Content Harry Potter


Tabraiz Rasul posted a comment on Wednesday 20th September 2006 3:55am

another great chapter. keep up the good work. can't wait for the next one.

Stupid Fox posted a comment on Wednesday 20th September 2006 1:45am

Whoa! Nice new symbol!

Stupid Fox posted a comment on Wednesday 20th September 2006 1:45am

"M-m-master! M-master is the P-pott-ter boy? Filthy half-bread, disgrace to the name of Black. B-bu-but how is, is it poss-"

AcceleratedGlass posted a comment on Monday 18th September 2006 10:16pm

great chapter update soon

greendragon posted a comment on Monday 18th September 2006 7:17pm

the story's far

and i like the new logo

kelvin posted a comment on Monday 18th September 2006 12:43pm

I think for the bloopers you should not have it italic, This takes away the fun of thinking about it and making it more funny

Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Monday 18th September 2006 6:29am

Nice chapter.

Re: A/N about the assissin: I thought it was one of Dumbledore's people.

RE: the attack on the king (I didn't vote for him) I'm confused. I thought Voldemort was planning something against the government but postponed it, so was this independent of Voldie? Maybe something Lucius cooked up? (hope so. He needs to be Crucio'ed).

Missed Snape. Looking forward to one of his slaves biting off his dangly bits. Then pouring the pain causing potion down his throat. I can dream, can't I?

Like Narcissa's interview. Wonder what would happen if Harry showed up while the Grangers were being interrigated, and when asked why he was there, said, "In case someone insults my in-laws, it'll save time if I'm here to challenge them to a duel right away."

Thanks for writing. Looking forward to more.

Tom A.

JDD posted a comment on Monday 18th September 2006 6:12am

kay, since everyone gives you shit about amhar, i want to congratulate you.

Great character! this is the first review i have left you, so terribly sorry, but i've got some time and thought i'd tell you that This story is the only harry potter story i'm readin gright now.

I've read most of the major fanfiction, and this right here, posesses the magical writing power of rowling. Not the same at all, because this isn't j.k. rowling's world, but you have blended her world with the depth of george rr martin, and the character reality found in Hobb. I love this!

MonkeyAxman1302 posted a comment on Monday 18th September 2006 5:57am

Great Chapter.
Dumbledore has trully lost it. I like your subtle mention of the twitching cheek which is sort of like a tick that people with mental problems get I assume.
Now was that Voldemorts attempt not called off in time or something else?

I thougth Narcissa giving it large back to Amhar was brilliantly written and well overdue for that smarmy git, he is a great character! A success of mass loathing!

Keep up the great work!


Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Monday 18th September 2006 3:09am

For one of the first times ever, I found myself cheering Narcissa. Amhar is truly disgusting but excellently written. The action scenes were great once again and it was nice to have a little of Ginny and Neville's relationship for once. More please. Wonderful chapter.

Crys posted a comment on Monday 18th September 2006 1:46am

*blink* *shudder*
Bob, the words "Dumbledore" and "barbed butt-plug" do not belong in the same sentence. Actually, they don't belong in the same universe.

Alyx, please, PLEASE take over writing the disclaimers. You're clearly the more sane and stable of the two of you.

Voldy's smoking wand: Well, I suppose that's one way to get around the Prior Incantatem effect. Just fry Voldy's wand.

> Hermione flushed and realized she had jumped to conclusions.
*laugh* Good follow-up.

> potentially damaging to their magic
Clever side-step. Very divisive issue, and you found a way to avoid it for the most part.

> Although a silencing charm, a quick, hard fuck and an Obliviate might not be amiss.
*frown* Okay, I'm not saying he wouldn't think of such a thing, but would he use the term "fuck"? Despite his attitudes, he's been portrayed as a very polished wizard and that's a vulgar term.

> Humans are so strange, [Crookshanks] thought.
*blink* *laugh*

> Your Mister Minister

> "Wench! I hate it when you use logic on me."
Then you shouldn't have married a smart woman, you idiot :)

> she had enjoyed putting the little shit in his place
*cheer* Grand job, Narcissa!

> And using that American accent of hers?
[confused look] Americans don't have accents. Only the Brits do. :)

> Alyx wails, then runs around in circles, waving her arms in complete panic.
Okay, so may Alyx ISN'T the stable and sane one . . . OTOH, this could be Bob writing the A/N.

