By Bobmin
Jake posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd October 2006 6:08am
Great chapter, would I be going out on a limb by saying that Dumbledore's death was influenced by Monty Python and the Holy Grail? Because the Snorkack definately sounded somewhat similar to the killer rabbit with claws and teeth. Keep up the wonderful work and update soon!
Zaxxon posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd October 2006 1:39am
I do love this fic... but I'm curious as to the aftermath. The Wizardry World, as whole and Britian, will wish to "return" to the old status quo. But too many are going to be demanding answers as to what has occurred in England, that I am not so sure that the Wizardry World can remain a secret afterwards.
Princess Fictoria posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd October 2006 12:58am
Yeah!!! Dumbledore's dead! And the 'arch' is now in the hands of the good guys... wonder what use they might be able to put it to? Also wonder if they will be able to figure out the curse on it?
I certainly hope that you continue to ignore the suggestions that people may foist upon you for you to post your, as yet, unre-edited earlier stories... after all, if they want to read them that badly they can go to and do so!
I look forward to the next chapter very much... mainly because I want to see if Voldie's promised attack is made more dificult since Haven is already on high alert and the families of the town are already safely in their bunkers.
Am also very interested in what little plot our deranged slave girl is hatching to cause harm to our much hated evil guys... nice to see that being tortured and abused into insanity has not lessoned her obvious intelligence or need for vengeance.
Still loving you!
crawfsh posted a comment on Monday 2nd October 2006 4:12pm
Help. Chapter 15 looks corrupted.
Weird text starts a few lines below the section "Dinner with Ragnok and company...".
Voldemort is Dead posted a comment on Monday 2nd October 2006 12:56pm
I have a Blooper for you.
I came across this on another fanfic site: It is a story written by Corwalch.
The story is called: A Wizard of Silence. It is a cross-over of Harry Potter and Charmed.
The blooper is at the beginning of Chapter 2:
Vernon Dursley was just about to pick up his fork and start on his dinner when the doorbell ran.
I think that the author meant that the doorbell rang. If the doorbell ran, where did it run to, and how far did it run?
You should check out this story.
I really do like this story so far!
LoggingInSucksAss posted a comment on Monday 2nd October 2006 10:16am
"No, Dobby, your family and family helps each other."
But what about my family and family?
And Dumbledore got the Snorkack's kiss! OMFGBBQ!11
Manatheron posted a comment on Monday 2nd October 2006 7:17am
Alas, how the mighty have fallen. Such good intentions in the beginning, and now look what has happened...
{Shakes head}
AGREEING to postpone your update to revise an earlier story? how dare you! ;-) Give your loyal reviewer the e-mail addresses of these interlopers and we will... Have a little 'Chat' with them.
{Evil Grin}
Excellent work on the chapter I am a little dissipointed that you cut it off here, but that is understandable as I am usually dissipointed when your chapters are done... not because of content or action mind you, but because I want to know what happens next. I do Assume that Somebody is going to retreive the arch of soloman? Also (And I'm probably making a large assumption here) what kind of curse could the arch bestow that would last beyond life? You wouldn't have brought the curse up so often if it wasn't somthing that would play a part in the story somewhere...
Eagerly awaiting the next chapter,
Alorkin posted a comment on Monday 2nd October 2006 1:54am
Another excellent chapter. Harry's disconcertion at both Amilia's joke with King Charles, and Charles' personal recognition of his titles, was a very warm touch.
It's nice to see Mc Hardy again. I assume you'll try to kill him off again? Really 30% casualties is appalling. Unfortunately most officers don't think that way. The ones I've served with would consider anything under 99% to be acceptable, just so long as they, themselves aren't placed in hazard.
I hope you will find a way to rescue te house-elves. They need an advocate. (Preferably one that isn't as vehement as Hermione.)
Christmas at the Johanson's was fun. It reminded me of the few pleasant ones my siblings and I had as children. The gift exchange between Dilly and Melinda was nothing less than precious. I was originally surprised at the May/September romance between Arthur and Melinda, but you've drawn it with such feeling, that it seems natural.
Dumbledore's attack, while expected, was well played out. Who would have ever expected him to be killed by a Snorkack?
As always,i eagerly await the next chapter of 'Sunrise'. Alorkin
Crys posted a comment on Monday 2nd October 2006 1:48am
I knew I'd forget something.
Two somethings.
Sir Basil? Been reading Clancy, or did you come up with this independently? That description doesn't sound right, but I don't have my Clancy novels handy.
Oh, and I think I see a potential problem with AD dying on the battlefield, more or less at Harry's hand. Without a trial, he'll be a martyr to some. If you could put him on trial, you'd reveal his real self and prevent someone (Amhar) from using him as a weapon against you later.
Crys posted a comment on Monday 2nd October 2006 1:39am
> She now warmed his bed at night, allowing him to indulge in one of his more twisted fantasies.
Okay, that is just sick. And exactly how a DE would think. Well done on such an "inconsequential" detail, even though it seriously squicks nearly everyone.
> "From here on, kill every house elf we run across. Start with those here in the castle."
Oh, that was a BIG mistake. Now you're going to have to devote a LOT of resources to doing the things that the house-elves did for you. This will be demeaning to those doing it (or overseeing those who are, more likely) and cause resentment and fighting.
