Content Harry Potter


Selma Flamel posted a comment on Saturday 17th February 2007 8:57am for The Lord and Allies

Thank you for making Neville as perceptive as I think he actually is. If people think you are weak or unimportant, they forget you are there and you can learn much. From personal experience, being able to pay attention to your surroundings as you read also allows you to learn much. Ginny's letter proves that she's in the House where she belongs.
I still don't think Ollivander is 100% human.
Dan's pronouncement...awesome!
{I'm reviewing a few chapters at a time until I catch up. I am WAY behind.}

Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Thursday 11th January 2007 11:13pm for The Lord and Allies

Really great to re-read this, as I enjoy Hermione and Harry ships at times, other I like other girls and Harry. Also like Super Harry as well. I'm not a big fan of Dumblydoor, but feel that in canon, he's less evil, maybe more apt to be a bit of a control freak that believes in his own publicity, not unlike Lockhart in a way. Really enjoy this a lot.

Dragen posted a comment on Friday 5th January 2007 7:37pm for The Lord and Allies

The fucking ass Dumbledore, first how could he not left the Quidditch ban, and to think that Harry will let Snape supervision the DA, I don't thinks so.

That's our Hermione, when something new happen, she does a project, this time its Harry himself.

I'm happy that Ginny as warned Harry and Hermione what is going on...

I love what Harry and Hermione did to Snape... (Sings for what to come :D)

I like the meal with Amelia and Susen... a few good things did come up. And some good things come out of the dinner

Arkantos posted a comment on Thursday 9th November 2006 5:07am for The Lord and Allies

off with a bang!
wonderful story.

love you two always,

pyrodaemon posted a comment on Tuesday 24th October 2006 1:46pm for The Lord and Allies *cannot* be cannon. Its impossible unless you write something word for word out of the books...even if you use 7th year right now-because it's not out-it still wouldn't be cannon because you didn't write the books yeah...stupid people LoL.

I really liked this chapter and the whole Susan interaction. Remus/Tonks love it! They're so cute together. I like how you had Susan...angsting? over the whole 'I actually hurt another human being and I'm not sure how I fell about it' most authors just have someone kill another person and skip right passed Go and they don't collect the 200 $s, so-to-speak. Its not realistic and I understand that these are magical people but their still people and someone who's never hurt another person is going to freak out when they hurt someone, on purpose, for the first time.

Dumbledore is going to go down! Yeah! lol. Anyways I do like Dumbledore in the books but he's so fun to mess with in Fanfics.

The whole of Gryffindor, mostly, betraying Harry, uh? Interesting....

Anyways this is long enough I think.

I love your story.
Happy Writings.

methinkst posted a comment on Thursday 31st August 2006 1:58am for The Lord and Allies

i love this story. It has some common things in it from other things ive read but i love that its actually origonal and not the same as every other story out there.

pheonixX posted a comment on Saturday 19th August 2006 5:35pm for The Lord and Allies

great story so far

fasianjoe posted a comment on Sunday 2nd July 2006 1:05pm for The Lord and Allies

another great chapter, better be careful or it will become expected.

Jadzia7667 posted a comment on Saturday 24th June 2006 10:49pm for The Lord and Allies

This is wonderful! I love seriously AU fics, and I'm rather fond of Harry/Hermione. The sequins and feather boa for Snape were marvelous, too.

I'm really glad I found this site.

Athena Lupin posted a comment on Monday 19th June 2006 5:24am for The Lord and Allies

I love this sooo much. I've read it a billion times. But the Notes crack me up and the Disclaimers. Thank You, and I sware Bob at least could make it on Comedy Central

Sterling posted a comment on Sunday 11th June 2006 1:53pm for The Lord and Allies

OK...Now that you have given some sort of explanation as to some of the character's actions it makes it a bit easier to swallow. The idea that Ron and Molly Weasley were Dumbledore plants is an interesting one. It sits uneasy with me because I really think it goes against their grain as far a their characters go though. Now before you go on about the whole "This is an AU story and you are being a canon-nazi" thing, I just want to say that I think AU is fine. However, certain characters in the HP universe are well developed. We, as readers, expect them to act within certain parameters and when they start acting outside of what we know of them it starts to destroy the believability of the story. While I can believe Dumbledore being manipulative and misguided I still am finding it hard to deal with Ron and Molly as you have been writing them. Still, this second chapter was a definite improvement on the first one and I do think you are doing a decent job writing, other then my mentioned beefs with characterizations.

DaddysGirlForever posted a comment on Thursday 25th May 2006 12:45am for The Lord and Allies

why would asking about the matrina (did i spell it right) be rude?

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Wednesday 26th April 2006 5:12am for The Lord and Allies

Very good story.


Aurilia posted a comment on Friday 14th April 2006 11:39am for The Lord and Allies

Meh. Canon, schmanon.

You're playing the 'what-if' game and I really like it. Don't let the nay-sayers out there detract from a gloriously funny tale. If they don't like that it's AU, after y'all have warned them multiple times, then they're too stupid to bother with. It's like those idiots that insist on flaming chapter 45 of a slash fic, after having been told at the beginning of each and every chapter about it being a slash fic.

To those morons I say, "Gnarf!" for they obviously have the brains of Pinky from the Animaniacs.

Mike14 posted a comment on Thursday 16th March 2006 2:27pm for The Lord and Allies

You guys did an excellent job with this story. It was one of the best stories that I read so far. I appreciated the non-existent grammer errors. I can not wait to read the sequel. See you there!

Dahlias posted a comment on Sunday 5th March 2006 11:17am for The Lord and Allies

*sigh* you make me wanna be there to give Harry a hug and then pull out my machete and start cutting people... *grr* well, can't wait to read what happens to the traitors!


Erik Wiggins posted a comment on Saturday 4th March 2006 7:49pm for The Lord and Allies

If it weren't for Bobmin, I wouldn't be hooked on fan fiction like I am. I loved Dumbledore's Army and it's sequel. I've always loved the brother relationship between Ron and Harry & liked Ginny with Harry and Ron with Hermoine. The Weasly's should be considered untouchable, but I am going along with you. I really enjoy the story so far. Thank you for the many hours of reading pleasure.

Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Tuesday 21st February 2006 12:31am for The Lord and Allies

For some reason I don't like the fact that Fudge may be trustworthy in this tale. You've not mentioned him in this chapter, but he is a factor in all things Amelia Bones as things exist now.

Great Amelia though, perfect head of a law enforcement division.

Lillith Desiree posted a comment on Saturday 28th January 2006 8:20am for The Lord and Allies

Wow this is another amazing chapter that i greatly enjoyed and is giving me ideas for my own Harry Potter fanfic with the good old classic Harry\Ginny shipping though i do enjoy H\H shipping as well keep up the good work!

Robin Westerly posted a comment on Sunday 22nd January 2006 7:57am for The Lord and Allies

why oh why can't I get to next chapter>?