By Bobmin
Voldemort is Dead posted a comment on Thursday 19th October 2006 11:07pm
Excellent! I really wish I could cast some silencing charms. My neighbors probably think I am insane because I was laughing so at Luna's performance at Amhar's little meeting!
Lurk posted a comment on Thursday 19th October 2006 11:04pm
Wonderful chapter! I loved the bit with Luna, that was wonderful! And I think Harry should wear his shirts more often. They are QUITE amusing.
I'd say more, but I gotta run. ::curses college essays::
Keep itup!
mathiasgranger posted a comment on Thursday 19th October 2006 10:42pm
Good chapter, I liked it but still little in terms of blowing Amhar up.
Thanks for the update,
Archangel255 posted a comment on Thursday 19th October 2006 10:06pm
Excellent story. i have been following for a while, but don't remember reviewing before. What about cutting of Harry's leg and regrowing it? Or a prosthetic like wormtails? Not all spell like that are truly dark and evil. I believe a Druidic spell would work buy using nature's regenerator like a lizard. I think I remember seeing a show on lizards regrowing lost limbs. Just my thoughts on the matter. I know writing is tough as I have two stories going on Please keep up the excellent work and I look forward to the next chapter.
David Patricks posted a comment on Thursday 19th October 2006 9:20pm
Speaking of bloopers, how about "prehensile tales?" Are those told in grunts, or the convoluted ancestor of shaggy dog stories?
All sniping aside, I needed a laugh like this one. Luna on the witness stand -- hilarious! (But what will happen when the child of gaia information leaks?)
seishi posted a comment on Thursday 19th October 2006 9:08pm
nice chapter!! :D it had everything one can expect from it. Can you tell us if the next chapter will be on schedule next weekend?
Paul10 posted a comment on Thursday 19th October 2006 5:19am
when is the next update commin ??????????????????????????????????????/
koppe posted a comment on Tuesday 17th October 2006 9:30pm
I'm loving this story so far. As a Norwegian, I especially liked the reference to Quisling... a rather nasty piece of work. Although it was worry *this* time, I hope Hermione will end-up pacing due to pregnancy eventually (as her parents suspected in this part). Keep up the great work.
AcceleratedGlass posted a comment on Tuesday 10th October 2006 8:59pm
good chapter update soon
Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Monday 9th October 2006 5:39am
Killing house-elves is horrible. Mulciber's using his daughter as a concubine is too foul. Warm canines was such a funny line. Tiny criticism - Dilly seems to say "do" an awful lot. You write Dobby perfectly though. The final part with Dumbledore and the Snorkack was great. I love the way you used it. More please. Great chapter. Lobstering a butt is too horrible to think about.
MonkeyAxman1302 posted a comment on Monday 9th October 2006 5:21am
Wow! Awesome chapter guys!!
The fact that all the X-mas stuff can get a little soppy doesn't matter so much when you end it with the end of a story line like that. Dumbledore needed to die, I liked the way you did it too. As I wasn't sure if I should be happy he died or sad. He was barmy by the end and that earns him a little sympathy.
I kind of find Harry and Hermione's speech to the elves, after finding out about Voldemort's starting to kill them all, a little goody goody. I know its right and I'd want elf rights but it just seemed that it could have gone unsaid.
I really like the line from Arthur, about "warm canines"! So perfectly Arthur Weasley.
bimalc posted a comment on Saturday 7th October 2006 2:03pm
So I know you're not going to take the time edit and post DA/SC and I agree with your reasons (not that my assent means much of anything) ... oh bugger, now I'm rambling and that wasn't supposed to happen.
What I meant to say was that I've been using the times between SOB postings to read DA and now SC and it suddenly occured to me that you're using real place names. I didn't have time to check every chapter of every story you've ever posted, but a spot check of 5 random chapters from the DA, SC and the two SOBs didn't turn up a single made up muggle location. All of which is by way of asking if you:
A) Do loads of research to make the geography work out
B) Lived in the UK for a spell
C) have ye olde moste excellent Brit-pickers?
thank you for your wonderful contribution to Fannon,
Muirnin Cocan posted a comment on Friday 6th October 2006 2:31pm
Oh Gawd what a torturous time I had rereading this story from the beginning... not that it was bad... I love this story! Earthlink FUTZED up my system real bad with 2600+ virus's and all they can say is oops sorry...
