Content Harry Potter


azrael91 posted a comment on Sunday 18th May 2008 5:03am

i love the story so far, actually i've loved all of your stories that i have read, but what is up with all of the llama comments? did i miss something?

azrael91 posted a comment on Sunday 18th May 2008 4:11am

nice start. like the premise, it's already better than what jk did. she is a good writer, but her plot went all to hell in the last two books

maanit posted a comment on Wednesday 14th May 2008 2:22am

hey there bob n alyx

this is a superb story that you have written.
one of favourites.
i also loved your other stories of dumbledore's army and sunset.
can u recommend some other good stories like yours.i have referred your fav authors and read them also so i would appreciate it if you suggested some other good can mail me at


Prodipan Sengupta posted a comment on Monday 12th May 2008 1:23pm

have you guys retired and didn't bother to tell anybody?
it's been too long.

clancy21 posted a comment on Monday 12th May 2008 10:36am

Wonderful !!! Thanks for all your hard work.

jedjones posted a comment on Sunday 11th May 2008 9:10pm

uhm, I just wanted to point out that sushi falls under the category of japanese food, not chinese food.

that's all! kind of bothers me when people just mush everything together and say it's chinese.

on a fic related note, i am enjoying the story.

Jewelle posted a comment on Tuesday 6th May 2008 2:24am

ROFLMAO to the Author's Note... I can't stop. Honestly, the two of you writing together are excellent writers and I'm really enjoying this story.
Also, I would really love to see what you two could do with some of my other favorite fanfiction categories (ie Sentinel, BtVS and crossovers. <WEG>) I am probably hoping in vain though .

dic posted a comment on Saturday 26th April 2008 2:14am

so... I don't wanna get on your nerves or anything like that... but there's been a shortage of good fics lately, and seeing how your last update was about 6 weeks or so ago, I just wanted to ask... do you have a date set, or even just a general idea, when there's going to be something new from you? like something with x-men, for example....

would be really cool to hear from you...

greetz dic

mekareami posted a comment on Friday 25th April 2008 6:40pm

Nicely wrapped up :) As always thank you for writing, I really enjoyed your story and hope you will continue in the genre

Bob Swagger posted a comment on Monday 14th April 2008 4:31pm

Just got around to reading the story in its entirety. I loved it! Amazingly well done. Then again, most of your fictions are :)

darthme1011 posted a comment on Wednesday 9th April 2008 11:58pm

very nice story

UdderPD posted a comment on Wednesday 9th April 2008 10:43pm

First I must appologise because I am going to have a moan. (It is probably because I am an old Brit.)

In the otherwise brilliant Wife's Notes, or should that be Dark Lady Alex Notes. You intimate that your next offering will be an X-Men crossover.

What is or are X-Men I ask myself and not having a reasonable answer I asked my Yahoo group (upd_happy_hp).

Imagine my horror when I found out that they were a bunch of American comic super heros from the early sixties.

I find myself hoping that it is all over soon and we can return to your usual brilliant fare.

On a slightly different theme; anyone who gives a lady a three iron instead of chocolates and flowers deserves to be pummelled.


ginners posted a comment on Wednesday 9th April 2008 9:44pm

Great Story Guys! Seriously It Rules ^_^

T'was a brilliant read and a perfect balance of depth humour and romance

The Author Nots Kick Ass Too

*Hands Alyx & Bob A Gigantic Box Of Poisitive Reveiw Flavoured Cookies And Donuts*

cheers :)

SarahSummers posted a comment on Monday 7th April 2008 1:14pm

I just wanted to say that i truly enjoyed this story. It is one of the best i have read. I would like to thank you both for all the hard work. I hope you continue to write.

sarah summers

NWL posted a comment on Sunday 6th April 2008 4:57am

Great story. Found an error in reading it, though, something you might want to correct. To quote...

Amelia pulled another parchment from her robe. "By order of the Wizengamot, granted on this day, April 8th Nineteen hundred and ninety eight, Mister Harry James Potter is awarded the Order of Merlin, First Class, for his unparalleled bravery in the face of a ruthless Dark Lord. By his actions he has saved not only Britain, but the whole of the wizarding world, for the Dark Lord’s stain would have surely spread."

Thing is, the current date listed is JUNE 8. Harry hadn't even finished the job until April 26.

fyrecat posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd April 2008 12:16pm

Great Cahpter, rite more! ;}

Seriously, I am very much enjoying this story, and am glad to see that you are experimenting to expand your writing skeellzz. I approve of your efforts, and I like this foray into a new writing style.
As for serious review (read "constructive criticism"), Be careful of verb tenses. there were one or two examples of wandering between did and doing, or does - even within the same sentence. I skimmed through the chapter again, but couldn't find it - sorry. Although I have noticed it a (very) few in other chapters as well.

Again, I must ask... when will you be writing your own original stories instead of borrowing someone else's world and characters?

Thanks for sharing your ideas!

- Fyrecat

UldAses posted a comment on Tuesday 1st April 2008 6:27pm

This story is so great! I want to read more! more! more! :p

Prongs1977 posted a comment on Tuesday 1st April 2008 9:06am

Bob/Alyx, don't worry a bit about the "relationship" part of the story. Personally, canon just had them all of a sudden realize "hey, i love you and you love me, let's get married and have kids", no build up (other than Ron and Hermione fighting). This is a welcome change and I love it, keep up the good work!

Mot70 posted a comment on Tuesday 1st April 2008 5:50am

Insane or not, here's hoping the two of you keep getting invaded by rabid plot-bunnies for quite some time! *raises a pint*

fyrecat posted a comment on Sunday 30th March 2008 11:58am

Magnificent! As always. Thank you.