Sunset Over Britain
Bad News, Howlers and the Prime Minister
By Bobmin
Gojin posted a comment on Tuesday 21st March 2017 6:54pm for Bad News, Howlers and the Prime Minister
oh jesums.silly snape just went and signed his death warrent :/ and stoopid voldy just followed him now they are ALL going to die oh goodey.
Cassandra30 posted a comment on Tuesday 26th June 2012 12:51pm for Bad News, Howlers and the Prime Minister
Well Molly is lying again. Really someone ought to tell the truth. It might shock a lot of people. Severus just screwed up royally.
Good to have non-magical England notified. Certain people and things don't need to be in Great Britain if it goes down.
Lord Cleveland posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd May 2012 10:17pm for Bad News, Howlers and the Prime Minister
Pet Peeve for this chapter: Authors that make Harry a wizard yet unable to defend himself from a flying rock that he knows is coming. Its even worse when the author has Harry able to stop spells in midpath and redirect them back at the caster but a simple shield is too hard to conjure. Why isnt he in brotherhood uniform when he goes out anyways? Lets face it, its common sense. So the real pet Peeve of this chapter is basically authors who are wishy-washy with how talented, powerful, smart their characters are just to fit the scene. Is it really that hard to "stay in character"?
cello posted a comment on Monday 6th September 2010 6:02pm for Bad News, Howlers and the Prime Minister
Thank goodness you already said the Grangers would survive a few chapters back in your A/N or I would have been forced to get another mug of ice cream for comfort.
Tammy Driver posted a comment on Thursday 22nd April 2010 6:47am for Bad News, Howlers and the Prime Minister
The birth then sprang aloft and flew back out the window. exactly would that work? <G>
WorldOfLilyEvans posted a comment on Monday 1st March 2010 4:44pm for Bad News, Howlers and the Prime Minister
Hi! I haven't reviewed in a while, sorry about that.
Anyway just wanted to say, I laugh every time V-v-voldemort cackles evilly. Really, is that part of the evil gene villains carry, or did he read too many comic books when he was younger?
-XXX- Malou
Tammy Driver posted a comment on Monday 25th January 2010 4:58am for Bad News, Howlers and the Prime Minister
I wonder what would have happened, if Harry had cast Lucerna Judico at Voldie, the DE's, Snape, and Dumbles.....<EG>
ichai posted a comment on Friday 10th July 2009 3:55pm for Bad News, Howlers and the Prime Minister
CH14 "...who gave up his rights as a human a long time ago."
So many fan authors, hell even JKR, falls into this trap. They have everyone angsting over the ethics of executing murderers. It's been bugging the crap out of me ever since I started reading HP fanfic.
The way I look at it, if you willfully violate fundamental human rights, you are rejecting your own rights. At that point, execution is no more than putting down a rabid animal.
Loving the story so far, which is unsurprising considering the quality of your other works.
William Lack posted a comment on Sunday 7th June 2009 9:20pm for Bad News, Howlers and the Prime Minister
LOVE LOVE LOVE this story
Thank you
PS The UK don't have an Embassy in Canada, it has a High Commission, and the 'Ambassador' would be the High Commissioner. The same holds true for all members of the Commonwealth... - just one minor detail ....
William Lack posted a comment on Sunday 7th June 2009 9:10pm for Bad News, Howlers and the Prime Minister
LOVE LOVE LOVE this story
Thank you
kinkade0001 posted a comment on Wednesday 13th May 2009 3:41am for Bad News, Howlers and the Prime Minister
For the record…..I love this story, I love the writing, and I love the interaction. FINALY!!! For once a decent wizard wasn’t totally incapacitated by a body bind! You’d think it’d be standard practice to learn how to wordlessly dispel one of those, but it’ isn’t. Oh, another thing, if the head boy snuck into the head girl’s rooms, tied her up and used a silencing charm……..well, charges would be pressed.
Joyfullscroll posted a comment on Sunday 17th February 2008 1:19pm for Bad News, Howlers and the Prime Minister
Hey Mighty Goddess Alex
I have to say this... you missed a spot! You must have been busy torturing Alan somewhere when you by passed this mistake. Or was it possibly Bob?
Oh the mistake I'm referring to is the part where Molly sent that owl to Lavender's mum. Where the owl leaves? I never heard of a 'flying birth' even in Potterverse! That's a new one to me.
Nice cliffy btw. Since I'm reading this as a 'complete' story it doesn't affect me as much as others who waited. (That's a thing I like to do allot, read mostly 'complete' stories.)
hjdevnull posted a comment on Sunday 3rd February 2008 10:47pm for Bad News, Howlers and the Prime Minister
Well, I'm reading this story quite a while after you've finished it, and I've only not read the latest chapter of "Power of the Press," so as to finish this. It seems almost ridiculous to leave a reply on a story you're only part-way done with, but I've found that I've always enjoyed them myself, so I figured that you might feel the same way.
Great story so far. I've never been much of a fan of the Super!Harry story genre, as I felt it was too much of a wish-fulfillment, blunt-force method of fixing the HP-verse's problems, but you've really done a good job of turning that on its head here. Harry might be super-powered, but he's not invulnerable and he's having to use his mind and his friends as much as he's using his powerful magic. He's having to lead, rather than just doing what he wants. Public opinion matters to him. He's not supremely confident, he just has a lot of power. In other words, he's still Harry. I'm a fan.
Now turning to the next chapter.
Tammerz posted a comment on Monday 19th November 2007 9:14am for Bad News, Howlers and the Prime Minister
Molly Weasley is a wench in this story. Very brilliantly written.
Marvin posted a comment on Friday 16th November 2007 11:28pm for Bad News, Howlers and the Prime Minister
Birth Controll for Voldemort :D
Sorry, that's perfect!
mathiasgranger posted a comment on Tuesday 18th September 2007 4:59am for Bad News, Howlers and the Prime Minister
Harry's characterization is just a little too uneven for me to follow completely at times. He is far too emotionally fragile to be the person you have him at times and there is no reasonable predictive factor to what will set him off at one moment to the next.
Now seeing as how I've read the rest of this and the sequel already, I do admit Harry does even out some as we progress, but the beginning of this story suffers as a result.
Yes he is abused and has had his trust taken advantage of, but on the flip side he forgives far too easily (Arthur) and is way to amicable despite everything that happened to him. Poor Harry and the idealic characterizations authors force upon him (JKR included).
Thanks for writing,
Bowman4678 posted a comment on Tuesday 10th July 2007 10:28pm for Bad News, Howlers and the Prime Minister
Hey, sorry I havent replied untill now, but I just wanted to say that I love this story very much, and you two are both highly gifted writters. I have no doubt that if you wish to persue a professional career, you will have many devoted readers, me being one of them.
I noticed in this chapter however a typo
"The birth then sprang aloft and flew back out the window."
Surely this is meant to say bird?
GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Friday 1st June 2007 3:20am for Bad News, Howlers and the Prime Minister
'now days' - nowadays
'The birth then sprang aloft' - the bird
'wizarding version of Kevlar body armor' - didn't you say you weren't going to be doing such plot devices?
tatsu.zzmage posted a comment on Thursday 17th May 2007 4:12am for Bad News, Howlers and the Prime Minister
A star will burn? what is that a code word for a Nuke ^_~
docholiday024 posted a comment on Wednesday 31st May 2017 12:29am for Bad News, Howlers and the Prime Minister