Anyway, Finally, I have caught up ... but before I review this chapter I wanted to make sure that you guys were alright. I heard that there was some tornado's in Idaho yesterday but of course they didn't say WHERE (us poor Utah folk don't get told anything) and they generally give us the gentler, kinder weather like Oh it was a Super-cell or a Microcluster Ah excuse me but those are alternate terms for an F-1 tornado! When we had one come through here at the Boulders and the Airport (Taking out the Air Tower) they called it a Supercell like it would be less damaging!
Anyway, this was a great bunch of chapters (it took me a while to catch up - I have been without Internet since August 3rd.
I tried to send you donuts to
Bob & Alyx
c/o Bobmin
Northern Idaho
but the package came back empty with a love letter from USPS saying Package undeliverable but thanks for the Donuts they were delicious ... Send milk next time.
Blame the Postal Service ...
I love the addition of your typos now ... some of the ones I have read have made me cringe when I read. I've actually gotten to the point where I edit as I read *rolls eyes*
Hmmm... perhaps for your disclaimers you can have Peeves create some havoc ... between him and the Bloody Baron I'm sure they could do some real interesting stuff to 'amuse' your audience. Or Live from Hogwarts ... It's Saturday Night! Starring Lord Voldemort!
Sorry, I'm rambling, It' nearing that NaNoWriMo time of year and I HAD to reread your work to get my Disclaimer fixes in (need to also read a few others) so that I can get my word count up this year 2K just won't cut it... I won't ask if you both are insane enough for NaNo because WE NEED MORE SUNRISE *GRIN*
I'm stocking up on Coffee, and all my essentials so I will be ready to go come November 1st.
Miss you guys Hope all is well Keep writing and stay well!
As Always,
Muirnin - who really will send you donuts if I have an accurate address that the USPS won't hijack!
Nyssa posted a comment on Friday 6th October 2006 6:35am
I really love this story. I usually don't read stories that aren't complete, but I read the first one not knowing there was a sequel and I couldn't not read what was up of the sequel (i think it was up to chapter 13 at that point) I check my email inbox constantly to see if there are any updates. Keep up the good work.
And i'm glad Dumbledore died in this chapter, he was starting to get annoying!!
Lewis posted a comment on Wednesday 4th October 2006 1:47am
How about crabbing a breast
Jeanas posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd October 2006 5:51pm
I love Fuzz I love Fuzz I love Fuzz.
Ok, I said this so I better stoped right now.
Albus is dead? high time for him to bide the grass. Interesting fact you wrote about the Arch. I has divine power and ought not to be used lightly? Does that meant that Albus -mad- on- the-block would suffered in his afterlife?.Perhaps some kind of deity would be quite angrier that the one that ought to help Harry was the one helping him the least.
Voldy is acting like himself but Im intrigued but Snape pet, the woman he used as servant. I do hope that she would be able to come free even she would have problem to cope with the dealing of her imprissoment.
And poor Houseelves but they arent that poor compared to the muggles they have still magic and would fleed from the country.
Eh it meant that the muggle would be used as servant because the Deatheater would not spent their time cleaning and making food in the kitchen. And last where are the Hogwarts gohsts??. Will we see them again?.
Waiting for another update in two to 3 weeks,
May the muse be with you
morriganscrow posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd October 2006 11:26am
Bloody brilliant!
I've read "Sunset" and the first 21 chapters of "Sunrise" over the last three days. You are wonderful writers.
I will continue to follow this as new chapters are posted.
MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd October 2006 10:13am
Ding Dong Dumbles is dead. I have a feeling that killing Dumbles is going to have some very ugly concenquences. Butthead Delion is going to cause a lot of trouble over that. I really like what you are doing with Arthur and Melinda.
I can't wait to see what you have happen next.
Riyan posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd October 2006 7:22am
Hey guys. Excellent chapter... I love where the story is going.
Incidentally, Ive got a great blooper submission. This story is riddled with typos, but this one made me spit my wine out:
"I… so how do I accept?"
"Be aware…you may loose some things you hold dear." Draco gabbed his gentiles.
"Not that." They both chuckled.
I wasnt aware that Draco kept gentiles readily available to him.
Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Thursday 19th October 2006 11:30pm