By Bobmin
Edward Becerra posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 8:37am
Small typo here:
"You'll drown it it,"
Should be "in it", I think.
Nicely done otherwise, and I enjoyed it.
Oh, how's Open Office working for you? Do you need another CD of it?
Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 8:36am
Outstanding chapter, it will be interesting to see what becomes of Amhar. Peeves returning with friends was a bit suprising, it should prove amusing. I'm curious to see how things go in France for Neville and Ginny, honestly, I expect something bad to happen, but what do I know. Great job, thank you.
Taegeous posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 8:22am
I haven't even read the chapter yet, still, Best Disclaimer Ever.
asvaldson posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 7:32am
Eek, after reading your response to Leticia, I had to go back and read her review. Yikes. I would have a hard time writing a man into a position of authority, with that sort of image. *shudder*
asvaldson posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 7:27am
OMG I love this story, I was so happy to see another chapter posted. I can't wait for the next one.
mathiasgranger posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 6:39am
Good chapter, and I am glad to see Ginny's powers being debeloped further. Having a feeling about something bad being around but no clue what it is, well it isn't exactly all that great of a power. It would be like a super hero who is a very good guesser....
I wasn't exactly attacking the fact that you use bloopers, more accurately I was questioning why it was necessary. It's not my aim to flatter you, but the both of you appear to have a well developed sense of humor that could be better used on other pursuits.
I look forward to seeing how "Mr. Longbottom goes to Paris" plays out.
Thanks for writing,
chris13 posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 4:20am
i just had a thaght, and i know that Harry's leg needs to be for ever bad for your plot but how coms Hermine hasnt sugested an MRI on his leg as it is entierly possible muggle surgery could fix it, after all we can rip out our own crappy bone knees and incert pritty plastic ones
laughterwithknives posted a comment on Saturday 25th November 2006 2:03pm
I very recently found this story and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it! I would have to say that this is one of the most well-conceived and well-written stories that I have seen. It is wonderfully detailed and free of the plot holes that seem to plague many other stories, and for that I thank you very much. I can't wait for the next update!
P.S. I find it odd that you corrected the word "jugged" in one of the bloopers ("The first plain is the plain of spirits, that's where you go after you die to be jugged."), but not the incorrect use of the word plain (vs. plane), unless of course the author meant to talk about plain-spirited people as opposed to complex-spirited ones.
JIM HOOD posted a comment on Saturday 25th November 2006 10:38am
I have been rereading everything you two have written waing on an update. lol ya'll are the greatest and this story is awesome. However that is not all i wanted to say . I've gathered from the reviews that you are having pc problems and want to wish you good luck on the repairs/replacement. thanks by the way for putting your stories on the web for all of us readers to peruse. Happy holidays and look for to seeing more of your a side note i do so hope this is onlya pc problem for you and not a health problem . best of wishes to you and yours.
Lady Melina Hites posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd November 2006 2:35am
sorry i yelled at you i like the chapter thou.
Lady Melina Hites posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd November 2006 2:34am
chris13 posted a comment on Tuesday 21st November 2006 12:29pm
"The King is Charles. Camilla was accidentally mistaken for a horse and shot for food two months after the fall of Britain"
Priceless! just priceless.
i have to say, you guys Rock! i mean you seem to put about half as much thaght into your "standerd Disclaimers" and authers notes as you do into your chapters. you should have your own colums or some thing.
mathiasgranger posted a comment on Monday 20th November 2006 3:09pm
Well, after an extensive paper for one of my classes, I treated myself to a trip from the beginning of this series to your current ending point as a means of stress reduction. Consider this my enormous review to cover the entire series up to this point.
I've heard on the grapevine that you've had some computer problems so I really don't expect another update for a little while. So take your time and enjoy the holidays, as much as anyone can when spending more time with certain family members anways!
I wanted to mention and question a few things aside from the occassional typo you've had, despite the efforts of your wonderful editor. As with any written work betaed or not, it is simply not possible to get everything. I know, I am my own proofreader and when I do a read through to catch errors I could go forever or rewrite every passage to improve upon it. So, despite the humor that can be found in the typos you've posted at the end of the chapters, I found them to be in poor taste simply because it's an unneccessary jab at something inevitable in writing. By all means continue to do so, I just wanted to inject my thoughts on the matter. But for the record I won't tell you to "bagger off".
