Content Harry Potter


Saere posted a comment on Sunday 23rd March 2008 9:20am

Another amazing story!

jalva200 posted a comment on Saturday 22nd March 2008 7:41am


Love this story, alot of talk but its good, was hoping for a wesome fight but still good shits.

Saere posted a comment on Friday 21st March 2008 9:56am

Great Cahpter, rite more!

Kal posted a comment on Thursday 20th March 2008 6:30am

Hi there. I enjoy your stories quite a bit. Very enjoyable, with a well moving plot line and well done characterizations. As I am not a die-hard shipper per se, I often have issues with H/Hr stories as many people write post-OotP or later while keeping to the cannon characterizations. I just never saw it could see it happening in that timeframe without major revelations/plot development such as in your Sunrise/Sunset series. By dropping a good chunck of cannon post-GOF, this story maintained a Hr that is much more compatible for Harry, as they could grow together well. For me, she is more of a sister type in the later books, and someone who needs a bit of work on interpersonal relations. Here she is much more thoughtful and connects well with H. Very nice.

Cindy was awsome, the Grangers were cool, and I loved your portrale of the cannon regulars. Wish we had seen more of Luna, but she didn't fit in much. Same for F&G. But, it was enjoyable to kida dislike Molly in such a way that she isn't an evil character, but not a perfect mom-to-all. I loved your forms of justice for the bady-guys, too. :)

The only thing I can really say that you may want to remember if you ever rework this story -- there was an apparent discrepancy between chapters 7 and 9 over informed muggels that no one else has mentioned yet (at least my quick scan of the other reviews didn't turn it up). In chapter 7 you have Hr's father informing the solicitor about the magical world.
"Dad's solicitor is an old family friend and the only other Muggle I know that knows about our world. My father told him about the wizarding world when I was accepted to Hogwarts. He wanted to make sure I was covered by our insurance." This seems in direct contrast to above: "The law is very strict about telling Muggles... er Non-Magical people. Emma couldn't tell you -- had she done so, she would have been punished severely. She could have lost custody of Hermione. It would have been different had you lived here, but since you didn't, the law was against you learning about magic. ... you need to know that, as much as your daughter wanted to tell you, she couldn't. The punishment would have been extreme. It might have even cost her her life. Her only choice was to keep the secret, and to stay away so that it wasn't accidentally revealed." It seems like either her had got away with it SOMEhow, or else her mother blew it when it came to the grandma. Either way, it was rather glaring to me as something that needed more explinations or out and out changing. But this is a little point.

Great work! Looking forwards to your next set!

Cholera posted a comment on Thursday 20th March 2008 4:32am

Brilliant ! i don't know where that had come from, but please, keep on !
Thanks for writing !

Kari Becker posted a comment on Wednesday 19th March 2008 1:04pm

that was great!! another well written story. :)

Elfwyn posted a comment on Wednesday 19th March 2008 6:45am

Excellent! The only thing I would have changed would have Harry claiming Slytherin's Vault by right of slaying the DL. Can't wait for the next one.

motherjenjen posted a comment on Tuesday 18th March 2008 7:40pm

i really think that you and bob are a lot like mr and mrs granger.....i find them and you very funny
luv jen

motherjenjen posted a comment on Tuesday 18th March 2008 12:40pm

i just want to say that i love your excuse note at the botom of chap's fantastic
luv jen

alec_potter posted a comment on Monday 17th March 2008 11:34pm

Great chapter and a great fic. Really loved it. Totally different from anything I have read so far, really good. I have read your other H/Hr fics as well, and feel this one comes closest to being believable. I am an H/Hr fan so can say, that your other ventures till now felt like you were forcing yourself to write H/Hr( A/N say that maybe you were).
So your best story for me thus far.
Keep writing and best of luck for the next fic.

Peregrine829 posted a comment on Monday 17th March 2008 10:50pm

An excellent story! I'd give you a standing ovation but I'd feel pretty silly clapping at my computer screen alone in the dark.

