Sunset Over Britain
The Lazy Final Days of Summer
By Bobmin
Squarekiddo posted a comment on Sunday 30th October 2016 9:14am for The Lazy Final Days of Summer
This is what I dont like about stories like these, Snape draws a wand on a student and say "blabla or she dies" yet no one gives a shit about it, not even arrested and put into Azkaban, there was Aurors all over the place, like over a 100 witnesses, yet he walks... what the crap? Even if he does have Dumbles protecting him, I cant see Amilia not even trying after a death threat to a student, by a known ex-death eater, Im enjoyed everything else, bar the cheesy romanace, I try to skip all that.
svenino posted a comment on Monday 11th February 2013 7:23pm for The Lazy Final Days of Summer
sorry, but i don't understand WHY Harry is going back to Hogwarts? to me, it just doesn't make any sense.
ozmial posted a comment on Wednesday 26th September 2012 5:12am for The Lazy Final Days of Summer
yep this story has me hooked now.
Cassandra30 posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd May 2012 11:08pm for The Lazy Final Days of Summer
Really terrific! Draco can talk to Lord Black for help.
cello posted a comment on Monday 6th September 2010 10:40am for The Lazy Final Days of Summer
That interview given by Dumbles was low. How the heck does one defend against something like that? You've stuck Harry between a rock and a hard spot Unless you discredit the evil old elf. You say potato, I say potahto. heehee
purrfus posted a comment on Sunday 25th April 2010 8:31pm for The Lazy Final Days of Summer
Some people just can't bear to let a gadget or concept molder in the muse pile.
Intriguing Draco.
Snape grabbing and threatening a student in public, and nobody notices? or are they just ignoring it because they're afraid of Snape or don't care because he is only threatening a Muggleborn?
SoccerQueen237 posted a comment on Sunday 28th February 2010 3:54pm for The Lazy Final Days of Summer
I liked the end! It was quite funny. The part with the Ron and Snape bashing.. bloody amazing!
yohannest posted a comment on Thursday 24th December 2009 8:32am for The Lazy Final Days of Summer
awesome story please keep on writing your most brilliant story please keep it up
Bexis posted a comment on Tuesday 29th September 2009 10:57pm for The Lazy Final Days of Summer
"Who peed in Voldemort's gene pool" - that's even better than U-No-Poo.
H/Hr a couple by Ch. 4 - and Bellatrix, my favorite evildoer, dead. Gotta see what's left for the rest.
Alice Zecco posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd September 2009 9:21am for The Lazy Final Days of Summer
Loving this more and more. I really like that Mimi is so pissed at Dumble, as well at Flintwick!!! BEG I can see so much of where this could go. Just have to continue to read and see if I am right (no, I'm not one of these who read the last chapter of a completed story first!!!!)
Lord_Angel posted a comment on Thursday 26th February 2009 10:50am for The Lazy Final Days of Summer
HensounoKage posted a comment on Thursday 5th February 2009 4:50pm for The Lazy Final Days of Summer
SPORK!!! You've been given a random, pointless review! Enjoy!
kryptikk79 posted a comment on Friday 5th December 2008 1:24pm for The Lazy Final Days of Summer
i hate do do this..... but its not an Ever Quotes Quill.
its a Quick Quotes Quill.
by the way, have you ever thought about how much Ginny looks like Harry's mum?
don't want to critisize your usual choice in pairings, but I just thought you ought to know that.
RockBiter posted a comment on Wednesday 20th August 2008 12:48pm for The Lazy Final Days of Summer
Hm. The end of this chapter reads like something meant to suck us in before you hit us with death, devastation, and total destruction. Where did I put my bullet-proof vest?
One question--and this is for all you fan fiction authors out there. WHY won't anyone let Neville kill Bellatrix? He's earned it. He deserves it. Please, somebody, give her to him.
Yes, I know this story has been out for a while, but I'm reviewing anyway. It's new to me.
Padfoot posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd July 2008 2:46pm for The Lazy Final Days of Summer
OY! I'll have you know that I am a timpanist or the "kettle drums" to you and they are very musical. Know of any other instrument other than the keyboard that can play more than one note at once? Didn't think so.
Amber Dragon posted a comment on Tuesday 24th June 2008 4:48am for The Lazy Final Days of Summer
Okay, Ginny's kick to Ron's balls must have been very tough, because I'm pretty sure that he doesn't have any, after reading thus far in this fan fic.
Mot70 posted a comment on Tuesday 20th May 2008 4:33am for The Lazy Final Days of Summer
*rereading what I still consider to be an excellent story*
So having said that, this chapter’s pet peeve is awarded to all those authors that make a super powered Harry, then load him up with more gear than an M1A2 Abrams Battle Tank.
I'm assuming that this includes any ability to shapechange into the magical equivalent of an M1A2 Abrams... *grin*
ROBERT_1958 posted a comment on Thursday 28th February 2008 4:58pm for The Lazy Final Days of Summer
Why has Harry not started legal action on the people who have wronged him?
Saere posted a comment on Sunday 24th February 2008 3:16am for The Lazy Final Days of Summer
*puffs chest* I am proud to be a Percy fan. =3
Fraulein Takoor posted a comment on Wednesday 18th July 2018 2:26pm for The Lazy Final Days of Summer