By Bobmin
goddessa39 posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 12:29pm
Well, my Thanksgiving was okay... how was yours? I love the idea of Peeves having familiar friends and am eagerly looking forward to seeing... uhum... reading what they do. Poor Baron though, he'll have a hell of a time reighnign all Peeves in again, let along Peeves and two other act-a-likes.
Daven posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 12:27pm
Bought your computer? as in Not put it together yourself? Thats in direct conflict of the Geek Code...
Course, if you keep updating i wont have to turn you in
Jason Karr posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 12:20pm
Just how many freinds did peeves bring back with him. It is nice that peeves knowns were to get more of his kind of ghosts
AK posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 12:12pm
Yay! no more Ahmar!
So now we got:
Dumbledore : KIA
Ahmar : MIA, status KOS
Snape : status KOS
Voldie and his merry band: status KOS
Bunch of people whose names we don't remember but that need to be killed anyway.
The evil French (why the French anyway? they're usually not very evil... unless you are a "Freedom fries" supporter)
The Japanese mafia.
Sounds more or less complete. So how long till the end then?
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 12:08pm
Truly a delightful and enjoyable chapter, thank you. *smile* That it came out on my birthday (five-and-a-half decades) makes it a most enjoyable present.
I wonder if you're going to have Amhar go all the way over to Voldie or not? He doesn't seem to quite have the edge to go fully dark.
Neville and Ginny in Paris? Methinks that some will under-estimate them to the perps everlasting - for however long they survive - dismay.
Jim_xinu posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 11:51am
Peeves, the Poly-Poltergeist! Actually going back again, I think interpreted that scene wrong. I thought there were multiple Peeves, but it looks like you just say there's multiple Poltergeists. BTW, you spell capitalized in one place and not in another. They may not want that building back again... :-)
Great chapter, thanks for sharing it with us.
laughterwithknives posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 11:20am
Thank you for not killing off Minerva or Peeves! It was so stressful for me to wait without knowing their fate for the few hours between reading the last chapter and this one (isn't wonderful to stumble across a story only a little before it is updated, especially when it ends on a cliffie?). You have definately done a great job in showing that not everyone is perfect. It is often annoying to come across a story where good characters can do no wrong.
I am saddened by the lack of bloopers, but will apperently have to live without laughing at the writing errors of others for a while.
Keep up the good work!
Mr.Zemme posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 10:58am
There isn't much that I wish to add in way of intellegent commentary. But, I think I should comment every once in a while just to say that I really like the story. Keep it up, and thank you for writing.
Z. Zemme
Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 10:52am
Excellent chapter. Have we seen the last of De Leon? It doesn't seem so if your foreshadowing isn't an empty tease. I very much enjoyed your writing and look forward to more. Thank you for sharing.
Mike (MoA)
JDD posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 10:38am
sweet chapter. pretty much love this story because it is the best one out there... for some reason whiel a lot happens in this chapter, the story doestn' seem to be moving.
Perhaps its the lull before the storm, but i would suggest that having Harry and Co. in haven for much longer than the next five chapters will become quite redundant...
though that is this authors humble opinion. Ya'll do an amazing job with every chapter, so i have no reasons to believe thre next one won't be quite as spectacular. great job!
Wednesday Jones posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 10:29am
You know, I eagerly await your new chapters for the disclaimer and the AN's at the end, as well as the story. You never fail to make me laugh.
That said, when is the full scale war coming? I need more bloodshed, damnit!
However, I will settle for a little bit of Snape killing... :)
Leticia posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 10:23am
Another brilliant chapter!
I thought I was sad when Peeves died, but now... Now I'm afraid.
Prince Charles' "dance" kind of ruined Donna Summer's 'Hot stuff' for me as well.
Deborahsu posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 10:18am
Perhaps this looks familiar and could be considered part of the blooper files: "With that said, there won't be any more bloopers, at least not for awhile. When Bob's computer when belly up, it took the blooper file with it." LOL gotcha!
I continue to love your story, crazy as you obviously are ... kindred spirits of a sort ... ;-)
Any idea how much is left? Every time I laugh, my husband growls because he won't read unfinished stories ... and yes, I've tried that, and he still growls. <G>
Sean Dillon posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 9:53am
Guess old Marne Murphy ain't going to be real pleased with Amhar for losing her Lugo. He's in a world of shit now -- the mob, the Brotherhood, and damn near every gov't in the world looking for him.
Does Amhar know or suspect a diplomatic delegation will be going to France? Will he go there to strengthen his position before going to Britian and Voldemort?
And where do we look for information on the limits on the Scepter? Does this mean the phoenix feather has been negated?
""His blood, Hermione. What are the limitations on wand use? Or, more importantly, what would your arithmantic equations say about a power conduit that matches the power source?" Remus asked.
lordblack posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 9:36am
another good chapter, well done!
Jed posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 9:22am
Happy Thanksgiving, and thank you for not killing off Peeves. I would have missed him.
Jujuberry posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 9:12am
4 Peeves? I'm in awe of your comic genius... can't wait for Voldie to meet them all. *evil giggle*
Great chapter!
Lurk posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 9:06am
Great chappie guys!
Yes, I admit it. I'm VERY pleased that "Professor Kittycat" is alive. And I love the nickname! House-Elf names are such wonderful things, aren't they?
Hmmmm...have we heard from Bill recently? ::ponders::
Wonderful work with Peeves! I started laughing when I heard about the Magically Appearing Poltergiests (M.A.P.s). Though I wonder, was it really important to give Harry that misinformation? it making him overestimate Voldie's wand power?
Keep it up!
chris13 posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 8:46am
I cant belive it. i have come to the end of your pre-prepared chapters. I love your story and your writeing style, you guys offically rock!
morriganscrow posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 12:31pm