Content Harry Potter


Dale Dietzman posted a comment on Tuesday 24th October 2006 12:47am

A Review of the Author's Notes al la Bloopers:

And now... BLOOPERS!!!

You are my heir little loin, whatever way it has come to pass.

Sheesh... what can we say about this?

Well you COULD say that a little LOIN is how most HEIRS come about.

"Oh so the world revolves around the great James Potter!" Harry retorted ignoring the calls from his friends to shit down and be quiet.

Just out of curiosity, but is it possible to shit up? And is that optional?

I believe shitting UP occurs on the Space Shuttle and in the Space Station, which is why the gravity-less toilet requires that the shit hit the fan!

Hermione had to admit that Harry looked adorable that morning as his glasses weren’t quite on straight and his hair was stinking up even more than normal.

Harry, wash that hair. If it stinks enough for people to notice it... ewwww

Birdie, birdie in the sky......

One of the fowl specters swept up to Harry.

Here is a dementor attack that was written by the Great Gonzo.

The ghost of turkeys past.....

After Hermione nodded in the affirmative, Harry started by kissing her passionately, he then trailed kisses down her chin, her neck, passed her color-bone, until he reached the valley between Hermione’s breasts.

Obviously this writer is a med student drop out.

And I'm sure he wanted to use his color-bone on her.... until she turned pretty colors, too.

AcceleratedGlass posted a comment on Monday 23rd October 2006 8:34pm

good chapter update soon

Alorkin posted a comment on Sunday 22nd October 2006 11:59pm

Another great chapter. Balir's rescue was well writ. I wondered what would happen to a muggle during portkey travel, as it affects Harry so much. In most of my fics, I have them getting violently ill. (I also don't like portkeys.)
Side note: Why does portkey travel affect Harry so badly, when Ron who is a pureblood, and Hermione who is muggleborn, are not adversly affected. It cannot be a problem with his internal balance, or he wouldn't be so good on a broom. (Just wondering.
Colonel McHardy has a hard job ahead. i've done that kind of extended partol. Captain Hanover is in for some major trouble. (Always expect trouble and if it don't come, breathe a sigh of relief.)
Luna's performance was absolutely the topper! I almost feel sorry for Cour De leon...
almost. She answers every question completely honestly. Hell, it wasn't HER fault he couldn't possibly understand.
As always, I eagerly await the next installment of 'Sunrise'. I shall stay tuned. Same Bat-time, same Bat-channel. Alorkin

shadowmist posted a comment on Sunday 22nd October 2006 2:32pm

Eh, Amhar is really annoying. He needs to be neutered, and given a good dose of drugs. He'd probably be more useful staring at bright colors in the sky than with control of his limited mental facilities... Anyways, keep up the good work and update soon please!

HyperGreenLlama posted a comment on Sunday 22nd October 2006 12:31pm

Once again you guys have an amazing chapter. I love reading this story.

I found a funny blooper from another story.

"He is suffering from extreme emancipation, a few miss healed and still healing bones, and a mild fever from infections.

AK posted a comment on Sunday 22nd October 2006 1:37am

"After Hermione nodded in the affirmative, Harry started by kissing her passionately, he then trailed kisses down her chin, her neck, passed her color-bone, until he reached the valley between Hermione’s breasts.

Obviously this writer is a med student drop out."

No, I'm sure it's a 13 year old. Not so sure about the gender though

MonkeyAxman1302 posted a comment on Saturday 21st October 2006 9:29pm

Its great that the disclaimer involved Amhar's demise. I was wondering if you'd managed to use all the ways that snape could die! Although I did miss the technicolour penguins!

Only one critiscism for an absurdly brilliant chapter! How do you guys get better, its amazing! When the hit wizards go after Prime Minister Blair why did they shoot the Master of Ceremonies first. Shouldn't they have waited to get both at once or at least manage to kill the one they were tasked with first!! Just seemed like an excuse for him to survive! (sorry live in britain,not a Blair-ite!lol!).

Really liked the development of the Haven murderer, and the blade is just sinister and evil great invention, great name as well.

Loved everything with the snorkack its great that someone has gone to the trouble to put one in there story.
Luna and the committee was brilliant, I really think that you should explain a bit more about the Child of Gaia concept. Third most magical human in the world after Harry and Moldieshorts! Pretty big claim! Your version of Luna fascinates me though, she is so interesting and that little guy with the horn who makes rude gestures makes me laugh every time! (juvenile I know!).

See I said I only have one thing to criticise, I do be ageeing slightly with Rebel Goddess though. Dilly do be using the phrase " do be" a lot! :-P

I wanted a kitchen sink too! Please keep writing though this story is one of my all time two favourites fanfics out there!


TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Saturday 21st October 2006 10:24am

Very good, I sooooo love Luna. Nice writing.


Asad posted a comment on Saturday 21st October 2006 5:33am

LOL at how Luna dealt with Amhar.

Nice chappie. KUTGW.

Muirnin Cocan posted a comment on Saturday 21st October 2006 5:02am

Ah darn... well just know that some of us are insain and will be attempting the insanity *GRIN*

I'm finally back on my psych meds again so I may actually make sense ... or not

I have come to think of Garden Gnomes as being Keith and Dorothy and Snorkacks as being Bob and Alyx does that make me strange?

