Content Harry Potter


Kari posted a comment on Monday 4th September 2006 8:20am

For a while there I was worried that this story was going to have to go onto my own personal abandoned list :(
Buuuutt.. all is well now!
Thanks for another wonderful installement!

Lurk posted a comment on Monday 4th September 2006 6:57am

Muahaha! I'm looking fowards to the bloopers. Only two a chapter? Boo.

Alrighty. Great job with the evacuation. I normally have difficulty keeping up with the battles, but this one was very clear while at the same time very chaos-y.

Eeyup. Prisoners getting revenge on their captors? The behavior seemed very accurate.

Not much more to say, I'm afraid.

Keep it up!

spokaneman99209 posted a comment on Monday 4th September 2006 3:53am

I'm enjoying the story very much. I'm taking a wild guess that the mystery killer is Ron, trying to discredit everything Harry has accomplished. After all no body was recovered either by hogwarts or tom riddles staff, and no ghost of Ron has shown up yet.

antoine posted a comment on Sunday 3rd September 2006 8:15pm

hey, i stumbled upon harry potter fan fiction half a year ago, kinsfire had a personal site i found, which then led me to this one then so on and so on...
i read as much as i could (only hermione and harry ships tho, i mean come on draco hermione> UCK!
hermione ron?
not a chance in hell, i dont intend to read the seventh book from j.k at all if its ron and hermione shipping.
point being admist my rambling parralell universe is one of my favourites i printed it out in paper to read, its awsome!
i know you said no sequel...but plz! maybe harry and mione go back to harry's original dimension together? that would cause some drama!
this fic is also great!
u two actually update it!
keep it up.

p.s kick ruskbyte up the ass and tell him to update backwards compatable its a great story


Mickey posted a comment on Sunday 3rd September 2006 7:18pm

A very not nice chapter, Some of the scenes in taking the camps reminded me of stories by or about death camp survivors, good work.

One nit, you have elements in this chapter which imply they were ordered to kill all the death eaters they find (which would actually be perfectly acceptable, even by the Geneva convention which neither sidein this conflict has heard of) but then you have the scene with Ginny where it's implied that she shouldn't have simply killed the DE she encountered but was too mad to care about it.

Oh and great job on the depiction of the prisoners treatment of the guards once the attack shatters the guard's system.

Since the risk wasn't specifically pointed out to the volenteers I'm betting some prisoners will die of a burst gut but hopefully the profesionals are aware of the risk and will manage to liit the number.

The Unicorn

I'm still waiting to hear an explanation for why timeturners or similar devices can't be used to catch criminals.

The Unicorn

Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Sunday 3rd September 2006 6:54pm

Excellent chapter. I like that you make it absolutely clear that while they are doing horrible things to the Death Eaters (Ginny in particular gave me shivers), this is war and considering the Death Eaters' actions, they're only getting what's coming to them. I loved Luna's earth trick. What was the exceptionally funny little man? Those two gave me the giggles. More please. Love this story as always. I have a blooper but no url, so I guess I'll leave it out.

AK posted a comment on Sunday 3rd September 2006 3:59pm

Hum wonder if Korwin will make the right decision. His ame reminds me of chronicles of Amber...

igotbannedfroma2k posted a comment on Sunday 3rd September 2006 3:57pm

No offence meant,
I mean, I'm a GREAT HUMONGO-JUMBO fan of all your fanfictions and authors notes and far I don't get the bloopers.

Maybe it's a blonde thing, and me, bein a brunette just wouldn't understand. I understood the second blooper, just not the
first one. The one from Dumbledore's Army (which is a great story, might I add??)

Hopefully the rest will be a tid-bit easier to understand...or maybe in the next authors note you could esplain the first one..cause I just don't comprehend what your are saying...

Of course, you could make life better for everyone and just bring back the Pet Peeves or the Updateless list ;-)

However, like many famous singers have said... "[I] can't always get what [I] want..."!

Huggles, Knisses, and Quick Updates,
~Alison - Igotbannedfroma2k~

Donald McLeod posted a comment on Sunday 3rd September 2006 1:04pm

they were in one of the few places on the planet that made Hell look like a luxury spa.
'I Love That Line.'
But (making sure no sharp objects are around)..Alyx looked at him and nodded in satisfaction, then she put away her frying pan. "Now you can rest," she mumbled before reaching for the chocolate ice cream and the video of Thelma and Louise.
That is so Chic Flic responce.. To much Barby and no Toy Soldier.{Ha ha ha ;)}

Patches posted a comment on Sunday 3rd September 2006 12:19pm

Ah, good old Couer de Leon. Isn't that a french name? No wonder he is such a pain. (No I don't have anything against the French. It just goes along with the story and the fact that the French are not supporting The British Ministry of Magic in exile.) Of course with all people who are morally wrong he uses blackmail to get cooperation from others.
such a nice man. A member of the governing body that has no interest in the welfare of the
people they are supposed to "represent"! I want to thank you for having the battle in this chapter. It went well. Of course battles are horrible things and they leave "scars" on the people that witness the horrors. (Mostly mental!) Rescueing people that are held in camps like the one described would be really devistating on the people that had to live it and the people that went to rescue them. I'm glad non of the core group were badly hurt but Ginny and Hermione are
going to really rake Harry over the coals for the stress on his leg. That is normal for people that have so much emotional bagage to work through on their own. I agree that was a good place to stop. However, as your disclaimer page pointed out "The dreaded readers are insatiable!" We want more, now, now, now!!!! Actually, I cannot tell you how much I enjoy your stories. I appreciate every update you make and I want to thank you for updating as frequently as you do. Thank you so much for writing. You are very tallented. pms

Alex00 posted a comment on Sunday 3rd September 2006 12:09pm

Great work.

