By Bobmin
werewolph posted a comment on Wednesday 6th September 2006 7:20pm
Very nice chapter, Loved the huge battle. You two have a nice descriptive way of writing that allows the imagination to picture detail to the very degree of reality.
For the comment about the Union Jack/Union Flag thing, It would be the Union Jack on display, for it is a rallying point for more countries than just Britain. I'm an Aussie, so i'd know about it. :P
Also, good to hear some inclusion of an Australian Magical Community. Many people forget, when writing fics, that we are a large enough country to have our own community, and enough unused space that it wouldn't even be necessary to hide it from muggle view. Kudos to you for your remembrance.
On another Aussie note, are the twigs on the Excalibur arranged into the standard Green and Gold display, or at least the lettering imprinted on it? If not i shall Incendio your clothes, with you still wearing them.
TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Wednesday 6th September 2006 12:34pm
Very good action, you do battles well. I love it when the bad guys get their asses kicked.
SailorAlgol posted a comment on Wednesday 6th September 2006 11:58am
Great story so far!!
Sorry to keep asking about soundtracks, but what about entrance music for Amhar? I'm thinking lighthearted comic-relief... :D
Keep it up!
cmatbmed posted a comment on Wednesday 6th September 2006 7:21am
Great story.
Here is a good blooper I ran across today.
"Well, I expect you would too if the fat of the free world rested on your shoulders," muttered Ron testily, jumping to Harry’s defence before he even realised it.
This is from the story Marked by Rosie5
The URL is chapter 33
TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Wednesday 6th September 2006 6:33am
Very good story.
Fernir posted a comment on Wednesday 6th September 2006 4:18am
Very impressive work. Massive assaults like that are always difficult to write in a way that is both readable, but does not trivialize the confusion and haste of the circumstances. You did well to convey the scale of the battle without reducing the forces to numbers and statistics.
Looking forward to more of the political front in the next chapter, as well as the reprecussions of the influx of the new witches and wizards who were rescued from the camps who probably hold significantly more allegiance and respect for the Ministry/Army/Harry triumvirate than for the Wizengamot.
Kalen Darkmoon posted a comment on Tuesday 5th September 2006 11:44am
In the spirit of bloopers, I offer this one from one of my fav HP fics:
"Welcome to Hogwarts, friends," the girl said crispy. "On behalf of Hogwarts, we welcome you to our school, and we hope that you enjoy your visit here."
- Chapter 8, "Hope" by Jeconais
BTW, another great chapter. You two are quite talented. Looking forward to a little fluff after this one. :)
Ricky posted a comment on Tuesday 5th September 2006 11:34am
Bob and Alyx; Once Again a Damn Good Chapter
Erik Wiggins posted a comment on Tuesday 5th September 2006 7:57am
Once again a great chapter, I was wondering why you were taking longer than usual - it's because it's longer than normal. (But still too short) Keep them coming!
erin_colien posted a comment on Tuesday 5th September 2006 3:56am
great update looking forward to the next one.
Lyn Piton posted a comment on Tuesday 5th September 2006 2:30am
Ooh, battle excitement and not a ciffie in sight! You do know how to make a girl happy (you too, Alyx!
Lyn Piton posted a comment on Tuesday 5th September 2006 1:38am
Ahahaha, the Great Pumpkin! That scene made my day, seriously.
Phoenix BBQ? Kind of the ultimate Burning Day, eh?
Hey, you mentioned earlier (I think in the prequel to this, perhaps) that your profile has some fic recs. Where might I find that?
Your Dumbledore is excellently, creepily insane.
ponderous stibbons posted a comment on Tuesday 5th September 2006 1:15am
in reference to a boxer logo and a passing comment by Hermione some chapters ago, wouldn't it be fun if Harry wore a tshirt that said "Hermione's favourite book"? And his raven mophead turned frizzy brown.
I suppose assassinating certain Wizangamot members is out of the question... They could be taken as 'observers' on military missions...
Crys posted a comment on Tuesday 5th September 2006 12:56am
The French resistance (to Harry & Amelia) is a nice touch. Long history of disliking each other on top of Harry flatly refusing to give them the antidote. I wonder who in that group of fallen travelers is getting this much attention from the French gov't.
> You are, after all, a Minister of a country that has been conquered, no?
Oh, the irony . . .
Nice tying up of a loose end with Alicia and Oliver.
Ooh, nice curveball with Korwin. Trying to recruit him may have produced a superpatriot and he could turn on them. Don't know if it'll happen that way, but it could. Looking forward to Amhar's eventual disposition.
> She would have to talk to him one of these days. He was really getting out of hand.
