By Bobmin
Kalen Darkmoon posted a comment on Saturday 16th September 2006 4:40pm
Thank you for another excellent chapter! Its beginning to look like Sunrise is going to be over twice the size of Sunset. Until next time...
skywalker64089 posted a comment on Saturday 16th September 2006 3:36pm
I don't hate Amhar. I just want to see him offed. :)
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Saturday 16th September 2006 2:19pm
I like the way you're showing Dumbledore's slow decent into madness, not turning to the Dark per se, but not totally of the light, either.
My congrats on a most enjoyable chapter in several respects.
Paul8 posted a comment on Saturday 16th September 2006 12:56pm
I can be wrong, but are you sure than the Prime Minister was Blair and not John Major? Anyways, it's a good story and I wait the next chapter soon.
vl100butch posted a comment on Saturday 16th September 2006 12:37pm
Oh, and we get it already. People hate Amhar. They loathe Amhar, they want to see him on the Jerry Springer show.
Can you start using Amhar in the Disclaimers? You've done just about everything imaginable to Snape and I don't think Amy deserves that fate.
Personally I think drawing and quartering is too good for him...I do like the solution proposed by Harry in another fanfic: Put him in a maximum security muggle prison minus powers but with anti-death protection and then let the population know he's there as a child molester/murderer...would love to see him turned over to Warden Burl Cain at Angola Penitentiary in Louisiana.....
Patches posted a comment on Saturday 16th September 2006 12:16pm
An excellent chapter. I love the personal interaction between the members of the brotherhood. Ginny does have a temper problem.
This moved along quite well. I'm glad there is someone on the wizagamot with sense. Lago is a
great mediator. I'm glad Remus didn't have to put up with de Lion any longer than he had too.
He makes a good bad guy though. Dumbledore has totally lost it. Insanity suits him. The trouble is that the insane are extremely difficult to deal with. Even harder to predict their actions. Killing Nicolai was especially nasty. I'm glad Harry got to meet the King. It was quite a meeting. Who sent the assault? I guess we will hear about that later. All in all I really liked this chapter and I for one really appreciate your update schedule. Consistent is good and I enjoy every chapter. I look forward to your next installment! pms
a_wanderer posted a comment on Saturday 16th September 2006 12:15pm
Enjoying the story. However two small nits to pick: roll not role and bear with me not bare with me (unless you had a totally different situation in mind).
Keep writing
Matthew Terlich posted a comment on Saturday 16th September 2006 11:59am
Loved the latest chapter guys!
Dumbles is starting to come apart at the seams isn't he? Will he start to giggle madly more and more around people without realising it? What a fruitcake!
I'm still frustrated with the continuing lack of self-esteem that harry has, but can totally understand it from his upbringing. He is growing though isn't he? Please tell me his is!
Christopher Estep posted a comment on Saturday 16th September 2006 10:43am
Does Amhar really want to find himself at the wrong end of Harry's *staff*? He's no Dumbledore, let alone Riddle! Also, hooray for Narcissa! She remembered where she put her spine, and hammered Amhar but *good*! Harry, it's not good for someone as *unpretentious* as yourself to save the King *and* the PM in front of *lots of witnesses*. If I were you, I'd hang on to that Armani suit; you'll be needing it again.
Lang posted a comment on Saturday 16th September 2006 10:41am
Hrm, I don't remember anything about that shield Harry used. Was it mentioned before?
As for Dumbledore, can't you have him slip and fall on some ice or something. Something simple - a butt plug is just... not right. Especially for a man that old.
Anyways, great chapter. I'm not gonna bother talking about Amhar, though I will say he's a man who doesn't think things through very well. He's accused two people of Dark Rituals with the same outcome. You'd think he'd have learned by then.
Keep up the good work!
Jim_xinu posted a comment on Saturday 16th September 2006 10:31am
Great chapter, thanks for sharing it with us.
agent fisher posted a comment on Saturday 16th September 2006 10:19am
I guess I may be the only one who loves Amhar. Of course, I love him as a broken gear in the machinery of the government. And please, keep up the great work.
Amarathine posted a comment on Saturday 16th September 2006 9:40am
This blooper is from a story called "Enchantment" by guiltshow.
The URL is
The quote is "Starting on the weekends my little darling, you shall be attending school: A school for young girls to grow into marvelous ladies. It's a new thing for Japan. It is called adequate school! My little Haruhi will become a lady!"
Theresa posted a comment on Saturday 16th September 2006 9:35am
Excellent chapter, as always. I still can't bring myself to like Hermonie but that's hardly your fault.
I came across this blooper tonight. I read what they meant and not what they wrote so I had to a double take.
The trick of it was to let everyone else think he was still a helpless littlelamp.
jackattack posted a comment on Saturday 16th September 2006 9:25am
I'm enjoying your story very much overall. Your plot is truly a work of craftsmanship, and your description of events (from action to debate) is very clear and evocative.
