Sunset Over Britain
A Message for Voldemort
By Bobmin
daeshie posted a comment on Thursday 24th November 2005 3:54pm for A Message for Voldemort
hate to get this out in the open but
this was a pointless review
i believe that might have been one of your pet peeves
daeshie the boring and sugar-high
MattD posted a comment on Wednesday 16th November 2005 9:58am for A Message for Voldemort
Even though I've read the whole story, I still itch for Harry to just vaporize every Death Nibbler (as you call them) when I read this chapter. Just kill the bastards. =)
Natasja posted a comment on Thursday 3rd November 2005 1:30am for A Message for Voldemort
*****Bizarre plot twists. Here I was, reading this story of an angry Harry. A veritable cornucopia of Ron/Hermione bashing and the author pulls stupid idea #567 out of his/her butt and decides that Ron is going to be pissed off with Draco for making friends with Harry. Then Ron says, the only way you can prove you’re not a death eater is if you swim the lake. EXCUSE ME? HELLO? I swear I must be the only person reading that story that found that particular chapter to be borderline moronic. The reviews thought it was the greatest thing since sliced French bread. *****
Tell me about it.
Fortunatly, most of the worse stories I read have either no reviews, or very few with at least two willing to point out mistakes.
The worst I have read was in the Lord of the Rings fandom. (I am taking a wild guess that you have heard of it. If not, ignore the rest of this review.)
Aptly pen-named 'just another stupid idiot', tried to write a HP/LotR crossover. It plummeted into the abyss by having a smoking cauldren in the middle of the path of Caradhras acting as a portkey to where Hagrid is holding a CoMC class in the forbidden forest.
Here the author acknowledges that Westron is not English, but solves the problem by having Gandalf knowing english on account of having visited Earth millennia ago.
They are taken to Dumbledore who asks no questions and gives the translation rings, then offers to let them join Hogwarts as students.
The rest of the story consists of mangled names, grammar, canonical plot and languages (English and Elvish) and a series of events that flows as smoothly as Niagra Falls and are as unlikly as Voldemort wearing a pink tutu and declaring Harry his best friend.
These events include Legolas being able to kill dementors by his mere presense, everyone becoming animagi with multiple forms in a single lesson, people being arrested for accidental transfiguration and references to very unlikely childhood excapades.
Just when I thought it couldn't get worse, Sam is accidentally portkeyed to Voldemort's lair, where Harry and others promptly go to rescue him. Harry and Voldemort engage in a verbal catfight where Voldemort seems to have reverted to childhood, as his end of the conversation generally consists of 'you can't do that!', 'Shut up you brat!' and 'You will die/I'm going to kill you!' and Harry manages to tell Voldemort just about all the potentially useful information he has, also claiming that his mother is decended from elves. Ron then creates a portkey and they all escape from a room packed with death eaters and return to Hogwarts, as Snape yells that they have lost several hundred points for being out of bed.
We thank whatever we hold sacred as the story winds to a close with a visit to Grimmauld Place, Hermione as the Queen's niece, tea and a sleepover at Buckingham Palace and a portkey that lands them outside the woods of Lothlorien.
Much to my shock, there was boundless (and mindless) praise for this piece of skrewet droppings, and only a few authors smart enough to point out the flaws.
Jim posted a comment on Thursday 15th September 2005 3:45am for A Message for Voldemort
Awww, I *liked* "Deather-Eater-gram". :-)
Ronnee posted a comment on Wednesday 14th September 2005 5:00am for A Message for Voldemort
The chapter is great, though I must say I feel some pity for Ron - being Imperio'd is not nice, even if it means you get to do what you wanted to do in the first place, only more so and without remorse. I feel even more for the Granger family - to lose friends and subordinates in an attack on them would be devastating! You've got me very curious about the new DADA teacher with Luna's warning, is she seeing something no one else is, or is she simply being pessimistic? Yes, I know I'll find out sooner or later, but I'm still curious.
I adore your pet peeves. They make me snicker and I've been using them (or some of them) to help my daughter with her creative writing class. Thanks
harry85 posted a comment on Thursday 1st December 2005 6:04pm for A Message for Voldemort