Content Harry Potter


Kat Armstrong posted a comment on Wednesday 8th November 2006 12:14am

Happy happy little bunny :-) Not much of a constructive review but I wanted you to know that all your hard work is very greatly appreciated - especially since I tried writing something myself this week and I've stalled already!

scottpesj1 posted a comment on Tuesday 7th November 2006 9:46am

Been reading for a while and just wanted to let you know I think you are doing a great job and to keep up the good work!

Jamie' posted a comment on Tuesday 7th November 2006 4:09am

What exactly is going on with the French?

Did Voldy kill their leader and replace him with a loyal minion?

MonkeyAxman1302 posted a comment on Tuesday 7th November 2006 3:06am

Wow! Wow! Wow! Your the best authors ever, yet at the same time probably the cruelist most evilist as well! Why should the good natured reviewers be punished for the non-reviewers crappiness!! Cliffies are usually fun but that was just plain cruel! Any who, onto the chapter review...

Thanks a lot for clearing up some stuff on the child of Gaia concept. Its nice to have a few thoughts on how she differs and is also more powerful. That was done very well but slipping it in the conversation it seemed very natural. From one aspect by describing Luna's abilities as a way for her to almost harness the very power of Nature, and having Harry as still more powerful says a lot for his abilities.

Its nice to see Amhar neutralised but I do hope that we get to see him die soon. He is a character on one level I love to hate, but I still like it when they die.

Interesting new skill this "Travelling", ever read an author called Robert Jordan and a series known as the Wheel of Time? He has something similar, its a great phrase though.

Oh yeah!!! You KILLED peeves!!! That has never been done, but he winked at Malfoy as he faded away so I'm holding out hope. Really liked the Ghost council scene, especially the addition to the known house ghosts of other spirits from previous buildings.

Now back to the cliffie! (this review is getting long:-D). I can't believe you did that, but I suppose having the murderer being in the school we should have seen a teachers death as a possibility if not your intention as authors! If she does die it will be sad, but at the same time useful for the story. It will show that real characters, the meaty ones that have been there since the beginning, aren't safe from death!



TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Tuesday 7th November 2006 1:28am

Good chapter, but really big bummer at the end.


Prof. D. Kirke posted a comment on Monday 6th November 2006 9:35pm

Great chapter and terrific cliffy! I hope they manage to save Professor McGonagall somehow. As for the rest of it, I predicted Harry bringing King Charles in to deal with the Wizengamot (just in this chapter) and I loved it. Just out of curiosity, why did the wizards and witches in general or the Wizengamot specifically reject the Magna Carta? I think it's a great bit of back story so I was just curious. posted a comment on Monday 6th November 2006 4:10pm

OUTSTANDING CHAPTER!!!! I can't believe you had McGonagell attacked:(:(:(:( I don't know wether to hang you by your short hairs or stick you into one of the many torture devices I have......hmmm ponders which idea to do. I am however pretty sure that this idea was Bobs idea because out of the two of you he's the real diabolical one. Anyways I can't wait to see what happens next. I hope McGonagell isn't dead that would sadden me alot. DO keep up the amazingly awesome and outstanding work and update soon please:):):):)

Rahxe posted a comment on Monday 6th November 2006 11:47am

i was on my mission of reading all fanfiction that i can when i stumbled on this blooper

"The man had stopped and asked, "How did you do that?" I replied, "Wewl, I
take deh dir’ and make a rose." He was socked, with wide eyes, and was silent. He finally said,
"Could you do that again?" I did"

just thought you might enjoy this. ^_^

Chipotle posted a comment on Monday 6th November 2006 11:45am

If I review, but don't mention the above mentioned things, can I still die a horrible death in your fanfiction? I always wanted a cameo appearance in a story. I loved the chapter, hated the cliffie, and Love Harry in full uniform. The picture in my head is very indecent. LOL, oh well. Great story.

MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Monday 6th November 2006 11:02am

I have an Airstrike called on your computer for the cliffy that you left us with. By the way it was still a great chapter, I hope you are not going to kill off Minerva, I hope you have Harry save her or maybe Ginny will come to the rescue. Harry a Colonel of the British Army, wow!.

