Content Harry Potter


Valmanway posted a comment on Thursday 13th March 2008 9:46am


heathw posted a comment on Thursday 13th March 2008 9:40am

Alright Alyx, I see how it is...I try to make a thoughtful comment and you respond with logic and wisdom. ~Glares Menacingly~ Sigh. I suppose you're right. When I was that age I thought every girlfriend I had was "the one." Especially if she was willing to take her clothes off. ~Grins~ Ah well. I guess your (or Bob's, I suppose) seems so self-actualized most of the time, so I want his girlfriend to be a well. But, she's not the hero, is she?

As far as my other remark, I guess it is foolish to imagine that any sort of logic could be applied to law or banking regulations in any world, real or fictional.

In any case...

Another great story guys. A horocrux story usually makes me recoil and vomit, but this was a great take on the little props. I nearly fell out of my chair laughing when your Voldie started questioning the wisdom of making the little buggers.

I can't wait to read the X-Men cross. ~Rubs hands together excitedly~

Hugs and kisses and such,


Tammerz posted a comment on Thursday 13th March 2008 6:50am

Wow...great story. Adside from the occasional spelling error, I have absolutely no problem loving this fic.

BTW, I loved the reference to Potter Puppet Pals.

DizzyG posted a comment on Thursday 13th March 2008 5:51am

Damn, that was good, next time I have a day off I'll have to read the whole thing from beginning to end.
Eagerly awaiting your next effort.

Aelita posted a comment on Thursday 13th March 2008 4:59am

I love this story and while I am sorry you finished it, I do like the way in ended...the only thing that I would have liked to see what the talk Ginny would have to have with her mother and then with Harry. But all in all great story and I can't wait to read the X-Me Crossover! Thanks!

Papa MidNite posted a comment on Thursday 13th March 2008 4:21am

I loved the story great job guys

Darke Gray posted a comment on Thursday 13th March 2008 3:25am

Wow, I loved this story. I am almost sad to see it end. I do wish you would write an epilogue for it though. I would of really liked to see more of Ginny and Mrs. Weasley's reactions to the realization that not only had Harry still been a wizard but that he was also a powerful and more famous one than before and already engaged to Hermione. I also would of loved for Ginny's remarks about Harry when she thought he was less than a squib come back and bite her in the ass. Would also like to see Lavender's reaction that she had treated Hermione like she had over Harry and not some mysterious boyfriend. Anyways, I loved the bit about Mrs. Norris being portkeyed away and none of the teachers having the time to go and find her. I also really liked the Harry/Hermione pairing in this story. Actually I really like the Harry/Hermione pairing in all your H/Hr stories. I do hope that your HP/X-Men crossover will be the same ship, I honestly can't stand the idea of Harry and Ginny getting together and hated the last book. The way you write Harry and Hermione together seems so much more natural than the real books relationships. You both are really talented writers and I have read nearly all of your stories and can't wait for more...

diablos_el_swave posted a comment on Thursday 13th March 2008 3:00am

Didn't know you two were wow people. What server do you play on? (Needless to add, another great story) I've been really excited to read your x-men story ever since you announced it after sunrise. So please don't take another month to update!

Fenris Ulf posted a comment on Thursday 13th March 2008 2:49am

Wow What a way to end the story! Harry being pointed out by the minister in the middle of the leaving feast is classic. What a flare for the dramatic she has. It was odd seeing a non-hotheaded Ron was half epecting him to try to hex Harry's dangly bits off.

Great story and I can't wait for the next.

BTW I think I like the WN's they have thier own style of insane rambling that isn't often seen.


rune1806 posted a comment on Thursday 13th March 2008 2:18am

What a great story, thank you for writing and shareing it with us.

Velara posted a comment on Thursday 13th March 2008 12:40am

Ooh you guys play WoW? Neat. Now we need you to do crossovers.. how bout with WoW! LOL.... Btw, love the story, been following you guys for a while, never review, I'm a lurker. No criticism here, I just like to read!

Jujuberry posted a comment on Thursday 13th March 2008 12:01am

What a great ending, thanks for sharing the story! I really enjoyed your turn at a romantic story- all the characters were fleshed out, the action and plot were great, and I had a wonderful time reading "The Power of the Press."

Thanks again!

Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 11:22pm

Card carrying Muggle? LOL!
Sirius being obliviated for seeing Hermione? LOL

Nice finish. Glad Ron wasn't a git.
Good job. Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to the Xmen, and to seeing what Alex is writing for us. Will she make you do the Author Notes?

Tom A.

clt_71 posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 11:09pm

I absolutely love your stories. Hopefully I will like the next one as much.

Ashley Spurgeon posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 10:31pm

wonderfull story as always. I look forward to reading more of your fabulous masterpieces.

dennisud posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 10:21pm

Wow what a nice saga! I liked the way they had all hoodwinked the Wizarding world and hopefully they opened enough eyes to get things to change.

Nice job Both of you!


P.S. Hope to read you soon(Remember my suggestion on the forum!)

Amit Patel posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 10:17pm

I have got a quick question; in an earlier chapter it was stated that Tonks had trouble holding her transformation in the castle due to the wards. But in this is says that Tonks has lost her sense of self due to her young age when she discovered her shifting ability; and she no longer knows what her base form looks like. But surely the 7 years at Hogwarts would mean that she would know as the castle would prevent her from keeping a form other than her original.

I know this is a piece of fiction; but it just seems like an inconsistency. