By Bobmin
noylj posted a comment on Sunday 3rd September 2006 6:46am
I bow to your wisdom. I would have thought that Harry et. al. could have declared martial law and put Haven under Brotherhood control until a return to Britain. I just don't think that your Harry would allow very much "politics" to interfere with the war effort and he would become a dictator if needed. I understand all the international political BS, but I would expect with the prophesies that the war effort would NOT be a political game but one of ultimate survival where anything other than total support to Harry would jeopardize the survival of all. I can see the existance of your lion character, but I can not see anyone letting him get away with his BS. However, I love your story and accept your logic, but I would expect Draco or someone to order some wet and dark ops for DD and the lion man and other racists, supremeists, and LV sympathizers. It may be a slippery slope, but they can not afford any diversions from the war effort. So far, in your story, I would say that none have shown their hand and that is why they are getting away with it and that they will all get theirs, but some of what we know, Draco and the house elves should know.
Now, I like Amy and most other Amys and hope that she makes those twins suffer...unless she is a masochist, in which, go twins.
Oh yeah--do you realize that you are out of canon and should start throwing in horcruxes?
Just kidding...
AcceleratedGlass posted a comment on Sunday 3rd September 2006 5:16am
good chapter update soon -- and bring back the updateless list
Lang posted a comment on Sunday 3rd September 2006 3:35am
I'm with Bob: "Vive La Awesome Battle Scenes!"
Anyways, I really enjoyed that chapter - though I think Harry is about to get a real talking to. ^_^
What happened to that Korwin guy? Where'd he go? Is he about to go all morals on us and confess his deeds?
beauty0102 posted a comment on Sunday 3rd September 2006 3:07am
yet another great hcpater cna't wait for more so please update again and soon.
John Conner posted a comment on Sunday 3rd September 2006 2:49am
Please accept my compliments on yet another great chapter in what is turning out to be a phenomenal story. This is by far one of the best of the HP stories available on the web that I have seen. I look forward to seeing where you take this in the future. Please keep up the fantastic work.
by the way. Love the disclaimer sequences you've been using. Look forward to when Dumbles and Amhar get their turn on stage. :)
John W. Conner
Ishtar posted a comment on Sunday 3rd September 2006 2:39am
Lucius performed a major boo-boo when he told a man under Imperius: "Out! And don't come back unless you have good news!" I don't think he's ever going to see that man again ...
Loved the battle scene and Luna's cold-bloodedness in particular. "Nature, red in tooth and claw ..."
Can Fred and George continue making portable swamps, but fill them full of crocodiles and poisonous snakes and quicksand? (I almost wrote "squicksand"; I wonder what that would do?)
KateL posted a comment on Sunday 3rd September 2006 2:20am
Blooper: This story, first section....
"Tonight is an example; fine dinning and a little entertainment afterwards."
Din- a loud noise or commotion
Dine/dining- to eat or comsume a meal
agent fisher posted a comment on Sunday 3rd September 2006 2:12am
Very nice. And as someone who studies the military, I liked how you had the radio/floo communications, with the Brigade six/ echo six. Nice touch.
Jim_xinu posted a comment on Sunday 3rd September 2006 1:47am
Excellent chapter, thanks for sharing it with us.
And thanks for not cliffhanging in the middle of the battle. :-)
Exarikun posted a comment on Sunday 3rd September 2006 12:28am
good chapter, as always. the attack's finally over and done with. now, if you can just get rid of the pesky blood supremacists in haven, i'd be totally happy...
ichtys posted a comment on Sunday 3rd September 2006 12:25am
I enjoyed reading this (nice long) chapter. Good to see (or should it be read??) Lord Thingy getting a blow to the face.
Thanks for sharing.
Sandra Smith posted a comment on Sunday 3rd September 2006 12:04am
I am enjoying the action scenes. personally tho, i'd like to see the wizengamot disbanded and outlawed while they are on harry's property and since all of haven belongs to harry ......
Jamie' posted a comment on Saturday 2nd September 2006 11:49pm
Shouldn't Harry capture a few DEs, take them to the rear, use vertiaserum to get information, then execute them?
When is the muggle invasion expected to begin?
Does the Line of Death extend underground or in space?
Are there any people left in London not part of the Army or wizards?
What is Dumbledore doing right now?
Maybe Lion could attack Hermione? Then see what Harry does.
Jamie' posted a comment on Saturday 2nd September 2006 11:44pm
Great chapter!
Could the ghosts evasdrop on Voldy at Hogwarts and report back to Harry?
So, the French are screwing everything up again...
Could Harry put a line of death around Hogwarts?
Could Hogwarts survive a thermonuclear bomb?
Couldn't US planes bomb the DEs as they were going to attack the camps?
If a nuclear bomb detnotated right next to Voldy, would he die?
After Harry & Co. left the camp, could planes drop bombs? How about on the Dementor building?
Will you ever post DA and SC on this site?
taxzombie posted a comment on Saturday 2nd September 2006 11:35pm
Once again a most impressive chapter. If I'm not mistaken there was a teacher that had a problem with muggles. He's my prime suspect for the killer of Haven.
Your rendition of the condition of the prisoners in the camps brought to mind the films and photos I've seen of Japanese internment camps and Nazi concentration camps. Truly haunting. Very distrubing. Which I am guessing is what you were shooting for. A vivid reminder of the evil that some men have performed in the past and still are in some areas. It was also a reminder that others have fought to stop such acts and continue that fight. An excellent chapter indeed.
vl100butch posted a comment on Saturday 2nd September 2006 11:03pm
More, more, more please....can't wait to see Harry and Hermione meet the King.
sailrpopeye posted a comment on Saturday 2nd September 2006 10:12pm
Dang!! Another wonderful and exciting chapter! Great stuff as always but you missed a wonderful chance for Harry and the Ministry to smooth out relations between the doers (Harry, and the talkers (the git portion of the Wizengamot) by offering them a chance to get an up close and personal view of the war effort. Couer de Leon and a few others would have been perfect, standing in the center of the Leeds camp, frantically trying to get malfunctioning (heh) return portkeys to function as the Deathmunchers closed in....... Might have eliminated a *lot* of problems later?
Anyway, great stuff as always. "More please, sir?" - O. Twist
mathiasgranger posted a comment on Saturday 2nd September 2006 8:26pm
Interesting chapter, it still seems that you have fated Harry to a crippled end.
Old Lion needs to be put down in his sleep I think. Why reform the wizengamot when they can turn around and be a pain in the ass for the person who pays their salary. One wonders how the stupidity of politicians can so easily transer from the muggle to magical worlds.
If Harry hadn't funded the Wizengamot then Harry could have let them try to raise thbe funds themselves, that would have taken far longer to organize then anything else. Perhaps when Harry has his audience with the King and Prime Minister he can put in a good word to disband the old boys club once and for all.
Anyways, good chapter and my apologies to Alyx but guy stuff is so much cooler to read than fluff.
seishi posted a comment on Saturday 2nd September 2006 5:38pm
Beatifully written!! Havent read any battle better!
Ken Warner posted a comment on Sunday 3rd September 2006 7:31am