By Bobmin
Craig St.Onge1 posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 8:38am
Hmm. Leaving a cliffie is a great way to end this chapter - Could not have asked for better. That said, let the readers come at ya - I will stand with you against them!
Honestly, I look forward to more chapters in this story, and am quite impressed with Voldemort's new staff - had to even the score so to speak, and that would do it all to well.
Have fun, and keep up the amazing work!
JIM HOOD posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 8:13am
i love everything about your stories from the disclaimers to the author's notes. you all rock!!!!!!!!!!!
ctao posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 8:13am
wow its getting good :D cant wait for more
Beau Wolff posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 7:35am
I'm loving the story, but I did note one blooper buried within another in your blooper section:
The first plain is the plain of spirits
I would think it would be rather plain that they're speaking of the Plane of Spirits, wouldn't you?
FenrisWolf posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 7:35am
Great chapter as always, but what is the story behind the Grangers' new family crest on their robes, not to mention ancient family jewels? Enquiring minds want to know!
IndigoCat posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 7:25am
The ending is evil. Loved it. :)
Ltank687 posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 7:21am
love it, but it is an evil, evil cliffy. Thank you for undating regularily, it is a joy to read this amazing, long, story that twists and turns with no equal, not even J.K. Rowling herself. You have encorporated muggle and magic perfectly. Congrats!
Paul Ellison posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 7:19am
Great Cliffie, can't wait to see how you resolve this. Will they work out how to save her or not?
Also great way to castrate Amhar's pretentious role in the Ministry. Only request is you go further in that vein of talk! (winces!)
uberwald posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 7:05am
nice. sad to see Minerva go though
Taegeous posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 6:57am
Blackmailed by a cliffy into leaving a review?!? Never! This was an excellent chapter, but you can't make me admit it. I shall remain lurking in the dark.
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
ReaderX99 posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 6:47am
nice bloopers there :)
thank you for writing and if it matters at all i for one appreciate reading your work :)
Kyle Bissett posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 6:45am
A BLOOPER! In this very chapter!
'a chalkboard was loaded with arithmetic equations.'
Arithmetic equations are grade school muggle math problems (The secret to correcting the problems with your wand lies in the fact that 6*9=42!!!). Equations used in spell work are arithmantic equations, from the term arithmancy.
Another BLOOPER! Sunset over Britain, Chapter 4:
'A moment later she was pouring over a specially prepared file she had created for exactly this purpose.'
She had prepared a file for pouring stuff on? Why? So that she could have the cleaning staff sponge down her desk more often (I think you meant poring)?
If you're going to point out other people's bloopers, you should admit to your own.
One of the people the house elves have been giving arbitrary titles to now has a real military rank - and it doesn't match up. How will the poor things cope?
As I understand it, Avada Kedavra expels the life force (you can't call it a soul when it works on non-sapients) from a body. I think that at worst it would turn Peeves from a poltergeist to a true ghost, since he doesn't have a body per se.
Are the muggles of the world going to think that 'Avada Kedavra' is the battle cry of the group that took over England? That's the simplest PR explanation of the cry they heard on the telethon. Somehow I think the public will be more upset about the accidental death of the actor than the near assasination of the PM (From last chapter, I know, but still valid, as you haven't written about the aftermath of that).
I see that the French are continuing their century old tradition of screwing up important decisions in times of war (Unbroken since Napoleon III).
Alex00 posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 6:33am
Great chapter.
Ike posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 6:20am
"The first plain is the plain of spirits, that's where you go after you die to be jugged."
So, what, they go out to be judged out in ohio, or something? Judged out on different plains? Is one a wheat field while the other corn?
Hesuse posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 6:15am
You cliffy-monster!! Great, if a bit dark, it would be nice to see a little bit more Tonks.
coronal posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 6:14am
Oooh. A cliffie! Mean!
Well, I'm probably one of those pod people, though I DO participate in your yahoo group from time to time.
I love your stories in general, and this chappy was absolutely BRILLIANT! Having Charles dissolve the Wizengamot?! Genius!!
goddessa39 posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 6:06am
....! I do say things sometimes-just not all the time-I try to respond three out of five times... Continue though-and Minerva is hurt? *sniffle* but I like her... but maybe she'll become a ghost and help out that way.
Oldwolf posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 5:56am
Ah, now that was a prank worthy of the Marauders. Harry doesn't get mean often, but when he does, he can certainly be creative.
As for de Leon, he's in for one rather nasty surprise and he should be extremely grateful Harry already had something up his sleeve as I believe the insults to Hermione, both calculated and deliberate, as well as her parents would have been more than sufficent for Mr. Potter to call the poor boy out, followed shortly by the cleaning crew with mops. To date, he's had a limited form of protection from Harry and the consequences of his actions, because of his status not only on the Wizongamot, but also on the special investigative council. I hope he watches his tongue more closely in the future in regards to Harry or else he's going to get himself killed, or at least seriously injured, in the very near future.
As for the cliffy, that's mean. Haven School doesn't have the deep and intrinsic wards that Hogwarts did to keep the Headmistress abreast of the situation, but I'm hoping that Minerva is indeed simply feeling the effects from someone else, though I doubt if I'm that lucky. After this though, there's not going to be anything to stop Harry and the constabulatory from turning that school inside out and upside down to find the culprit. There's also the question of Vertasium. Will the blade be able to keep the user from revealing herself under the potions effect? Also, wheather he likes it or not, Harry's almost going to have to use Ginny to help find that thing, and I honestly expect that she's going to insist on helping regardless.
Jed posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 5:54am
Ooh! Ooh! Can I be immortalized in fan fiction by dying a gruesome grisly death? *grins*
And yes, I am one of the readers who reads your work and doesn't say anything, and I am now coming after both of you for the cliffy with the nerf gun of infinite gerbils.
seishi posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 8:40am