P.S. I called off the airstrike this time.

minervakitty posted a comment on Monday 6th November 2006 10:01am

It would be very amusing to have either or both Voldie and Lucius in pig tales and sundress. Serves Amhar right for thinking that his family background have any sway over the King of England. Will Harry find out about Peeves? Does this mean that Harry would be able to fight Voldie who has a new wand/scepter thing? You know, there's a lot of rude comments about wands and scepters around. I do hope that he comes back. Why are you offing McGonagall? This is one fight that she should win. Would this attack expose the one who's using the dementor blade? Korwin should also show up in the next disclaimer as a target for whoever is doing it. *Throws a virtual banana cream pie at Bob* for stabbing and possible offing of McGonagall. If she lives, *boxes of virtual Chocolate Crispy Kreme Doughnuts and Roast Beef sandwich and beer*

Jujuberry posted a comment on Monday 6th November 2006 9:51am

Oohhh! Evil cliffie, but perhaps deserved. Good job shaming the people into reviewing (can you tell it worked?).

Great chapter as always. But why Minerva? Why? And who is this killer? So confused...

EricThorsen posted a comment on Monday 6th November 2006 9:34am

Loved the method of dealing with Amhar... destroy his delusions of grandure with the real thing. I am interested in seeing who it is who has been killing people in Haven.

Jake posted a comment on Monday 6th November 2006 5:14am

Excellent chapter! I love what you did with the king, that was brilliant! Keep up the wonderful work and update soon!


Janeth posted a comment on Monday 6th November 2006 3:34am

I am not a pod person! I really have enjoyed your story and have nothing to say for construtive critism, so what do you want out of me?

Tracey1 posted a comment on Monday 6th November 2006 1:31am

GROWL HISS!!! How can you leave such a cruel cliffy like that?!!? You just can't kill off Minerva. Hopefully her Animagus form will save her (you know, the whole cats have 9 lives thing). It's hard enough waiting for the next chapter, but it's even worse waiting to see if a good character is going to get offed or not!
Hurry up with the next chapter. Oh, and by the way, Bob - CRUCIO!!

Insufferable Git posted a comment on Monday 6th November 2006 1:03am

re: Bloopers-
Jug not least ye be Jugged!

light fan posted a comment on Monday 6th November 2006 12:51am

O.K., so you want comments. I'm not a great writer, nor particularly creative, so I don't usually send feedback. Saying "I like your story" just doesn't seem as if it would make an author want to read his or her reviews .
Since the original HP author doesn't put out books very often, we fans depend on good fanfiction to feed our appetites. I read a lot of it. There aren't that many lengthy stories worth the loyalty required to follow them through to the end. I always assumed the good writers would know from the sheer volume of readers that their story is loved and appreciated. But you want it in print. Flawed though it may be, here's a comment from a reader who has been fed and watered until "my cup runneth over".
Your stories are some of my all-time favorites. I love your irreverent attitude (at least Bob's) in your disclaimers and the authors' notes as well. I assume most of us reading fanfiction are adults or nearly so, and perhaps feeling as I do--somewhat silly about reading and enjoying Harry Potter. A little well-placed sarcasm goes a long way in helping me not feel so guilty and childish. H/HR has always been my favorite ship and I also really like superHarry. We all need heroes, and I don't mind that one of mine is a fictitious character. I don't enjoy waiting so long for updates, but considering the length and quality of your chapters, it's understandable. If Sunrise is the last in this series, I hope you'll begin another soon. Please keep up the wonderful work!

Muirnin Cocan posted a comment on Monday 6th November 2006 12:26am

That was a vicious and evil cliff hanger today... but it does befit the Duke and Duchess of Bobmin... *grin*

I like how you have pulled the Monarchy in even more... And having Dorothy there is inspired. She does fit the type to play spy/efficient secretary to the pompous arsehole.

Can't wait to hear more from the Garden Gnomes (K&D & the rest of the fanficauthors) and Snorkacks (Bob and Alyx)

Oh btw, having Fuzz protect Hermione was so cute. Probably matched her wardrobe for the day quite smashing as well.

Take care I'm off to go clean and work on NaNoWriMo - it's going slow but I think I will do it this time.

As Always,
Muirnin - Please, don't let Peeves be dead ... Thanks for using Voldy in the Disclaimer.

Manatheron posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 11:50pm


First off I think I need to comment on your highly creative Disclaimer, I have read a countless number of HP fics, and I have to admit that I have Never seen Voldy kill in quite such an Inventive way...

Hmmm. I think you are setting up either millie or Deneb up for quite a fall... I'm wonder wich is going to get maimed or killed though.

... you stabbed MINNIE?!? We are going to have a long talk one of these first days about cliffies, Unresponsive readers, and tormenting the right people...

Oh, and just because you swore to immortalize the next person to bring it up... You should really cut off, and then magically re-grow harry's leg... And most of moody too.

-{Points and laughs and Bob and Alyx Tear out their collective hair... or rather as they both tear out Bob's hair}-

Excellent chapter By the way, I loved the appearence of the king, and it was fun watching Amhar get put in his place.