*snicker* Uh, yeah. Getting kinda rude, isn't he?
Good fight scene. Loved the Neville-Marlene banter.
Great chapter, Bob. Looking forward to your chapter next, Alyx :)
Manatheron posted a comment on Tuesday 5th September 2006 12:10am
Hey! excellet chapter! Riviting! Compelling! Two thumbs WAAAAAY WAY up!
And now that I'm done aping the 'movie critics' I have a quick question... what the hell is up with that weird critter that keeps appearing around luna?
I know I'm jumping around, but I'm a little wired... in fact I'm wired in a way that usually requires Pixi-sticks and Energy drinks so ya... Anyway.
I found it interesting that apperently both Hermoine and Harry feel that they are going to be in the doghouse with one another, Hermoine for insubordination (I'm Trying to think clean thoughts about how they are going to deal with that BTW) and Harry for overexerting himself... again... ahhh, young love.
out of courisity, has there been any Exceptionally close calls for the brotherhood members lately? the last one I can think of was when harry's leg got messed up... Unless you count terry and susy I suppose... Hmmm
Oh! one more question! why hasn't the assassion in haven fallen ill yet? Didn't you say that committing a murder instantly turns your Aura Black? shouldn't the killer be having so SERIOUS (Bold, Underlined, Italic) Problems right about now? expecally without access to the conteracting potion?
Ok, I'm done ranting now, Till next time!
scott2 posted a comment on Monday 4th September 2006 7:03pm
great chapter :)
HalfBloodHarp posted a comment on Monday 4th September 2006 2:44pm
Hello, I'm a fairly new fandom citizen, and you already have me well and truly corrupted. It's nearly two-thirty in the morning and I have yet to finish my homework. (Though that's not a whole lot different from the way things were before I discovered the fandom.) I've been snatching time for, oh...a month, maybe, to reread Sunset and read the wonderful chapters that make up Sunrise. As you now Bloop, and previously Updatelessed and Peeved, I am very tempted to Shameless Plug in my own fics (once I rinse them and get them right side out and dry) and it will be a close contest between you two and your Sun series, Jeconais's Hope, and Abraxan's fic pair.
And if you want to read HP fics, I kinda recommend, if you don't already read there--they've got better quality control than and they're all HP, all the time. (Watch me feel stupid when I find out the was where you first discovered fanfiction....)
However, I believe there is some type of non-adultyness clause in their Terms or something and you undoubtedly have enough time tied up in fics by writing this one.
Though I don't generally like the Harry/Hermione ship on the principle that Ron/Hermione is even more obvious than the nose on Snape's face, you two've done an excellent job of making it possible. *shameless plug, not even in a fic* Another fic that makes the impossible into reality is Aspen in the Sunlight's A Year Like None Other, available at Definitely an unconventional fic (though I think skyehawke is set up for unconventional fics of some type, as of yet I have failed to identify what type) it is the first on the top of the "Popular" list. By a long shot.
Alyx, you might want to restrain Bob while he reads that fic, since he, er...dislikes Snape so much.
[s]Wow, I'm really chatty....[/s]
I'm coming across as a Snape lover, aren't I? What with my username, and a Snape-in-an-excellent-light fic recommendation.... well, just in case there's any doubt, while I find Snape to be an interesting character, he is: a) not handsome, b) not attractive in any way, and c) definitely the last person in the universe I would want to have sex with, no matter how the fangirls uphold his vaunted and likely rusty skill. And the "HalfBlood" is because I'm bi-racial, Mom's Chinese, Dad's a regular Caucasian mutt.
Anyway, love your fic, can't wait for more, and I apologize for my rambliness and any typos, but it is almost three in the morning now, and it's all your fault for writing too well.
mathiasgranger posted a comment on Monday 4th September 2006 10:51am
Well considering I can't reply to your review of the chronicles on fanfic I'll do so here. I completely agree that the series is not exactly great literature. But given that I was writing 2 chapters a day on the early parts of the series it wasn't meant to be. That series was my proverbial deep in the pool.
I am having difficulty motivating myself sufficiently to continue that series or trust and love because without adequate characterization it isn't terribly enjoyable to write.
Hence Fate's child and Credit Given's plot arcs. Ideally one day if my interest holds long enough I'll give the entire series a proper once over as my ultimate homage to the Harry Potter universe. The input pretty much matches my feelings on that series so thanks for the review and insight.
Lyn Piton posted a comment on Monday 4th September 2006 10:28am
Yay, more Moody! I like the dynamic between him and Dumbledore; I know you've said he won't be a big part of the story, but I'm still hoping to see more of him!
penguin13 posted a comment on Sunday 10th September 2006 1:06am