Sunset Over Britain
A Message for Voldemort
By Bobmin
Cassandra30 posted a comment on Tuesday 26th June 2012 1:14pm for A Message for Voldemort
Excellent story! I do feel sorry for Theo. Who is to say he didn't love his father regardless of what he does.
What is going to happen to Arthur? He has had enough problems.! I feel sorry for Mrs Norris as well. Poor kitty. Her person is all gone. Filch didn't deserve to die like that or to be buried with so little ceremony.
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Monday 3rd January 2011 10:12pm for A Message for Voldemort
I'm getting a t-shirt that says "the butthole is a poor source of inspiration." Genius!
ivorynightfall posted a comment on Friday 24th September 2010 7:40pm for A Message for Voldemort
I understand Harry not taking Arthur to court, but what about Ron and Molly? Are they just giving them a free pass as well?
Suzanne posted a comment on Monday 10th May 2010 7:21pm for A Message for Voldemort
Excellent so far, and I just read your pet peeves authors note, and no, you are not the only person to find it borderline moronic. Stupid idea #567 is most certainly worthy of totally moronic.
azrael91 posted a comment on Wednesday 7th May 2008 11:56am for A Message for Voldemort
My bad on the last review, I accidentally posted it on the wrong chapter, before I had read this one and seen your A/N.
azrael91 posted a comment on Wednesday 7th May 2008 11:29am for A Message for Voldemort
I love your story, it is very well written. However, I must point out one mistake. Hermione actually saw Harry naked in Chapter 1, the Matura Magicus
Marvin posted a comment on Saturday 17th November 2007 12:00am for A Message for Voldemort
TA posted a comment on Friday 22nd June 2007 10:57am for A Message for Voldemort
Sorry to bother, but I noticed that you said Filch didn't have any family, and I remember that Arabella Figg is his widowed sister.
GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Friday 1st June 2007 3:59am for A Message for Voldemort
'Two assistants, Kathy and Jean and' -- assistants, Kathy and Jean,
This just keeps getting better and better (d'oh, there I go again).
Damphir posted a comment on Saturday 21st April 2007 6:28am for A Message for Voldemort
Bob and Alyx, I reviewed mostly to say that I love your author notes (hehe). Strange? I thought so too.
"The butt hole is a poor source of inspiration."
Well, that statement struck me as particularly caustic and hilarious.
So keep comments like that coming! Love em!
Selma Flamel posted a comment on Sunday 18th February 2007 4:28am for A Message for Voldemort
Amazing chapter. Your portrayal of Queen Elizabeth was awesome. What is going to happen to Mrs. Norris?
::Mrs. Norris creeps into the Headmaster's Room. No one is around. She gleefully begins destroying his precious sock collection. Argus will be avenged.
Dragen posted a comment on Wednesday 17th January 2007 3:07am for A Message for Voldemort
What another great chapter;
So the Royal Family is going on a grand tour, to show off the Crown Jewels… whilst but the Duke and the Queen stay behind. So they can escape the country, without causing a panic. Whilst the Prime Minister stays behind, to try and keep the country safe.
I’m happy that Dan and Emma are fine. I like that he called Dan and Emma, Mum and Dad.
Harry feels that he is a monster, but he isn’t… he done what had to be done to save Dan and Emma, and that doesn’t make him a monster, but a hero.
Dumbledore the fool; didn’t his time on the ceiling, and not being able to get down, show him that Harry is more powerful then him. And the ‘Brotherhood’ as done more, then his Order has over the war. Dumbledore truly is a fool. And why send Harry to Snape for defense, they hate each other, and would kill each other.
How embarrassing to wake up like that, and being teased over it at breakfast.
So Argus is dead, will a lot of children will be happy about that.
What did Harry do to have so many howlers sent to him?? I like it, Harry had snapped the wands of ten students, wandlessey… not many can do that.
pyrodaemon posted a comment on Wednesday 25th October 2006 3:51pm for A Message for Voldemort
...ok so I didn't make it before falling asleep, which I did while sitting at the computer 0_o....
I've just re-read a few of my reviews and you guys are really going to think Im crazy or something...its all very strange.
So Arthur is now being used for evil deeds, hm? and the plot thickens *cue creepy music*
overall this isn't one of my favorite chapters, not that its bad or anything like that, I just don't care for it.
So whats going to happen to our favorite WonWon? (can you believe a teenager actually used that word in reference to this boyfriend? *shudders* if my name was Ron I'd have cursed someone if they called me that.)
Hermione and Harry have some real issues going on don't they? LoL
Poor Snape, he's going to be killed for that giving them all that info only to have Harry kill everyone...tut tut he should've thought out his plan better.
Amber Dragon posted a comment on Sunday 8th October 2006 10:40am for A Message for Voldemort
Harry, Harry, Harry. How many wands will you break before the end of the fic? I think people are starting to get mad at you...
Lyn Piton posted a comment on Sunday 3rd September 2006 1:15pm for A Message for Voldemort
"The butt hole is a poor source of inspiration."
This should be on a bumper sticker.
Oh, the story part was good, too, as usual. ;)
Cky Raes posted a comment on Thursday 13th July 2006 11:15am for A Message for Voldemort
Filchy dead. Me so happy. XD
Sir Chris posted a comment on Thursday 8th June 2006 1:58pm for A Message for Voldemort
It would appear we meet again on these winding roads known as fanfiction. You probably don't remember me, and it isn't a big deal. I go to and I am mostly a talentless hack in the field of serious fanfiction and stick to weird humor fanfiction to appeal to people. I followed your stories (this and the other two) for a long time on there and was a very big fan of both. However when yours and Quest of Light (a fanfiction that I beta'd for) were removed I lost interest in HP fanfiction because I was convinced that the HP community was soulless bastards.
And they are. At least on in general.
But enough about my winding road, I was linked to this site and decided to register, and boy am I glad I did. It has my favorite HP author (Ruskbyte) along with a host of other excellent fanfiction writers, yourselves included.
As for this chapter, I have read it before and it is most excellent. I just re-read it to get caught up with the story that I had forgotten a great deal about.
Excellent work as always; your pet peeves section delivers as always.
Until next time,
TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Friday 28th April 2006 11:45am for A Message for Voldemort
Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd February 2006 3:11am for A Message for Voldemort
I know you have a plan for Snape from Voldemort, but I hope it includes the wrath of Harry.
Nott Jr should be interesting as he becomes cannon fodder for the next Harry-does-it-again.
Poor Mr. Weasley.
Great writing.
StillHagrid posted a comment on Monday 5th March 2018 4:16pm for A Message for Voldemort