I really loved this chapter... I LOVE LUNA!!!! she is a jewel! Susan broadcasting her cravings to the girls was a riot...

I still like the idea of Peeves and the Bloody Baron participating in a disclaimer ... I've been reading Muggle Summer (by canoncansodof) and it's got a lot to do with King Charles etc and I had to stop and go Oh yeah the Queen is dead in this one too...

By the way, even though you have more than one ship sailing here with Harry and Hermione on it ... you can post the whole fiddler fic on Portkey ... just a thought

Sunrise, sunset ... sunrise, sunset... swiftly go the years...

\-/ \-/ have a couple of shots on me ... seeing as my donuts didn't make it through the mail

As always,
Muirnin - who has to go deal with a plumbing disaster in her kitchen now ... a mother's work is never done

Jeanas posted a comment on Saturday 21st October 2006 4:21am

Oh dear what would our Coeur de Lion do next?
Can Harry not send him somewhere, like the North Pole to count the pegiuns or the magical creatures or somewhere in the amazonian jungle would be nice too: I really do like to see him there.
Fuzz is quite sweet and I m glad that the Draco/ twins play is over.
And Luna rocks, and what kind of power did Hermione inherited?
And what about the arch? Store in the DoM of the irish governement it wouldnt be a help.
And what is happening to the gohsts at Hogwarts, or anyway on the other side.
Are they in the world others place where the dark armies are coming together?.And what did happened to the fellow bloke who did work at the french apparation point? Did he get caught?.
So there is a dementor blade somewhere? I hope that they would be able to catch it whoever it would be.
Could this dementor blade and the making of it help Harry in his fight.
And who is the great papi of the house elves?
And after a tons of questions, I realy do love this chapter and specially the Luna part.
Waiting like always for another updates.

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Saturday 21st October 2006 4:19am

Very good, love the good times parts.
Make the bad guys really pay.


rippergirl posted a comment on Saturday 21st October 2006 4:16am

Excellent chapter as usual. Perfect start to my Saturday. Glad to see Fuzz is going to be staying right where he belongs. Was a shock to read about all the women in the Brotherhood started to get cravings at the same time. Here I thought something fun was going to happen. All the men having to deal with their pregnant wives at the same time. Hope Ahmar gets whats coming to him. Anyways can't wait to see the next chapter. Keep on writing. Ooh and also glad to see Millicent get a little love in this story too. Hope she finds that spy.

Tarkas posted a comment on Saturday 21st October 2006 2:34am

After Hermione nodded in the affirmative, Harry started by kissing her passionately, he then trailed kisses down her chin, her neck, passed her color-bone, until he reached the valley between Hermione’s breasts.

Obviously this writer is a med student drop-out.

Oh, it could be worse than that... ;-) Not only has s/he found a new piece of the human skeleton, his/her use of the word "passed" is sloppy syntax at best -- there needs to be something else there to make that a proper sentence, be it a pronoun, some more punctuation or both -- but is most likely lousy spelling, and should be written as "past". That confusion, and its allied mess-ups like "pass/past/passed times" for "pastimes", are rapidly becoming as common on the net as those old "favourites", your/you're, to/too/two and their/there/they're. Annoying.

participium posted a comment on Saturday 21st October 2006 2:34am

Hmm, I don't know. I think you made Luna too powerfull. It just doesn't seem right to me.
First you have Grindewald and Dumbledore. However Grindewald doesn't seem to be as much as a threat seeing as the people weren't as affraid of him as they are of Dumbledore. His name is still mentioned.
So of the really major powers you only had Dumbledore. Fifty years later you had Voldemort. And now you have Harry. Luna popping up seems to be too much power.
I don't mind her being strong, however it seems she's a bit too strong.

sean2 posted a comment on Saturday 21st October 2006 2:20am

hi im a new reader and im appalled that there were no mentions on kitchen sinks in this chapter, other than that i love this story your writing styles are captivating. please keep posting.

morriganscrow posted a comment on Friday 20th October 2006 5:14pm

Totally, totally wonderful chapter!
I LOVE this story and the whole Luna scene was pure genius.
I am on the edge of my seat awaiting the next update.
Thanks to both of you for all the hard work.

Sean Dillon posted a comment on Friday 20th October 2006 3:58pm

Pretty good Luna. I hope this means we're getting close to the point where Amhar meets his end. Perhaps with the end of the war the King can disown that line of the royal family.

And in the bloopers, we'd have to check with NASA but I suppose it might be possible to shit up if you were orbiting earth on the shuttle waiting for the crazy glue you used to put some new tiles on to finish drying.

beauty0102 posted a comment on Friday 20th October 2006 2:03pm

yeah great chapter can't wait for more so please update again and soon.

ladyimmortal posted a comment on Friday 20th October 2006 1:39pm

As usual a wonderful, wonderful chapter.

Woe is me who has to wait 3 weeks for the next chapter. I don't suppose you could have mercy on a reader and post it in... two weeks? How about tomorrow? That'd be swell! And nifty! And swell and nifty!

Anyway, I'm HOPING old Amhar is getting the rug pulled out from under him. Harry is going to rend him limb-from-limb if Amhar doesn't stop being such an infernal idiot.

Maybe he should go back to England and kiss Voldie's robes........