Steve6 posted a comment on Sunday 3rd September 2006 12:07pm

This chapter was bloody AWESOME! I swear it was like reading a liberation of a WWII concentration camp. I could see how you could have made it longer, making scenes with other Brotherhood characters during the fighting, but overall, it wouldn't have made the story any better as it was great now.

Okay. Now that we're resurrecting the Quidditch team, where's Katie? And truthfully, I hope there isn't a match anytime soon as that would be too school-ish and this is a grown-up fic.

I'm not even going to try guessing where you are taking this story next - I don't want to be wrong anymore.

Keep up the good work and I'm looking forward to when we can see fire-breathing camels in a chapter.

DE1: Oy, Stan, what's that thing over there?
DE2: Wuzzat, Ollie? Oh, that's a horse is what that is. Must'a scaped from a zoo or somethin'.
Ollie: Nah, that's can't be a horse. I've seen one before I have. Before I imperio'd it to stomp its owner ta death. An' a horse didn't have no hump on its back.
Stan: You're right. Looks bloody stupid no matter what. How 'bout we go poke it with a stick?
... poke ...
Rwoarhah! Fwooosh! ... flambe death eaters ...
Ollie: That's not a horse, that is.
Stan: ...the pain! Oh, Merlin, the pain!
Ollie: I think it might be a camel or sumthin'.
Stan: skin is melting off my arm! For the love of god, do something!
Ollie: It's the hump. Kinda gives it away.
Stan: ...whimper...

seishi posted a comment on Sunday 3rd September 2006 11:54am

I know i have reviewed this chapter before, but i would like to express some ideas..

1. Why not have the Wizengamort Committee question Harry? it will be both a interesting read and fun to write. And Harry can stamp out the Wizengamort once and for all.

2. Good idea with Harry clearing out the French ministry, but why not do it in a Death Eater Camp or Hogwarts?? I know Harry cant face Voldy, but surely he can do some damage?

3. Is this story only going to be a win win situation for the good guys? or are you going to plan some tragedy and some angst in later chapters? This story is going to be very predictable in future, if it is going to be like that. Why not have a mission that fails?

4. Will there be another prophecy and a major plot change similar to what happened during Halloween at Sunset?? This could broaden your storyline.

5. Brill idea with the bloopers, how about including the pet peeves and the updateless list??? I can give you many good stories abandoned for that list. No more boring author's notes!!:D

Hope this can give you some ideas

rippergirl posted a comment on Sunday 3rd September 2006 10:58am

Awesome as always. A chapter that will not let you tear your eyes away until the last of it was read. Glad to see that the Brotherhood survivided with minor injuries. Also glad to see that they managed to put a dent into moldyshorts plans. Can't wait to see the next chapter and hear Harry get into trouble from Hermione and Ginny. Keep up the good work. Can't wait to see who gets it in the opening as well. Ciao until the next chapter comes out. Oy wait.... what the hell is going with Dumbledore and his squad that he is "training"? Hmmm. Hope we hear something about that in the next few chapters.

Amarathine posted a comment on Sunday 3rd September 2006 10:52am

This is a question that has been bugging me for a while, What is the difference between a Mediwitch or wizard and a healer?

Chiyo posted a comment on Sunday 3rd September 2006 10:32am

I loved the "penis and a brain" line... I first heard that with Robin Williams live on Broadway show from 2002 and thought it was one of the funniest... and most truthful lines I'd ever heard!

(and yes I'm yeah its still true!)

MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Sunday 3rd September 2006 10:15am

Got to love the death and destruction. I would have been nice to drop a few of those cluster bombs on the Death Eaters that were counter attacking. Update soon.

Thanks for writing

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Sunday 3rd September 2006 9:36am

Very good chapter and this reader loved the reference to Warner Bros. cartoons. *chuckle* Sure you couldn't have George & Fred incorporate a second company as "Acme International"? I commend youre gritty depiction of combat, it's definitely a realistic one. On a final note, it will be most amusing to watch Moldyshort's reactions to the camp raid.

Princess Fictoria posted a comment on Sunday 3rd September 2006 9:06am

Totally awesome chapter!!! I like that they had an extremily successful mission this time. Little to no surprises except the early sighting of the invading troops and of course the hellish reality of the camps themselves.

I do wonder at the first DE that Ginny killed. Not about the necessity of his death, but whether he was simply a man who joined to save his own skin? In a war you aren't you supposed to take prisoners rather than kill unarmed enemies? Are the rules different because of the nature of the mark? I was just wondering.

I look forward to the response of the French when faced with the reality of the terms of the cure for those who travel through the wards surrounding Britain.

Also, has the newest recipient of a new Gringotts key fled for his own safety or is he simply going underground to expose the Traitor in the Wizengamet?

Still loving your story and look forward to reading more!

Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Sunday 3rd September 2006 7:40am

Great chapter. Reading it, the camps were chillingly like the Death Camps from WWII, as I am sure you intended.

I may hate De Lion, but I cannot wait until he tries to lodge his complaint about disturbing the peace. He'll be doing that about the same time as the operation is ending.

I loved your battle sequence. It was rivetting and realistic. Thank you for going to such trouble.

I remarked to my brother today that, while this is the most ambitious fan fiction story that I have ever read, it is also the one that I am most confident in coming to a conclusion.

Thank you to both of you for writing and sharing with the rest of us rabble.

Mike (MoA)