By Bobmin
photobug33 posted a comment on Monday 27th November 2006 3:37pm
was there a little bit of vulcan language within the ritual with the evil dagger?
I'm enjoying your little project immensely keep up the good work.
lbfan posted a comment on Monday 27th November 2006 2:33pm
Using our beloved author JKR in the disclaimer was bad form. Is nothing sacrid?
Thorfinna posted a comment on Monday 27th November 2006 1:42pm
Ok, I just have to pause in my inhaling of your wonderful writing and comment on religion.
Thank you. Why?? I've read a ton of work where the muggleborns all suddenly become Goddess spouting Pagans. It seems to me to be way more believable that a Christian muggleborn would have to come to grips with the concept that the Wizard world didn't necessarily believe the same way. Its not a huge part, but its a nice touch and its the little details that make a good story. Ok, along with excellent plot line and characterization, not to mention well written with good grammer.
nice work you two.....
Alex00 posted a comment on Monday 27th November 2006 11:25am
Great work.
rippergirl posted a comment on Monday 27th November 2006 10:27am
I was just thinking the other day that it would be awesome to see an update on this story and what happens it came true! I think I need a million dollars. Damn didn't work. On with the review. Glad to see Peeves is allright. I didn't think he was dead but I'm glad that he wasn't. Glad to see that Minerva is ok as well. Nice to see Moldyshorts make a boo boo. Hope everything goes ok on the trip to France as well. Can't wait till next chappie. And I gues if Bob's got a newer, faster computer that would be here even quicker eh.
scott2 posted a comment on Monday 27th November 2006 9:38am
enjoyable as always but not enough luna for my tastes :)
lelila posted a comment on Monday 27th November 2006 9:13am
well written, well edited and it's an awesome story. i can't really ask for more.
nice to see that u didn't kill off minerva. i didn't think u would but it gets iffy what u people will and will not do sometimes. also glad to see peeves isn't gone. he's way too much fun to take out of the story. and he brough reinforcements. ooh, the trouble they will cause. will they all stay once the war is over or will they all leave?
it's nice to see ginny and neville really stepping up to things. each couple's got their own thing going. will we see more of the others' powers? did they all get nifty talents with their power boost?
orla will cause trouble for the brotherhood, won't she, with that i'm insane and killed people thing with that evil dagger. i imagine politics demand that her imprisonment be used for evil means. at least she's crazy and won't know. i feel bad for her, really.
i really hope ahmar dies a really horrible death. he's downright annoying really. have the house elves cut him and cook into sausage that's fed to the pigs but that might be cruel to the pigs.
that's all. i await for my fix of the next chapter.
Sophophobia posted a comment on Monday 27th November 2006 8:53am
My thanksgiving was very good, thanks.
Er, by the way, i'd just like to point this out:
"Neville Longbottom is here to see you, Minister."
"Thank you, Rose. Please send him him ," Amelia replied, smiling at her secretary.
jessiepp posted a comment on Monday 27th November 2006 8:31am
hey what is up guys good job. i like the story so far. the way you guys discribe stuff like the spells and such is really good and for me since i am blind i can picture it in my mind more clearly. if you want to email me and on skype jessie and msn
James13 posted a comment on Monday 27th November 2006 8:29am
Oi, thank god I got my fix of Potterverse. This has to be one of my favorite fics out there and not only is it epic, dare I say it's WELL written and very well edited.
Well polished and good work. Writers like you are the reason why I even bother to check the net for well written stories.
DaZZa posted a comment on Monday 27th November 2006 8:18am
Hey Alyx - do those horns holding up your halo ever get tired from holding the weight?
Lang posted a comment on Monday 27th November 2006 4:37am
To be honest, I hope there's lots of Amhar bashing when Harry deals with him.
I hope lots of truths come out so you can perfectly describe how much sweat he's having to wipe from his brow because he's so utterly stupid and guilty.
That being said, I also hope he gets blamed for the death of Korwin... just so people can call him something other than [insert as many dereogatory words you can here].
Anyways, great chapter! Glad to see the new computer is working. Also if a deal came with the computer for a free upgrade to Windows Vista... DON'T DO IT!
MonkeyAxman1302 posted a comment on Monday 27th November 2006 4:22am
Good chapter! Does it make me a bad person that I'm kind of disappointed Minerva surprised! I wanted her too, but I kind of think it would have been more shocking for her to have died!
I'm glad that peeves is back, especially with help!
Just want to ask about Harry, Remus's and Hermione's reaction to the news of Voldies sceptre! You say something about a power conduit matching the power source! Will you explain this more? Just shooting out ideas here, does it mean that Voldie can drain himself quickly if the conduit is bit enough?
Keep writing, us readers may complain about cliffies but I think deep down we love 'em because they keep us salivating for more!
Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Monday 27th November 2006 3:43am
Eeek, poor Minerva! I like the way you use Millicent though. Ginny's way of dealing with the dagger, Amhar's discovery of the body and Harry's dirty conversation with Hermione were all gripping. Great chapter. More please.
Tracey1 posted a comment on Monday 27th November 2006 3:42am
Okay - so I guess I need to apologize for crucioing Bob for the cliffie last chapter since y'all did not kill off Professor Kittycat (love that moniker!). But, leaving us anxious for the next chapter is not a good idea!! We may get withdrawals and start throwing crucios around for the heck of it.
Malimber ConDoin posted a comment on Monday 27th November 2006 3:21am
That was great. Wonderful! Absolutely amazing! Did I like what I read? Ohh, hell yes. The details and intensity of this fic is quite amazing lots of great ideas, nice balance, nice writing style, great story development. This story is incredible, awesome, brilliant, magnificent, amazing and I love it as I was reading it had me wondering what will happen next.
Well thanks for writing and I look forward to your next update.
Malimber ConDoin
I read for pleasure only.
Jenni posted a comment on Monday 27th November 2006 3:01am
fabulous chapter... fun and entertaining as always
Keronshara posted a comment on Monday 27th November 2006 2:08am
Why do you keep referring to Draco as Draco Malfoy? I thought that he is a Black now. (Narcissa divorced Lucious, thereby becoming a Black once more and adopted Draco under that name, i.e. Black.) Yet Neville, and others who know him, call him Draco Malfoy instead of Draco Black.
Luna, on the other hand, is always called Mrs. Black. (Wizengamot committee members not withstanding.)
Bobmin356 replied:
Draco is Draco Black. But politically he will be forever associated with his father's name. While Harry and the people of Haven think of him as Draco Black. Others will think of him still as Draco Malfoy. And there is no denying the fact that Lucius Malfoy is the muggle overlord of Britain at the moment.
la13 posted a comment on Monday 27th November 2006 1:31am
enjoyed this chapter like usual! i'm most glad to see that peeves is back.
HitAndRun posted a comment on Monday 27th November 2006 6:37pm
Bobmin356 replied: