Sunset Over Britain
Gifts, Attacks and Tears
By Bobmin
jalva200 posted a comment on Wednesday 16th November 2005 2:36pm for Gifts, Attacks and Tears
I have found such a wounderful storie and i am prying to you to keep it comeing. Its such a wounderful exciting storie and i have to say addictive!
OMG!!! This is so awsome of a storie it aint funny!! That Brotherhood stuff is GREAT!! I hope that you go and have someone from the brotherhood go and scare the shit out of Albus.
Anyway LOVE IT!!
Man i need a smoke after somemthing so good like that.
MattD posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 2:47am for Gifts, Attacks and Tears
Grr...well I suppose if there's a super Harry he has to have some disadvantages, but that attack still really pissed me off. Oh well.
Manatheron posted a comment on Tuesday 25th October 2005 4:26am for Gifts, Attacks and Tears
pfft... normally when playing catch-up on a story I wait till the end to review, but after reading your last couple of A/N I just wanted to drop a to ask the you ignor the 'cannon' morons. or better yet, if you haven't yet you could drop them a little note saying "If you don't like it, don't read it" it's much easier all around.
kirsti Robertson posted a comment on Friday 7th October 2005 1:30am for Gifts, Attacks and Tears
This is a fantastic story. It truly is. I found it by chance when someone in the HarryHermione live journal group asked --nay, begged--for a link to this story. Apparently you were kicked off of for long author's notes? Idiots! (not you, Your author's notes are informative and hilarious and I've been enjoying them no end.
Since I have three children who do not always understand that Mummy needs to be left alone for long periods of time to read and review this wonderful story, I will not always review; however, I will continue to read!
P.S. Regarding your statement above about H/Hedwig for Book Seven? I've always felt that Hedwig nurtures a secret longing for the Giant Squid. *wink*
Nyssa posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 4:56am for Gifts, Attacks and Tears