Suggested blooper: Jeconais's infamous "obliterate".

scott2 posted a comment on Sunday 17th September 2006 2:49pm

great chapter :)

BJH posted a comment on Sunday 17th September 2006 11:07am

Nice chapter, as regards to out friend, Mr. Lionheart, I was sort of thinking at the beginning of this chapter that he would weedle his way into the Royal visit and you would have Chuckie berate him as an imposter to royalty but that didn't happen, alas. Now I doubt that this infatuation with his secratary is just a minor aside. Perhaps, in a fit of peek, will he actually assault her and then her husband will finish him, or perhaps you are even more cruel and you will kill off her dear Auror hubby so that Cur (amusing potential pun there: Cur de Lion) will think his way is clear before he gets his comeuppance?


Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Sunday 17th September 2006 9:54am

Friggin a! We knew Dumbledore's grip was slipping but he's gone right round the bend, what a nutcase. I find it interesting the whole subtext that you put in about Harry duelling Amhar, or more to the point not being allowed to. That man is just pushing a bit to hard and obviously, it seems he should be comming to a sticky end soon. I would say the man was definetly not a Slytherin, not very subtle or crafty. I'm curious about the attempt on the king, I was under the impression from Voldemort's earlier remarks when he learned that Harry and company were in New York that he was going to wait untill they had left to try anything. I wonder if something else is going on there? A great chapter, thank you.

Bobmin356 replied:

Your sharp Shawn, you are the only one so far to pick up on that little tidbit. Makes ya wonder eh?

Manatheron posted a comment on Sunday 17th September 2006 8:34am

Manatheron: The assassin you are wondering about happened to come into Haven before the line was put up. We've given you a few hints about this person, not many, but they are there. Don't you just hate not knowing?

Yes, as A matter of fact I DO hate not knowing... That being said, Not knowing does add a level of intreague, and as such I'm not to terribly angry about it. I can't help but wonder about harry's shield however... Why cast a shield like that when you can magically make the doors and walls completely Indestructable? Hell, You could even charge the Hotel for the service of making them a room that is TOTALLY SECURE, especally if you left enough magic embedded in the walls to Nullify any electronic transmitions...

Ah well, Please keep up the excellent work!

Bobmin356 replied:

If you go back and reread that section where Harry did that shield. He had to maintain it. It wasn't an enchant and he felt a small part of the energy from each bullet hitting it. It's not a perfect shield, designed to stop physical attacks, not magical ones.

There was no time for anyone to do anything to make the doors impervious. Some of these spells require long incantations and extensive preparation before you can cast them.

Spells are like a toolkit. Harry used the best one he could. He knew his job wasn't to take out the bad guys, he only needed to protect the King and the PM long enough for the security force to do their job. And that's exactly what happened.

Kathleen posted a comment on Sunday 17th September 2006 8:05am

Great chapter! Thanks for posting it!

MonkeyAxman1302 posted a comment on Sunday 17th September 2006 6:23am

Brilliant as usual!
Only problem is you say that they portkey to the south of england, and leeds ain't in the south. It may be when the elves leave u say it.


Jamie' posted a comment on Saturday 16th September 2006 10:23pm

Fine, you can't answer most of my questions.

But can you at least say if you will ever post DA and SC on this site?

Bobmin356 replied:

Probably not. We are too busy writing Sunrise and other stories to worry about our first works which we feel need heavy editing to be brought up to a reasonable quality.

Gardengirl posted a comment on Saturday 16th September 2006 7:56pm

Just a thought - since the King of England is the head of the Anglican Church, why would he celebrate Yule? Wouldn't he by definition celebrate Christmas?

Bobmin356 replied:

yule  [yool] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
Christmas, or the Christmas season.

[Origin: bef. 900; ME yole, OE geōl(a) Christmastide; c. ON jōl; akin to Goth jiuleis] Unabridged (v 1.0.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.

Anglicans don't celebrate Christmas? Thats news to us. I guess we'll also forget about that passover scene we thought about doing for april :)

erin_colien posted a comment on Saturday 16th September 2006 6:29pm

great update i really enjoy the hearings looking forward to the next update.