> "You're planning a landing at Inverness!"
I hope that scene was for the benefit of informing the readers that a landing is planned, rather than this poor guy getting captured and said landing becoming a nightmare.
I liked that scene with the fairies at Melinda's house. Nice, fluffy addition.
LV can't learn wandless magic and his wand is fried. Therefore, he can't cast magic right now. Yeah, that's kinda important to know.
*blink* Well, she may be in the good guys side, but she doesn't sound all that sane anymore, either.
*laugh* A snorkack. You really gave Luna a snorkack for Christmas. You're crazy. You know that, right?
> Luigi Flimflamari
Okay, now you're just having fun making up names :)
> "Death to the invaders! For Allah and Lord Potter!"
Now there's something you don't hear every day.
Huh. You killed AD. If I weren't scared of Alyx's FPIA, I'd suggest resurrecting him just so you could kill him again.
> looking ashamed and, oddly, a bit sheepish.
*eyeroll* That was awful, Bob.
Interesting choice that you had Dan, the one on the battlefield who knew him least, be the one to close AD's eyes.
> Killing Curses being thrown at him and all of the furry behind each of them.
I'm very tempted to mention Kinsfire's "Fur-Haven", but I won't.
Awesome story, you two.
john2 posted a comment on Sunday 1st October 2006 11:51pm
A comment and a question.
V-mort is getting allies - always a good thing if you are an evil overlord.
You write: >>Not to be outdone, Mehi stepped forward. He placed his hand over his heart and bowed. "Honored Leader. We of the Blood Jihad welcome the opportunity to join your crusade. Gladly will we live and fight for the greater glory."
In the Islamic world, crusade is a curse word, which is why "Campus Crusade for Christ" is such a problematic name, but that's another issue. Jihad is not equivalent to crusade in the Islamic world view. For the Islamic mind, the Crusades were a horrible event similar in scope to the Jewish Holocaust (which they often deny, but again, that's another story).
Now, on to the question - the Iron Wand and Blood Jihad folks have landed in the UK - how are they going to get out? Won't the dark-mark ward zap them too as they try to get out of the UK?
Tabraiz Rasul posted a comment on Sunday 1st October 2006 8:43pm
another great chapter. can't wait for the next one.
scott2 posted a comment on Sunday 1st October 2006 3:05pm
great chapter, wondering if we have seen the last of the arch, was it a plot device for setting up the battle or will it be used agian? in any case hope for more soon :)
JDD posted a comment on Sunday 1st October 2006 2:53pm
sweet chappie, i knew you'd get blood and gore in there somehow
aengus posted a comment on Sunday 1st October 2006 1:30pm
You killed the bastard! you killed him!
May the world rejoice and make merry. The drinks are on me!
Now... are you going to kill Moldieshorts? And what about your other stories that are still trapped on Are you going to bring those here?
rippergirl posted a comment on Sunday 1st October 2006 1:02pm
Yay I was just thinking about how great it would be to get a new chapter update in the email and what happens? It comes true! Yay! Let's see, Dumbledore is finally gone, Snape's slave is up to something, Christmas was celebrated by all and snorkack's are real(and named Fuzz). Can't wait to see what will happen in the next chapter. Keep up the excellent work.
Ken Warner posted a comment on Sunday 1st October 2006 12:53pm
loved the chapter - nice way to end the chapter and Dumbledore - it was obvious that he was quite far gone into insanity.
The Christmas scenes with Arthur and with the johansens were fabulous - seeing the kids playing Harry Potter and the Deatheaters against the twins will be a favorite for a long times.
Thanks so much and my very warmest regards to you both.
Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Sunday 1st October 2006 11:48am
Terrific chapter! Yay on Dumbledore's fate. Killed by a creature that was previously believed by many to be imaginary. Although, I think you only made it sheep like in appearance so you could pun it with the 'sheepish' line. Of course, maybe you did it for the cuddle factor...but, well, I don't know anything about the cuddliness of sheep, so I'll have to take your word for it, Bob.
There was a popping sound and the creature appeared on Luna's neck, fully visible again. Luna cuddled and whispered to it, a tear running down her cheek.
I don't think that everyone will just suddenly believe in Dumbledore's guilt or the justness of his death. They won't believe that he was the one to lead the assault, or if they believe that he did, he would have, obviously, been doing it for the purest of reasons. Of course, the captured mecenaries testimony won't sway the stubborn, after all, they are criminals, you can't trust them to tell the truth. Ah, you can always rely on some people to have the attitude:
'I already know the truth, stop trying to confuse me with the facts.'
Minor, correction, maybe...
I think you need to lose the 'she' here:
Once everyone was finally through, she Amelia led them into a huge room.
Thank you for your fruitful efforts to entertain the unwashed masses. Maybe with them entertained they would agree to bathe for once. But, then again, what would you call the unwashed masses if they were washed?
Mike (MoA)
Mary Morley posted a comment on Sunday 1st October 2006 11:07am
I'm glad you got rid of Dumbles, he was a distraction, but is this going to give the bad eggs in the Wizgamot reason to give Harry even more grief? Will there be an inquiry about Dumbles' death?
morriganscrow posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd October 2006 6:12am