In terms of characters I've enjoyed Harry's progression as you've made perceived weakenesses in the first chapter of Sunset into strengths here in Sunrise. Hermione's character has baffled me from time to time, but as a human being I can attest to the fact that no one is consistent in their actions and beliefs every day of their lives.
Moving on to some of the secondary major characters, I only have one big gripe, Ginny. She is just too impulsive, irrational, and infuriating for me to focus on her character. Yes I know it is her powers speaking. But really she has been overbearing from the beginning of this story all of the way to the present. Now I completely understand the need for ones characters to be flawed and imperfect to add to the deoth and texture of a story. But Ginny simply rubs me the wrong way something awful. It wasn't something I picked up in my first readthrough, but I've developed a definite distaste now.
On to the positives once again. I love what you've done with Luna and Draco. A very unlikely pairing, but in many ways the most endearing couple you've crafted in the series.
As for other business....
Unless I've missed something, it has been quite some time since we've checked in with Moody. I wonder how his resistance aid is going?
Happy Thanksgiving,
Bobmin356 replied:
A couple of comments in reply.
1) The computer issues have been resolved, chapter 24 is in the hands of my editor and hopefully will be out this weekend.
2) The Bloopers. I only pick bloopers from files where it's apparent the author isn't getting the files beta'd. Usually this means there are tons of mistakes, not just the occasional one. And if you look, you'll find we started the series with bloopers from one of our own stories. Almost all of these bloopers came from files that were loaded with errors and would not have happened if they were (a) properly proof read and (b) had a spell checker used on them.
3) Ginny, yeah, she is a pushy little wench eh? Think of her as Molly light, without the evil intent. She get's a little more airtime this chapter, but not really in a pushy way.
4) Hermione and Harry are still feeling their way through the relationship. Every so often both will backslide, although we've toned that down in recent chapters. Emotionally Hermione and Harry both needed to mature somewhat, each for differing reasons.
5) I find Luna and Draco very tough to write because I dislike canon Draco so intensely. In sunrise they make an unusual pairing, Luna's ditzy attitude is usually enough to keep Draco's ego from running away from him.
Dr.Shadow posted a comment on Sunday 19th November 2006 4:32pm
Really Awesome story so far
kendiara posted a comment on Sunday 19th November 2006 9:31am
I found the two stories recently and just wanted to say how wonderfully written they are. I usually have a rabid dislike of any of the combinations of Evil!Ron, Evil!Dumbledore and Harry/Hermione. To have all three of them together used to be a guarentee of a story I would hate, however you two are to be commended for making it entertaining and most importantly make sense. It's not like swimming with the squid to prove your not a Death Eater :)
The only thing I can wonder about (and about the only thing that hasn't made sense) is about Charlie. (If there is an explanation for this somewhere, could someone throw me a Point Me spell...thanks). I know that this was a while back and could just be a "plot requirement to make everything else make sense". As a child of divorced parents and a divorced parent with a child, one of the first things that happens is that you tell your children. You tell them that it's happening and if they are old enough, you tell them the why it's happening.
Charlie came to England and it seemed that he didn't know anything other than there was a divorce and what little was in Ginny's letter. It just didn't flow right, but again looking at it from my life experience maybe it's just a me thing. I would think that Arthur would have had to have told him what was going on and why they were getting divorced. It's been about a year(?) since it all came out and no one has written to Charlie in that time? I understand that the evacuation and time in Haven it would have been difficult to send owls, but what about before? I'm not sure how disowning someone works in the wizarding world, but I would have thought that Molly would have written him as well at some point, if nothing else to try and get him on her side. If that had happened, it probably would have made his confusion a bit more understandable.
But all in all great great story and I look forward to the rest of it.
Aquilara posted a comment on Sunday 19th November 2006 2:26am
I absolutly adore you story and its prequel. However this is a really nasty end. I hope you will continue soon.
Wedge_A posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 10:17pm
Ho, by the way (sorry I forgot), Really good story.
Wedge_A posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 10:16pm
You don't like French, don't you ?
Deborahsu posted a comment on Wednesday 15th November 2006 5:03am
Ok. Here's a review. You feed me a chapter, I burp a review. Ok? Can we see what happens next, now? Please?
I loved Harry & the king & their trashing of the wizengamot! LOL!
Dr.Shadow posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 8:37am