Sunset Over Britain
Gifts, Attacks and Tears
By Bobmin
Squarekiddo posted a comment on Sunday 30th October 2016 1:52pm for Gifts, Attacks and Tears
Summary of your fights so far: If you do try that one more time you will not like it, do not TEST ME. GOT IT?!
If you do try that one more time you will not like it, do not TEST ME. GOT IT?!
If you do try that one more time you will not like it, do not TEST ME. GOT IT?!
If you do try that one more time you will not like it, do not TEST ME. GOT IT?!
Seriously, what the hell? why cant anything ever get resolved? its like youre trying to dryhump Drama, but you leave out the dramatic consequences. And seriously, why are they at Hogwarts! to help Amilia with her case? who gives a shit about the case if they have to risk their damn life helping the case. And seriously FYI, the bossman-Amelia, the Girl-who-has-balls. Lets Percy be on a black ops meeting? because the dude with the hat says his alright? what is she? 5 trying to host a secret doll party? shes the boss, why would she let Percy be there? it violates EVERYTHING she stands for, and we all know shes a damn hardass, no that was plot device, and a very bad one, you needed them to find out about the case, so you threw in Percy, but you couldnt explain Percy so you went with what you hoped we could overlook. Seriously... dude has secret black ops files in hes desk draws. Pathetic. but really, if you have to completely ruin a characters... Character, dosnt that strike you as bad writing? that perhaps you should go about it another way? And how did the Spider get into Hogwarts? it was mailed... Hogwarts... with the Wards of doom, Hogwarts, that is right next to hundreds of Acromantula... That dosnt mind eating children, and you are trying to tell us that what? Spider wards dosnt exist at Hogwarts?
Cassandra30 posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd May 2012 11:57pm for Gifts, Attacks and Tears
Really terrific!
PSST: What stories of yours are DA and SC? I looked over all of them on this site and couldn't find them? Did I miss them?
Jdnokc posted a comment on Tuesday 29th March 2011 2:57pm for Gifts, Attacks and Tears
While I realize that this is already finished in the authors note you answered a review. How long will Millicent chase Snape? Perhaps I am reading a different story because I thought you had her chasing Ron?
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Monday 3rd January 2011 8:39am for Gifts, Attacks and Tears
Nice limerick.
token posted a comment on Friday 24th September 2010 12:43am for Gifts, Attacks and Tears
I've read this story once before and didn't really notic it at the time, but I have this time. A big part of the reason they leave england is that Harry and Voldemort must be "Equals" and yet Harry goes into battle against him at a phsyical disadvantage. He has a serious physical impairment but Voldy doesn't, and that doesn't really strike me as being "equal" as you have strived for them to be.
cello posted a comment on Monday 6th September 2010 12:07pm for Gifts, Attacks and Tears
How on earth did the spider get through all the heavy duty wards around Harry's bed? yeah, yeah, I'll wait and see ;)
purrfus posted a comment on Sunday 25th April 2010 9:13pm for Gifts, Attacks and Tears
A thoughtful, considered, manipulative Dumbledore is always better than one that just stumbles into badness.
How does he set up the complex theft and money laudering scheme and then falter when it comes to Harry. Is it the difference between actions and interpreting emotions and responses?
He just can't grasp why Harry might not see a spider bite in the dorm as reason to stick close to the school? Is it sometimers or did he fall in a vat of stupid between the time he originally set up the bank scheme and now?
SoccerQueen237 posted a comment on Sunday 28th February 2010 7:35pm for Gifts, Attacks and Tears
This gets definitely better as it goes.
Jdnokc posted a comment on Saturday 20th February 2010 12:20pm for Gifts, Attacks and Tears
That really doesn't make much sense. If Harry put up all those wards around his bed as you say he did the spider should not have been able to get to him while under a dark curse.
Bexis posted a comment on Monday 5th October 2009 1:24am for Gifts, Attacks and Tears
This was a good chapter. No real holes. I'm wondering what's the point of their staying at Hogwarts, though.
Midnightoil245 posted a comment on Saturday 22nd August 2009 5:17pm for Gifts, Attacks and Tears
Is Dumbledore on stupid pills? Does he really think he's going to gain Harry's trust the way he's going? Sheesh. (Not complaining about your writing, just commenting on the character).
ghostchicken posted a comment on Friday 17th July 2009 2:52pm for Gifts, Attacks and Tears
Loved No Thanks. Love this story. I'll keep reading.
malfoie posted a comment on Saturday 13th June 2009 2:10am for Gifts, Attacks and Tears
So the SNORING Ron got over his fear of spiders to put try and take Harry out. At least that is what I got out of the last part of that chapter.
AnnaTigg posted a comment on Tuesday 16th December 2008 5:50pm for Gifts, Attacks and Tears
I was just re-reading Sunset (er, again!) and thought I would comment on Dumbledore's utter idiocy in this chapter. After Harry is taken to the hospital wing, he says that the attack will convince him that staying in the castle is safest. Oh yes, stay in Hogwarts, where you have only 6 friends, maybe 4 staff members you can trust, your girlfriend is assaulted, and you get attacked by venomous spiders. That's absolutely the safest place in the Wizarding World! Oh, and way to get Harry on your side, Headmaster - don't expel Ron, but take points away from Harry for defending his molested girlfriend...OK, mini rant over.
kryptikk79 posted a comment on Friday 5th December 2008 2:08pm for Gifts, Attacks and Tears
The sheer intelligence of this small community of authors amazes me.
I believe that the authors here should be published authors who make millions off their work.
By the way, are any of you published authors? If so, PLEASE send names and titles.
FenrisWolf posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 5:50pm for Gifts, Attacks and Tears
I hate to point it out to such talented authors, but very poor scansion on your limerick. How about this?
There once was a Wizard from Surrey,
Whose wand was exceptionally Furry,
Ginny wanted to pet it,
But Harry said, "Forget it!
I'd rather stick it into Padma's Curry!"
Still not perfect, but closer to traditional limerick meter....
john17 posted a comment on Tuesday 5th February 2008 9:55am for Gifts, Attacks and Tears
I dont get the comment Dumbledore made about Harry being safer in the castle when he was attacked in the castle. Is Dumbledore just stupid as it makes no sense. lol. Cool story though.
Sanctimonius posted a comment on Thursday 22nd November 2007 2:02am for Gifts, Attacks and Tears
Ahh man, I haven't even finished the chapter, but you have me laughing to hard to not review early. My name's Aaron Winston, and the whole Auror Winston just made my day. Although I have quite a bit of hair, and I'm not fat at all. But still funny nonetheless.
Great story, looking forward to the rest and the sequel!
Marvin posted a comment on Friday 16th November 2007 6:10am for Gifts, Attacks and Tears
I cannot imagine I could possibly hate dumbledore MORE than this.
Hum. Very nice :)
Fraulein Takoor posted a comment on Thursday 19th July 2018 6:39am for Gifts, Attacks and Tears