However, I think it a little presumptuous of you to include other writers' typos, spellcheck errors, and mistakes of idiom when your own work continues to sport various hiccups in editing and/or word choice.
CALVARY is a proper place name (where the crucifixion of Christ occurred), or a noun meaning "martyrdom". CAVALRY refers to mounted troops. While I look forward to reading about the camel soldiers in action, I certainly hope they are not kamikaze troops.
And one should only ask someone to "BARE with me" if they intend to take off their clothes or reveal deep dark secrets. "BEAR with me" is a plea for patience or tolerance.
A small cultural note: I am almost certain that the King or Queen of England does not refer to anyone as "my lord". The possessive indicates deference to one with a superior noble rank. A noble addressing another noble of equal or lesser rank would refer to them as "TITLE NAME", not as "my TITLE" -- a king has no peers, and a queen is second only to a king who is her husband.
Looking forward to more chapters, at your convenience.
Bobmin356 replied:
Alyx here. If you've read Chapter 19, you know we started the bloopers with one from Dumbledore's Army, the first story we ever wrote. It was wince-worthy, but also quite amusing. We know typos happen, and on occasion are good for a chuckle, even our own. If that makes us 'presumptuous' in your eyes, so be it. But I would suggest you lighten up a bit. If we'd meant it to be mean-spirited, we would have posted the title of the fic, the author and the URL.
As for our typos? Welcome to life, my friend.
You're probably right in that the King would not normally address someone as "my lord". However, as he's meeting the one group, and the one man in particular, who can destroy Voldemort, thus clearing the way to rebuild the country, he's chosen to show a measure of respect. Harry was surprised when the Prime Minister used his title when speaking with him, as the muggle government had stopped recognizing such titles over three hundred years ago. Blair, too, used it to show his respect.
I hope that clears things up for you.
Jamie' posted a comment on Saturday 16th September 2006 9:18am
Can't you just answer one or two of the questions? Please?
Shouldn't Harry capture a few DEs, take them to the rear, use vertiaserum to get information, then execute them?
When is the muggle invasion expected to begin?
Does the Line of Death extend underground or in space?
Are there any people left in London not part of the Army or wizards?
What is Dumbledore doing right now?
Maybe Lion could attack Hermione? Then see what Harry does.
Could the ghosts evasdrop on Voldy at Hogwarts and report back to Harry?
Could Harry put a line of death around Hogwarts?
Could Hogwarts survive a thermonuclear bomb?
Couldn't US planes bomb the DEs as they were going to attack the camps?
If a nuclear bomb detnotated right next to Voldy, would he die?
After Harry & Co. left the camp, could planes drop bombs? How about on the Dementor building?
Will you ever post DA and SC on this site?
Bobmin356 replied:
No Jamie, we usually don't answer questions and most of yours would be spoilers. Sorry.
minervakitty posted a comment on Saturday 16th September 2006 9:13am
I wonder if the duel between Harry and Amhar will be very embarassing for Amhar. Wonder if someone would accidentally cast either a permanent sterility or infertility spell on Amhar. Will they find out what object is killing all those people in Haven?I do hope that someone gets around to puttind Dumbledore down for good. Just how long would it take for the portals to be fully operational? Have Elizabeth and Phillip's bodies been recovered? For the dislcaimer, you could use the twins again. :) It would be nice for Joyner to take a nice long vacation near a hot location.
Alex00 posted a comment on Saturday 16th September 2006 8:51am
Great work.
DAUFahnder posted a comment on Saturday 16th September 2006 8:44am
nice story. But I do have one little problem with it:
To(o?) many sidestorys.
We have Dumbledore, the assassin, Voldemort in Hogwarts, the killings, this MinistryIdiot Amhar, Ginnys gift, Mad Eye and "his" muggles, the "normal" war going on in Britain, Malfoy and Mulciber trying to kill each other, Harrys leg, when and how will Snape die, the ghosts in Hogwarts and their "training", Harrys "moneymaking" (portals i.e.), etc etc.
Not that I would ever really complain, but that is a bit much. Your are risking awfully much and most of the time you just dont get forward with the mainstory: Harry vs Tom.
The portals are one thing I just dont think are a good idea.
Even this King-Visit in this chapter was a timefiller. Sure, the idea is nice and all, but it does not help the story.
DDs army is another such thing. Sure, it is nice to know that something is going on there, but why not just put it in a short paragraph? That Albus is not in his mind any more is obviously without all this.
To say it blunt: The story is getting longer than is good for it.
Bobmin356 replied:
If you're having that much trouble following the plot line, then I'm sure you can find a simpler story for you to follow.
This story has been plotted out, and while you might not believe things are moving forward, they are. Much of what you are complaining to be filler turns out to be needed back story for future chapters. You want just tom and harry, look elsewhere.
Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Saturday 16th September 2006 4:48pm