Sunset Over Britain
The First Day of School and Snape!
By Bobmin
mysuv1 posted a comment on Thursday 4th January 2018 3:30pm for The First Day of School and Snape!
I am loving this story ty so much
Squarekiddo posted a comment on Sunday 30th October 2016 10:51am for The First Day of School and Snape!
Im glad you adresses the Snape issue I had with the last chapter. Now im simply confused why they are AT Hogwarts to begin with, you already showed us that you can take OWLs at the ministry, I truly dont see the reason in returning to Hogwarts, besides the fact that the story would be rather boring if they didnt, but thats sort of a flaw you wrote yourself. However because of that it dosnt bother me that much. Same as last chapter, im enjoying it, excluding the cheesy romance.
foodfighter posted a comment on Friday 17th May 2013 7:42pm for The First Day of School and Snape!
Good chapter. Interesting take on Draco.
Cassandra30 posted a comment on Sunday 24th June 2012 7:28pm for The First Day of School and Snape!
I really like the idea of Draco asking for help for his mother.
Colleen posted a comment on Sunday 20th February 2011 8:05pm for The First Day of School and Snape!
Ok, so I've been re-reading the Sunrise/Sunset stories...and I know this has absolutely nothing to do with your story (which I's just as good the 2nd time around!), but I saw this today and immediately thought of you two.
I hope the link works and that you find it at least a little amusing.
Colleen posted a comment on Sunday 20th February 2011 8:05pm for The First Day of School and Snape!
Ok, so I've been re-reading the Sunrise/Sunset stories...and I know this has absolutely nothing to do with your story (which I's just as good the 2nd time around!), but I saw this today and immediately thought of you two.
I hope the link works and that you find it at least a little amusing.
brackattack posted a comment on Thursday 6th January 2011 7:04pm for The First Day of School and Snape!
oh pleeeeeeeeeeeeease dont give draco ginny. i know the hand holding with nev was a good sign but i cant atand the draco/ginny or luna for that matter. It just doesnt make sense this is for my benefit
i know the story is done so i guess this is for my benefit.
ya screw ron. no one like ron
sfjoellen posted a comment on Friday 24th September 2010 2:29pm for The First Day of School and Snape!
you two write well. your disclaimers are annoyingly cute, and the author notes WAY to long, other than that, nice job
cello posted a comment on Monday 6th September 2010 11:28am for The First Day of School and Snape!
Wow, you got me to feel sorry for Draco without changing his pinheaded attitudes. Well done.
avidreaderbz posted a comment on Wednesday 16th June 2010 2:13pm for The First Day of School and Snape!
as your pet peeve was spelling, i thought i should let you know that at one point dumbledore said something like i don't "own" you anything x
purrfus posted a comment on Sunday 25th April 2010 8:53pm for The First Day of School and Snape!
HPP - a wonderful storyline? Somebody is totally delusional. Possibly the result of a potion or evil spell?
I checked out the options. The font, sizing, and misc functions are great. Enlarging the print, changing the default font, and reducing the page size makes the reading experience much more comfortable. Thanks.
WorldOfLilyEvans posted a comment on Sunday 28th February 2010 6:29pm for The First Day of School and Snape!
And what's with people using 'text' spelling? 'U' isn't a word, it's 'you'!
Anyway, I love this story!
-xxx- Malou
Ratboy posted a comment on Friday 23rd October 2009 8:40pm for The First Day of School and Snape!
I know this is a late review, but in an earlier chapter you said that Harry's eyes had improved, but in this one he was wearing his glasses when Snape tossed him against the wall before the feast. Is he just wearing them as a ruse, or have they only improved a little bit? Again, sorry it is a late review, so here is a gross of doughnuts,a 12" mead scope and a bakers dozen of portable tactical nukes.
Bexis posted a comment on Monday 5th October 2009 12:45am for The First Day of School and Snape!
That was a nasty and uncalled for trick to play on Bullstrode. She was a bystander in all of that.
No wonder Slytherins hate Gryffindors.
And a violet-eyed DADA teacher. That reeks of cliche.
Alice Zecco posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd September 2009 10:19am for The First Day of School and Snape!
Another great read! Thank you for your hard work. Like the Ginny/Nev hint. Nice touch. Even though I'm not a H/H fan, this is a very believeable relationship. I even enjoy Draco this way.
Andrea Kay posted a comment on Tuesday 7th July 2009 1:26pm for The First Day of School and Snape!
Oh, Gawd ... make the pace slow down.. I can't stop reading... must work tomorrow, and yet, sleep evades me because I must read on. Aaah. Brilliant addictive tale.
WolfMoon posted a comment on Thursday 12th February 2009 4:54am for The First Day of School and Snape!
Obviously you've had this chapter out for awhile and have possibly delt with my one criticism so far: near the start of this chapter, Voldemort was surprised to learn that Snape may still be a spy. According to either fourth or fifth year - which I assume is the same as canon was - Snape was spared Azkaban by Dumbledore claiming he was a spy. Voldemort would have already known that Snape had such ties with Dumbledore. This would have come up at the end of fourth year when Snape went to meet up with Voldemort as per Dumbledore's order/request.
It just seemed a little strange when I read it; I'm guessing you just wanted to get Snape away from Voldemort for the story, but I would have preferred it if it had been a little more subtle.
Anyway, you've possibly dealt with this query already, and its your story anyway, just thought I'd put my 2 cents in.
Other than that I'm enjoying the story, even though I really don't like the Harry/Hermione paring. The story is interesting enough that I will try to read it all - no promises of success, though, as the pairing really bugs me.
kryptikk79 posted a comment on Friday 5th December 2008 1:45pm for The First Day of School and Snape!
/agree with the pet peeve
RockBiter posted a comment on Wednesday 20th August 2008 1:52pm for The First Day of School and Snape!
Interesting. I do love an author who turns a character on his head. Can't wait to see where you're going with Malfoy. I like. I like.
Fraulein Takoor posted a comment on Thursday 19th July 2018 5:20am for The First Day of School and Snape!