10:48pm

Family coming in a few days? Well that leaves few days to get the next chapter out then doen't it? Right? Please?

Crys posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 10:44pm

> "Miffs, Irks, Hacks and Vex!"
*blink* Peeves to . . . {hysterical laughter} But shouldn't that be "HacksOff"?

*snicker* Duck-billed Tonk-ypus? As amusing as that scene of sneezing was, I'm glad you stopped it so quickly. That could've gotten way over the top VERY quickly. What you did was funny and stopped short of annoying.

Ah, so we learn who it was who was controlling Korwin. Irish Unspeakables trying to track Murphy. Not quite as . . . flashy as some of the other possibilities, but much more believable.

Revoking diplomatic status to Britain and attacking the diplomats? Talk about terminal stupidity.

Huh. Kinda sloppy, guarding three wizards from a rescue by their magical government, using a muggle facility. Maybe one of the other teams ran into some wizards, but we didn't see much in the way of magical defenses. Not that they needed to be subtle if they found any, but still.

Oooh, Amelia's got some plan to deal with the French? *evil grin* Looking forward to how badly we can bitch-slap the bad guys.

Nice to see Amhar get what he deserved (though the assassin aimed just a little too high). Now, did Murphy or the French (or both) kill him?

Great story!

digeediva posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 10:42pm

Fabulous chapter. I can't believe Harry is taking such a hard line with the French. Assassination?...Yeah Harry has no problem taking out Death Eaters, but assassination of heads of state? Isn't it taking things to far?

On a lighter note, Harry's little illness...
I seem recall somewhere in the beginning that Harry had the wizards flu and was just in bed for a few days without any control issues. Is this something different or was this a teeny weeny faux pax? It's hard to believe Harry would cause that much havoc with just a sneeze.

Happy Christmas
Happy New Year
Happy Holidays
Happy Whatever


pnthrgrl343 posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 10:16pm

*Dances happily in excitement for a new chapter.*

No more Amhar Coeur de Lion. =) You know, he had started to grow on me as an evil villian. Two antagonists down in the forms of Dumbledore and Amhar. Interesting how France was added in as one. I had thought that the story was winding down and subplots were being tied up nicely for the big finale. Now I'm not so sure, what with a war with France now looming and Amelia calling an Avalonian Council... (can't wait to see that!)

Don't get me wrong, I am not in any kind of hurry for this story to end, but as soon as I think I've figured out where you're going to go next, I get blindsided. It's nice, it keeps me on my toes. Too many fics are predictable in where they're going next.

Thanks for the update before Christmas! Have a good holiday yourself. =)

Sean1 posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 9:42pm

I haven't read this chapter yet, but I wanted to take the time to review your story up until this point. Three words, I love it!!! It is by far the best story I have read, and I've read tons. I check out the link everyday at work before I start, and have spent many a working hour reading (and getting paid to read) your story. I usually copy it to WORD and read it over the course of the day when I get a chance. Thanks for that, hehe. I just wanted to wish you and yours a very merry Christmas, and a happy and safe New Year. Keep up the fantastic work on this story!!

Sean :-)

Kalen Darkmoon posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 8:51pm

Ignore those who think the story is progressing too slowly. They obviously don't understand the concept of sub-plots and how much they can add to the enjoyment of a story. I am greatly enjoying the ride and the longer it lasts, the happier this reader will be. Well, until next chapter...

kainboa posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 8:43pm

great chapter, can't wait to read what happens next

CRose posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 8:29pm

Oh thank you, Amhar was starting to realy annoy me. This is another great chapter and the plot advanced a bit with the moron's death at the end. I can't wait to see what's going to happen when the fight to take back the country starts. Been waiting for that for close to ten chapters now.


Colpinky posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 8:19pm

Sweet! Good work with the French, its going to be fun to see what you do to them :) keep up the good work.