By Bobmin
pnthrgrl343 posted a comment on Sunday 1st October 2006 8:49am
Hahahaha. I love the idea of the Snorkack being real, let alone showing up at Christmas dinner and getting christened Fuzz. Better yet was that it's actually a hell of a fighter. Rock on to you two, and keep up the amazing work. =)
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Sunday 1st October 2006 8:39am
Gah, what an end to a pleasant Holiday period. It would be interesting to see if an forensic wizarding autopsy found any cause for Dumbeldore's growing insanity and move to the Dark.
The rest of the story continues other threads, though I do wonder what that thorn apple is going to be used for. *wicked chuckle* I can think of a few nasty things she could do with it, likely at the cost of her life, but with payback before she went.
Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Sunday 1st October 2006 8:05am
DING DONG The nutters gone! Dumbledore went out like the punk he was, though I have to admit, it could've been amussing to see him stand trial and let him deal with being a reviled criminal as opposed to the "beloved leader of the light" he was trying to maintain. Outstanding chapter, thank you.
Deborahsu posted a comment on Sunday 1st October 2006 7:41am
I love your disclaimers. I love your AN's! I LOVE YOUR SNORKACK, FUZZ!!!! ROFLOL!!! The way you put it together ... priceless! I always look forward to the next chapter ... even without cliffies!
Yes, I know that it's Luna's snorkack, and there is no WAY she's going to let you claim her. ;-)
Wednesday Jones posted a comment on Sunday 1st October 2006 6:41am
wOOHOO! The old bastard is dead! I am so happy. I never liked Dumbledore, in your story or in the real thing.
Is Harry going to lose his leg? The thing is just totally useless. Poor git.
Say, are you ever going to bring back those T-Shirts with the funny slogans on them?
Wednesday Jones
Bobmin356 replied:
Would you voluntarily slice off your own leg because it hurts under circumstances that you can avoid?
Will he lose his leg? Maybe in a splinch, but I doubt it.
Jennifer4 posted a comment on Sunday 1st October 2006 4:37am
Wonderful chapter!! I love the snorkack.
While I would have loved to see Dumbles on trial, I'm glad he's gone. I mean if you don;t start wrapping up loose ends ends the story will never end, right? Wait, I change my mind, I don't want the story to end.
PS during Christmas dinner Harry conjurred a chair for Hagrid that could habdle his "wait".
Michael Henderson posted a comment on Sunday 1st October 2006 2:56am
Your a big fan of Tom Clancy aren't you bob (Sir, Basil)?? This is a great series. keep up the good work
Matt101 posted a comment on Sunday 1st October 2006 2:51am
Good chapter keep it up :)
Gardengirl posted a comment on Sunday 1st October 2006 2:26am
Thank you for finally offing Dumbledore!
Kathleen posted a comment on Sunday 1st October 2006 1:08am
Awww, Dumbledore's fight was kinda anticlimactic. Still, at least he's dead! And creating a Snorkack!!! Genuis!!!
P.S. -- lobstering a butt, hee hee.
Jim_xinu posted a comment on Sunday 1st October 2006 12:49am
Great chapter, thanks for sharing it with us.
Naga's Shadow posted a comment on Saturday 30th September 2006 11:40pm
You should know that Allahu Akbar trasnlates into "God is Great" It's a call to worship not a battle cry. While not muslim myself I remember that because NPR apoligized for using it as a battle cry last week. Just thought you should know.
DrT posted a comment on Saturday 30th September 2006 11:33pm
Glad Dumbledore bit the big one, and that Snape's 'pet' is up to something. Yet for soem reason, despit all the other excellent 'bits' (the snorkack, the toy dragon, etc.), I think I'll most remember the fairies in the tree.
ichtys posted a comment on Saturday 30th September 2006 10:57pm
I like the story.
Keep up the good work.
Regards Ichtys
Treck posted a comment on Saturday 30th September 2006 10:37pm
Yay! A dead Dumbles means you can add some spice to your disclaimers. :P (And give poor snape a break. (NOT!))
nespar posted a comment on Saturday 30th September 2006 8:53pm
Very nice part. One question for you though: wouldn't the representatives sent by those other organizations to Voldermort now be dead because they crossed the line of death and were likely very bad people? Or has a copy of that Haven antidote been found? Anyway, I liked this part, and can't wait for the next one. And what exactly is growing or existing down in the dungeons of Hogwarts with the tenticles, and what is that insane slave of Snape's planning?
Bobmin356 replied:
You missed the section in chapter four in which Harry admits he goofed with the ward, it only works for people leaving the island, not for people coming in.
From Chapter four.
"I'm such an idiot, Miles. I should have made the ward to work in either direction, but I was only concerned about keeping Voldemort locked up inside Britain. Now I can't modify the ward without removing the existing one and, frankly, I don't think I want to go through that again."
Ronnie McMains posted a comment on Saturday 30th September 2006 7:58pm
You know, it's funny. In my review of the last chapter, I asked if Amhar was going to do something stupid involving Luna and end up run through by a Crumple-Horned Snorkack, and in this chapter, not only does she get one (loved that), but it kills Dumbledore! (Shades of Crys, actually; his '1001 Deaths of Lord Voldemort' included death by Snorkack. Also included Voldie's Biggest Mistake, also known as using Legilimency on Luna. ^_^;)
Since Jamey is so insistent about DA and SC, perhaps he would like to contribute to this series? (Yes, I am referring to him being a guest star in the disclaimer.)
Anyway, I'm sure Amhar will believe DD's death while trying to AK Harry is just the ammunition he needs to take Harry down; I hope he doesn't realize the gun's going to backfire. ^_^
seishi posted a comment on Saturday 30th September 2006 6:37pm
there is a question that is confusing me, if mulcibur's wife can turn insane under the cruciatus seconds after Voldemort casts it, judging by voldie's surprise of what had happened to his wand, is it true that he hasnt tortured his servants since he went through the ritual? i dont believe that
Bobmin356 replied:
You better believe it. Or else the story's gonna get boring for you. He probably does what he did to Mulciber's son, had someone else cast the crucio.
Aaron2 posted a comment on Saturday 30th September 2006 5:33pm
Nice chapter, what i love to your story is your supporting characters, and what's happening in the Wizarding world. Great christmas that Harry and the ppl of Haven had. Wonder what Linda's going to name her dragon? and during christmas was the final battle between Harry and Dumbledore. So now Harry is probably one of the 2 most powerful wizards in the Wizarding world. Love to see what happen next, and hopefully the 'muggle killer' will be found. Bob, Alyx, you guys are great writers. keep it up
anonymous5 posted a comment on Sunday 1st October 2006 9:35am
Bobmin356 replied: