Content Harry Potter


insomniya posted a comment on Friday 4th May 2007 6:53am for Bad News, Howlers and the Prime Minister

Wowie! A fantalicious fic that is keeping me hooked! Keep on with the good work guys!

Just a couple of things to be clarified:

1)How can it be possible that The Grangers go to work at a place that is not protected with even the simplest of wards??? I mean its rather unbelievable that Harry would put them in such danger when he knows how much they mean to Hermione, yet he allows them to go to work like sitting ducks?

2)Well Harry apparates to save the Grangers silently in an invisibility cloak. Yet he does not cast the Lucerna judico spell when it could singlehandedly decapacitate all the death munchers in the room. And that too figuring he had cast it at a random attack on St.Mungo's whereas this time he knew for a fact what he was getting into...

Anyways like I said before, this fic is awesome, you two authors rock! Cheers!

Selma Flamel posted a comment on Sunday 18th February 2007 2:44am for Bad News, Howlers and the Prime Minister

Wow! I'm actually glad I found this late. That way I won't have to wait in suspense very long.

BlackPhoenix posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 3:23am for Bad News, Howlers and the Prime Minister

Nice story guys!

I just want to know how is it that molly is able to send harry howlers but in one scene tonks says that she doesnt want him to know that there are more than x00 howlers comin every day in the ministry, and even 24 people or so got arrested for sending him poisened/cursed mail.

gz blackphoenix

el_roberto posted a comment on Tuesday 23rd January 2007 8:58am for Bad News, Howlers and the Prime Minister

wow, you really know a story is well written when you start to get pissed off about the way some of the characters treat each other lol, great work

Dragen posted a comment on Monday 8th January 2007 12:32pm for Bad News, Howlers and the Prime Minister

Another great chapter;

I love the idea of the ‘The Light of Judgement’ spell. Harry is right about the Light and Dark spells, there isn’t any, but for the Crucio spell… the only thing that matters is intent.

I think the Weasleys are right, Harry is probably the only person to succeed in pranking Dumbledore. Hermione and a circumcision spell, I wouldn’t want to piss her off. :D Harry truly is a panckster.

I know what the know prophecy means, and that is when Hogwarts fall, it’s time for Harry to put his plan into action.

Will at least Harry and friends as warned the Prime Minister of the British Isles, about what is going to happen.

And how could you end it with a cilff hanger like that.

Eagle-Eyes posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 9:13am for Bad News, Howlers and the Prime Minister

A cliffhanger????? Since when did you start leaving cliffies??????

pyrodaemon posted a comment on Wednesday 25th October 2006 5:58am for Bad News, Howlers and the Prime Minister

hmmm...capturing te grangers? nice touch.....

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Friday 28th April 2006 9:58am for Bad News, Howlers and the Prime Minister

Looking bad for the home team.


Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd February 2006 2:14am for Bad News, Howlers and the Prime Minister

I have changed my mind. The only reason to save Molly is if she sees she is going to die and Harry saves her at the last minute after Dumbledore gives her over to the Ministry or Voldie to save his own skin. Then let her work being Dobby's house-elf.

I cannot believe you've written so well that I am angry at a woman in fiction I love.

Well done indeed.

Tammy posted a comment on Thursday 8th December 2005 7:43am for Bad News, Howlers and the Prime Minister

I think Ron’s cheese has slipped off his cracker somewhere and he’s not playing with a full chess set anymore.


MattD posted a comment on Wednesday 16th November 2005 9:05am for Bad News, Howlers and the Prime Minister

Well, I was going to stop rereading the story after this chapter, but the fucking cliffy!! prevented that. Oh well...must read on...


Re Nee posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 1:34pm for Bad News, Howlers and the Prime Minister

not only is this story reat but it was even better than the sucky HBP you should give writing lessons to JKR i love the story and cant wait to readf the rest thank you for giving all of us readers such a wonderful gift

Eliew posted a comment on Monday 17th October 2005 11:57pm for Bad News, Howlers and the Prime Minister

Ooo...looks like the greasy git decide to use the defenseless muggles to get Harry instead. If Harry ever find that that stunt was from him, he is certainly going to suffer a fate worst than the worm.

Hmm... just wondering, did the prophet publish all those articles because to Malfoy's cousin? I would have thought that they will be focusing more on the ministry than Harry. Oh well, whatever, the sheep are being led by their nose anyway.

John Creasey posted a comment on Saturday 8th October 2005 5:15am for Bad News, Howlers and the Prime Minister

I feel that the prophecy in this chapter refers to a Nuclear strike in th UK. They may have much less than 20 days to evacuate.
This is my third reading of the entire story.
You are one of my favorite authors.
Thanks for an enjoyable read.

Brian McCrary posted a comment on Tuesday 20th September 2005 12:43am for Bad News, Howlers and the Prime Minister

"Boys, Hermione probably knows more spells than all of us combined. Why, just the other day she was telling me about this circumcision spell she’d learned about that could be done from a distance," Ginny said in wide eyed innocence.


You know, that's a particularly nasty threat, considering that unlike the US, circumcision is rarely practiced in the UK. The vast majority of British males would still be...vulnerable to such a threat....

Ronnee posted a comment on Wednesday 14th September 2005 4:38am for Bad News, Howlers and the Prime Minister

As always very well done and intriguing. I can so easily see the Wizarding World slowly (or rapidly as in your fic) sliding under the power of Voldemort and his followers out of sheer inertia and refusal to stand up for themselves. And the way you have the characters evolving is very plausable. I wish I could argue with your characterization of Dumbledore and Molly Weasley but it fits the way they are in the first five books. (I have yet to make up my mind about book 6 - besides the fact that I dislike it intensely)

I was shocked to see this was missing from I'd been reading since it was reccommended to me and had planned to review at the end. But since it's not at ff and is in an easier format to review, I have no more excuses.

Please keep up the good work