HwonDos posted a comment on Monday 17th March 2008 3:08pm

I have to say that after reading all of your posted works, I expect a somewhat elevated level work. I'm happy to say that the experiment in changing your writing style was a success. You were brilliant! And don't worry Alyx. Your ANs were fine. I eagerly await the next work of literature you'll have to offer. Though I'd like to ask if you've ever considered writing a Naruto fanfic? You see, my friends I were comparing the Potterverse and the Narutoverse and we saw a number of similarities between the two main characters that we, that is, my friends and I believe would make writing such a story easy. For example... both are orphans whose parents sacrificed themselves to save their child, both grew up in abusive environments, both have the possibility of being god-like in power. The truth is that even though it would take time and effort to learn the canon well enough to make it your own, I know your both smart enough to make a story yourself. At least consider it.
Sorry for the long review but consider it a review for coming in late. Thanks for keeping my time occupied for the last few weeks.

IceBlades posted a comment on Monday 17th March 2008 11:29am

Oi! I better see a wedding epilogue or something. Yes, I'm a greedy reader. As such, I shall allow you some time to construct said document for my reading enjoyment.

Great story. I would love to see a conversation between Harry and Ginny and see what she has to say to him.

As always, you stories have me asking for more. Wonderful plot.

Happy writing!

n4zhg posted a comment on Monday 17th March 2008 10:10am

Great job, the two of you. Looking forward to your next story.

tatsu.zzmage posted a comment on Sunday 16th March 2008 9:53pm

Ya know think the song Still alive says it best, This is a Triumph, im making a note here HUGE SUCCESS, Sorry that game and song have warped my mind ^_~ but its still true

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Sunday 16th March 2008 12:32pm

Good job wrapping up all the plot threads. I thought it appropriate that Harry provide the means for bringing Emma's mother back into the immediate family circle; I'm certain that didn't hurt her perceptions of Harry and I rather suspect she greatly appreciated the deft manner he displayed in defusing her anger.

It's seems os appropriate that one who Severus vented on so much should be the one who took him out, with help from the one he most hated. Let the dementors have him, he's already around the bend and not salvageable.

The wrap up with Tom's soul and dealing with the horcrux was a delight and reading about it from a third party's viewpoint made it that more real. I wonder how long it'll take everyone to realize that was Harry with the sword?

The final sceen at the Leavetaking Dinner brought quite a smile to my face as Harry officially returned to Wizarding Britain and public life. An omake exploring Molly's, and possibly Giny's reactions, should be good for some humor. *This* Neville is still growing in confidence and ability, but at least it's not the forced growth that canon Neville had to deal with. Luna's a lucky gal to have him. The way Hannah is moderating Ron's more obnoxious attributes is a credit to her, and to Ron's feelings for her that he'd listen and think about what she says. *chuckle* One has to wonder what thoughts went through Lavender's head as Evan was shown forth as Harry; I expect that chagrin was by far the least of them.

Nights_Silhouette posted a comment on Sunday 16th March 2008 6:10am

A great story, keep writing.

Frank Hacklander posted a comment on Sunday 16th March 2008 12:30am

I must confess that I liked this story a lot. It struck me that the end was somewhat rushed but I can certainly understand why. Otherwise, despite what others have said, I think this worked quite well. Unfortunately, I also fall into the ABG camp (Anyone But Ginny), so, while I look forward to your next story, ABG. Good luck and thanks for writing.

Geovanni Luciano posted a comment on Saturday 15th March 2008 1:17am

I think that it was kind of funny the way that you one, completely broke Snape, and the shock and horror of Molly and Ginny when Harry was revealed to be Evan. Excellent story. Notes to the A/N author. I do like your intros and exits. Perhaps Bob should step aside for one or two and just let you go nuts in a couple of stories. :)

Geovanni Luciano

in-fanficauthors posted a comment on Friday 14th March 2008 8:30pm
