Sunset Over Britain
Laws and Legilimency
By Bobmin
Magnificent the Destroyer Lord posted a comment on Thursday 24th August 2006 9:50am for Laws and Legilimency
*re-reads disclaimer* ... *begins to randomly sing after pounding hole through desk from laughing* Harry solves his problems with a chainsaw!!! ... Harry solves his problems with a chainsawwww!! Harry solves his problems with a chainsawwww!! And he NEVER HAS THE SAME PROBLEM TWICE!!
(I do not now nor have ever owned "Malcolm Solves His Problem With a Chainsaw" by the Arrogant Worms)
Battleaxe posted a comment on Wednesday 26th July 2006 7:39pm for Laws and Legilimency
Now it's Dumbles I want to brake the neck of!
It's becoming more and more intresting.
Jimmy posted a comment on Friday 12th May 2006 11:59am for Laws and Legilimency
Um.... Pettigrew harmed Harry in book IV not V! Otherwise keep up the good work... I've got a short memory that's why I'm rereading this story:))
TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Thursday 27th April 2006 5:39am for Laws and Legilimency
Interesting chapter.
Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Tuesday 21st February 2006 8:29am for Laws and Legilimency
It is very encouraging that you have McGonagall & Flitwick supporting Harry & Co.
Ginny going for Ron was choice.
Fu, fun, FUN!
Pleather Boots posted a comment on Sunday 5th February 2006 6:29am for Laws and Legilimency
I am so confused about the is not just a tattoo? Can you please explain it to me? How can a tattoo walk off of someone, take a bite from food, and return to a body. If you say magic, I think I'll be slightly annoyed, but I really would like a little clarification about it, unless it comes up in the rest of the story. --K
Kaza posted a comment on Friday 13th January 2006 12:44pm for Laws and Legilimency
Us canadians would pwn your ass :D
Tildessmoo posted a comment on Monday 2nd January 2006 11:18am for Laws and Legilimency
I'm sorry, I love this story, I really do, and I've noticed very few mistakes (and I'm quite a nitpicker, so if I've noticed few it means there _are_ few), but I'm afraid you've hit on one of _my_ pet peeves: misuse of the words horizontal, vertical, perpendicular, and parallel. Horizontal and vertical are definite positions, not relative. Something cannot be horizontal or vertical _to_ something; they simply are horizontal or vertical. Outside of certain alternate dimensions and zero g situations, if something is horizontal, it is _parallel to_ the floor and _perpendicular to_ the wall; if something is vertical, it is _perpendicular to_ the floor and _parallel to_ the wall. The thumb, therefore begins parallel to the floor, in a horizontal position. Sorry, to sound belligerent, but it's a mistake I see all too often in fanfics, and even occasionally in professional works, and like some of the pet peeves you've listed it annoys the hell out of me.
Onto more pleasant topics, I am still adoring you both for your writing, and for what I understand to be your writing speed. I've just realized that even at the rate I'm reading I can probably look forward to chapter 5 of Sunrise over Britain by the time I get that far. I'm wondering how the students will react to Ron's hearing and the legal proceedings against Dumbledore when those happen, but of course that's something to be answered by the story, not in response to a review that you might not even have finished reading since the beginning was probably just a tad offensive. Sorry, I'm blunt like that. Anyways, keep up the tee shirts!
harry85 posted a comment on Wednesday 30th November 2005 5:30am for Laws and Legilimency
This was good as usual. I can't wait to finish this story, I'm so addicted to it!
But now it's time to go to bed for me. Tomorrow new chapters will be read...
Sean Li posted a comment on Friday 25th November 2005 2:11pm for Laws and Legilimency
Godly, thou art.
MattD posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 2:50am for Laws and Legilimency
I definitely like the musical aspect you have introduced into the Potterverse, mostly because it seems to be something Rowling has almost completely omitted. Leave it to Harry to become awesomely insane at it. =)
Judd posted a comment on Thursday 27th October 2005 3:01am for Laws and Legilimency
First Note: The criticism I'm about to give you does not really matter.
Second Note: I think I’ve already told you this, but this is possibly one of my favourite fan fictions ever. Amazing job, on everything. And thank you for giving me something good to read in the absence of another JK book.
Criticism: No one can grow larger than their genetic predisposition, you made a note that they could in your author’s notes… and they just can’t. Sorry ïŠ
Coolone007 posted a comment on Tuesday 11th October 2005 3:22am for Laws and Legilimency
I have a question about harry's learning. You stated in the first part of the story thsat he could absorbe a large book in a little over an hour. can he not appluy this knollege ina practical sence? The reason for the odd question is in the currnet chapter, "In fact, he’s on par with Miss Granger in practical and only slightly behind her on theory at this point." Why would he be behind in theory unless the knollege take loger to incorprate into his practical aspects.
pyrodaemon posted a comment on Tuesday 24th October 2006 8:50pm for Laws and Legilimency