By Bobmin
Melferd posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 5:36am
I abase myself before the frying pan of doom. I'm unworthy scum who has enjoyed your fiction without review. I volunteer to replace Amy in ....
wait a minute, I'm sorry, not crazy.
You both rock!!! I've spent many enjoyable hours reading instead of my
responsibilities as a parent. Thank you for these stories, they stay true to the character voice in a different world.
I'll just go get that hair shirt out of moth balls now...
Tia, Mel
SamanthaMeggin posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 5:32am
If you are going to kill McGonegall you're friggin nuts!!!!! Why kill her! That's just going to make the story even more angsty and you have so many things happening you'll ovre load the entire story!!! I hope you DON'T kill her! And what of Peeves?! Is he truly dead-DEAD? Perhaps harry can save McGonegall? I HOPE so!
I like this chapter, don't get me wrong, but to kill off MgGonegall....that just seems WRONG!!!
Love ya,
Sean Dillon posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 5:25am
My divination skills foresaw the King getting involved and doing something about Amhar. But damn! Did you have to attack Minerva?
Princess Fictoria posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 5:12am
You have fed me and so I respond!
So Voldie has done what he needed to do in order to become equal with Harry... and poor Peeves... is he gone, or only wounded?
I hope that you have a way to save Minerva... we have lost so many good and needed characters. I understand that we lose people in a war, but to lose one such as she to a mindless murder, well... I cry out and beseech thee to find some way for her to survive.
Continue to love what you are doing and hope to read more soon!
Blaithin posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 4:59am
A silent reader, yes, I admit, albeit an appreciative one. I eagerly await each new installment, and am also silent, not begging for haste on your parts. Thank you for not leaving your readers, silent or otherwise, hanging for too long, and continuing your wonderful story.
That said, I did find a little blooper. Sorry, this is a pet peeve.
"She pulled away from him a few minutes later and shook her head. "If you keep that up much longer, we'll both be in bed, doing things your children shouldn't know about. And their due home soon," she murmured."
Thank you.
Hesuse posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 4:31am
Excellent as always. You might want to correct this:
The two exchanged a glance, then met Luna's blue eyes. "We surrender!" the exclaimed in unison
The two exchanged a glance, then met Luna's blue eyes. "We surrender!" they exclaimed in unison
Also, though it might have been said before: MORE AMHAR!
texasranger_10 posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 4:31am
how dare you leave me a cliffy. wait thats not right. i love cliffies. very good work on this story. i read evry new chappy as soon as it is out. i may not respond to all of them but know that i do love the story. and leave all the cliffies you want.
James13 posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 4:30am
Oooh...Good chapter!
But another cliffy...bring on the figs and mice, I think we have a new volunteer!
Seriously, one of my favorite HP stories, if only cause it's soo regularly updated and the theme is more adult and very well managed.
Only suggest you cut off harry's leg and give him a silver peg leg that acts as a wand focus, so when he's disarmed (ha!) he's not totally helpless. *ducks for cover*
Leticia posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 3:58am
Ghost council. Best thing ever!
While your positive view of the monarchy is somewhat flattering to me, technically being one of their subjects, I just can't quite imagine Prince Charles with that much authority. If you've seen him standing in a line of people doing half hearted pelvic thrusts to music I guess it's just a little hard to take him seriously.
mathiasgranger posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 3:49am
Hmm, interesting turn of events this chapter. Thank god, mohammed, buddha, or whoever you will that the Wizengamot will actually be an elected body.
I have a feeling Amhar will probably go to France, but we shall see. I have a feeling that Peeves isn't gone, seeing as how he is a poltergeist and not a ghost. Peeves is simply an accumultion of emotion, I don't see how magic could destroy that.
Thanks for writing,
WNabors posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 3:49am
Cliffy - yeah,what a way to end a chapter =).I never saw what Harry planned coming,that was wickedly cool to have the King dissolve the Wizengamot.Please up date soon =).
redjacobson posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 3:17am
now that wasn't a very nice thing to do to Minerva! But, it was a very, very nice thing to do to Amhar *GRIN*
I've been enjoying your story since probably about chapter 9 or 10 of Sunset; and really look forward to each new chapter.
Can't wait to see what happens next
Treck posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 2:52am
"Yep, that will do it, but if they come after you, I knew nothing about it. I'm innocent!" Alyx exclaimed.
Umm... Are you not the one that planted this image in my brain???
She smirked at him. "Try it buster and I'll have you dancing in pig tails and a sun dress while singing tiptoe through the tulips next chapter."
Innocent my arse. <Grin>
Jewelle posted a comment on Tuesday 31st October 2006 2:38am
Its the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!... ROFLMAO!!!! This is great... just finished this chapter on my pocketpc (got story at and had to comment on the pageant. You must have grown up on Charlie Brown holiday specials just like I did.
I'm going back to reading the story now.
tw posted a comment on Sunday 29th October 2006 11:55am
Hey!!!!!!The stories are great!!!!
Have you thought about petitioning the crown for the complete removal of the Wizengamot and the institution of a Peoples Congress and judiciary?
For that mater, as the ministry in exile is on Harry's property, can't he dictate what can and won't fly?
Mike14 posted a comment on Friday 27th October 2006 12:10pm
I have been following your series for awhile and I'd like to say this by far the best story I read over the net..
To all those people who complain about it being canon or too ooc tell them to write their own stories. posted a comment on Friday 27th October 2006 9:07am
OUTSTANDING STORY SO FAR!!!! This story rules and I can't wait to see what happens next. You two are great writers. I have a question that has been nagging me since I started reading Sunset are You(Bob and Alyx) married? ok I know its personal but I had to ask, you don't have to answer that question if you don't want to. The chapter was as entertaining as the Disclaimer and the Author's Notes at the end of the story. Update when you can please:):):):)
Hellbeast posted a comment on Thursday 26th October 2006 11:36pm
you say that magic cannot fix harry's existing leg why doesn't he just replace it with a new one like a magical metal one or what i would do cut the leg of replace the bone and regenerate the muscle tendons and ligaments and hey presto a new leg
uberwald posted a comment on Tuesday 24th October 2006 12:21pm
I've just stumbled upon your story after reading many of the stories from the rest of the site here, and read Sunset over the weekend and caught up on Sunrise today -- I had more difficulty putting my laptop down to walk away from your tale than I had putting down the last several of Ms. Rowling's tomes.
Well done. Very compelling.
writerpayne posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 5:50am