By Bobmin
DrT posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 11:23pm
I really really really hate you guys. Now everyone will think the climax of my current story (Triwizard Redux) was stolen from you. That's what I get for not getting the last three chapters posted, but since I had never seen the Royal Prerogative used in a fic before, I thought I'd be the first.
Quizer posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 10:22pm
Another entertaining chapter. I'm surprised how they still come out so quickly one after the other. I especially liked to see Amhar get served, even if we haven't seen the last of him yet. I also wonder about Peeves. Personally I think he's still alive. Even a maniac would show genuine shock if he was being killed for real.
By the way, here's something from your own story to poke fun at in your 'Bloopers' section:
"As pain and pleasure fought for dominance, her body went taunt."
I don't think it's kind to taunt the reader with this kind of thing. If you meant that her body went taut, which is the opposite of limp, you should say so. :P
anyway, until next chapter!
exar posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 10:05pm
Once again I really enjoyed your chapter. I am wondering why if they suspect someone in the school as the murderer, why didn't they gather everyone and go through there belongings. Would not be that hard even though it doesn't make for a good plot line. It is the one part of the story that I just don't enjoy that much (this murderer) but you have never disappointed and once the full plot is revealed you two will shine like usual.
Arthur and Melinda need to get married already :P
I loved Luna's scene in the last chapter..
Thanks again. keep up the updates!
ian mcfarland posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 10:02pm
keep up the good work i have printed all the chapters so far on all your storys
Eliew posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 8:59pm
I'm a little confused by the scene where Fred just made a floo call after Arthur was hurt. Was Fred the one to ask the question or George, and whose fault was it to forget locking the door?
Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 8:33pm
I really liked the disclaimer. I liked the line about everyone being prepared to believe that the Americans are capable of creating and covering up supertechnology too. I really hope Peeves isn't dead. He didn't go out with enough of a bang if he did, but I somehow think you can't keep a poltergeist down. Thorntree is fun. I loved the Ghost Council. Winky proclaiming that she knows how to keep an insane house-elf mate happy made me grin too. Amhar's clearly going to come back with a nasty plan. Finally: why did you have to do an evil cliffie the same day as WhyDoYouNeedToKnow gives us an evil cliffie? Not even magic is going to be able to fix my thumbs unless you continue soon. So more please. Good chapter.
Asad posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 8:33pm
LOL! Nice chappie and evil cliffie. I absolutely love it when Amhar gets his ass kicked again and again and again.....
Srikanth posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 7:51pm
*Sigh* poor ol' minnie...
well thanks for churning out the chapter ahead of the schedule. great to read it.
Ok at the risk of my namesake dying a terrible death....i ask this question... is Peeves really dead? also the question about the Grangers becoming magical.. what explanation will harry give?
he cannot the actual reason for obvious reasons. so will have to see how harry deals with it.
Again thanks for the excellent chapter
noylj posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 6:29pm
My only complaint so far is that you let DD die too easily. This is the same mistake that JK made in book 6. Next, you and she will let Moldie have a quick and painless death. When you count the number of people who have died (and, as of canon book 6, are still dying), the only difference between Moldie and DD is one takes an active part and one just lets it happen. I certainly hope that your Lion-man is allowed a slow and painful death.
You also left out several good sex scenes from this chapter, not to mention Hermy's joy at getting sardines.
Lionsgate posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 6:00pm
Yep : we still want more !!!
JDD posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 4:56pm
awesome, finally you dealt with amhar. but of course, since his character is so deeply twisted, he'll be back and i can't wait. but go harry!
Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 3:53pm
Another great chapter. I love the solution, although not total, to the Wizengamott problem. When he left, I thought he was going to return with Murphy ready to make her full confession, but you did better.
Thw twins should install a locking charm, or even a muggle lock on the door that will normally be locked unless otherwise activated instead of the reverse. If it were muggle, the girls could activate it, and we all know that they are the more responsible twins.
Just a tiny Amy bit there, hardly a paragraph. I'd like to see her get a tiny measure of revenge on the twins. Something involving straps and her testing her inventions on them, for once. It could even end up in some admiration for her creativeness.
Thank you for writing.
Mike (MoA)
agent fisher posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 3:41pm
Flippin Awesome.
nurray posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 3:35pm
Another excellent chapter. Your removal of the Wizengamot was well presaged by the idea of having the British royalty disband the Wizengamot and you dealt Amhar a blow by having his ancestry denied by the King himself.
Though the question that Amhar raised will cause questions to be asked as to how previously people listed as muggles did become magical. I think Harry may have needed to trace the Granger ancestral trees for both Mr and Mrs Granger.
Of my posing this question will probably mean that in the next major battle between Volemort's forces and Harry's there will be minor Death Eater with my name who dies horribly, somehow.
And no I am not a pod person. (I just look like one on weekends).
merf425 posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 3:16pm
Ah, a cliffhanger! You can't kill McGonagall, because she just died in another story that I follow, and she's one of my favourite characters... Okay, I know that is a terrible reason, but seriously, please don't kill her.
MononWalker posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 3:13pm
Bob & Alyx -- great chapter again. Ahmar certainly got his arse handed to him. Don't think he likes how it looks in his hands, though.
No much to say about this chapter. Everything seems to be moving along nicely (nicely?) towards the Final Battle now that Mouldie has something that can channel his new powers.
About the only thing I can see a "problem" with is in the Bloopers:
The first plain is the plain of spirits, that's where you go after you die to be jugged.
You may not jug the authors too harshly but it is plain to see that they are not seeking a higher plane of grammatical understanding.
Until next time -- Excelsior!
beauty0102 posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 3:06pm
yet another great chapter can't wait for more so please update again and soon.
JVTazz posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 2:53pm know for a few moments before Harry appeared and he was at Gringotts, I was thinking something along the lines of him showing the Grangers to be the squib line of Merlin or some other powerful historical figure...but then again I think I'm glad you didn't do that, would have felt wrong :) Good Chapter :)
Jim_xinu posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 2:29pm
Evil cliffhanger indeed. Great chapter, thanks for sharing it with us.
I was very tempted to make some comment about magical prosthetics just in the hopes of getting to be the gruesome grisly dead one. But I assume plenty of other people will do that. :-)
Matthew Terlich posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 11:45pm