By Bobmin
Eagle-Eyes posted a comment on Sunday 3rd December 2006 9:28am
McGonnagal?????? You're killing the Headmistress this time??????
But, I love what you did to that Wizengamot member who seemed to think he was royal and smelled like roses no matter what he did!!!!!
IceBlades posted a comment on Saturday 2nd December 2006 12:16pm
Wonderful chapter. Bloody scary at the first scenes and wonderfully amusing at others. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Ailishmckechnie posted a comment on Saturday 2nd December 2006 12:01pm
Great chap. Great story over all, actually.
I hope you(so) are having as much fun writing it as we readers do reading it.
Eagle-Eyes posted a comment on Saturday 2nd December 2006 11:41am
Hey you two. Don't know where you're getting all the bloopers from. These were picked out of this chapter.
"Alright, we'll all here," Amelia said tensely. -- Don't know about what "we will all here" means, but I'm sure you meant "we're all here"
Harry waved his hand dismissively. "No, Dobby, your family and family helps each other. I got you something for you to give your sweetheart," he said, handing him a small, velvet box. -- your is used frequently when you mean "you're" or you are as in this statement about Dobby. "No, Dobby, you're family and family helps each other."
It's the little things, but I do love this story --- you write a fight scene unlike most I've seen before.
Eagle-Eyes posted a comment on Saturday 2nd December 2006 12:06am
I am loving this story, but I want to go back to an author's note in the first story --- where you mentioned that authors should get their material beta read and corrected before they update.
I've noticed that you tend to do what I do, get so involved in what your (you're) writing that you forget to type it correctly -- then the beta is so enthralled in what their (they're) reading that they miss the simple corrections.
Don't take me wrong. I love this story and typicaly (typically) overlook these types of errors, but for a detail-oriented person like myself, I do notice them and they can get on my nerves.
Keep up the good work and continue writing this story. (I bookmarked those updateless stories and plan on reading them after I've finished - or atleast caught up with - this story!!!
Ombra posted a comment on Friday 1st December 2006 11:11am
Love the story and all the stuff you guys usually hear. However the story has been moving far too slowly, like tackling one big event at a time as of recent chapters however update rate is good for the quality delivered. If you're going to keep moving so slowly in terms of story line, and i realise that this is going to cause an uproar amongst readers, might i suggest more cliffhangers just to insure continued interest otherwise make the story more active. I guess what i'm saying is that recently we've had a lot of one big thing like royal visit or dumby's death in a single chapter to themselves while you see and on the side how much of an evil goat voldy is but with no real action. It has become to passive.
However passive , the story looks good so keep going
Eagle-Eyes posted a comment on Friday 1st December 2006 9:05am
I think the two of you are terrific authors --- doing something not many people have the ability to do -- take a story and remove it somewhat from the originating author and make it totally believable.
Love it.
Thorfinna posted a comment on Friday 1st December 2006 6:06am
I've finished all your stories up to this point. I suppose I have to get back to work now.
Looking forward to reading more.
You are a sick and twisted couple.. just like most of my friends. Do I know you??
Thorfinna posted a comment on Friday 1st December 2006 5:18am
Here's an addition for your bloopers, from this very chapter. :-)
The below quote is from the Ghost Council section of this chapter, when the 5 Death Eater ghosts are told to choose alliance.
"I died by Voldemort's own hand, killed because he was inpatient."
So Voldie's killing from the hospital these days?
Love the story, love your writing, can't wait to read more...
blind-phoenix posted a comment on Thursday 30th November 2006 9:31pm
now this is disgusting! I'm enjoying this fic!
I'm going to complain about the fact there's nothing really to complain about.
nah, seriously, excellent work as always.
it's one thing to read fanfiction. but another entirely to be able to write it.
not only that, it takes talent to be able to captivate your readers as you've managed to do right from go to woe.
I only hope I can manage a feat such as this one day.
Erik Wiggins posted a comment on Thursday 30th November 2006 2:11pm
Excellent, I got shivers over the dementor's knife. The way you had the evil raging kindof reminded me of the Exorcist. Great Chapter looking forward to your next!!
Eagle-Eyes posted a comment on Wednesday 29th November 2006 1:07pm
Yet??? you give us hope that Dumbledore may just turn completely evil before long!!!!
Eagle-Eyes posted a comment on Wednesday 29th November 2006 12:22pm
I'm just wondering how long it will take for that exceptionally brilliant (although danger-loving) red headed dragon handler to realize the bull crap that old fart has been feeding him. Oh yes, he will come to the realization that he's been fed a lie and will most likely crawl back to his family begging forgiveness, BUT WHEN???
MasterKtulu posted a comment on Wednesday 29th November 2006 10:20am
Alright! Alright! You caught me… I was bluffing about knowing Bob’s deep longings, sorry Alyx... And just for the record, I’m not the kind of person that looks through other people windows! Really I’m not! The thought never even crossed my mind… Well, there was that one incident… But that was taken care of years ago… Blast it all! I’ve said too much! Good chapter though, update soon.
igotbannedfroma2k posted a comment on Wednesday 29th November 2006 7:36am
Thanks for updating!
Your new chapter was as good as always (but maybe not as good as the chapter when Dumbles died...I'd been waiting for that one)
Hope your Turkey gobbled and your stuffing stuffed!
liquidfyre posted a comment on Tuesday 28th November 2006 7:46pm
Okay in response to alyx's response
NOOOOOOOOO Dont leave it alone we want details gory details and video too much much video
*runs and hides before he can be vaporized in the disclaimer*
i was a lil confused by the guys review to be honest too most of it just seemed to be a stream of conciousness type thing i dunno but i think YOUR story is quite good so keep up the good work and when yall finish this one get another one started the quality of your work is good enough that yall should honestly find yer own world and right i would gladly buy the book if yall wrote it and that goes for most of the authors here as well
damn wall of text hehe ahh well yall take care and KEEP WRITING
Dale Dietzman posted a comment on Tuesday 28th November 2006 5:09am
Another good Chapter, and no particular bad cliffie this time, to cause your new Computer to crash.
Let the fate of the last one be an object lesson to ya....the evilness of cliffies gets reflected back into the computers that creat them!
Eagle-Eyes posted a comment on Tuesday 28th November 2006 4:52am
This chapter brought tears to my eyes as I saw and felt that man die doing what he felt was needed to be done. Love your story.
tim1 posted a comment on Tuesday 28th November 2006 4:40am
I find this story fascinating. For a moment I thought the mistake you mentioned Voldemort had made was because the blood he used for the scepter originated from Harry.
My only question at the moment is about Peeves: has he found more poltegeists to help him or was he split into several geists by the killing curse?
Eagle-Eyes posted a comment on Sunday 3rd December 2006 10:40am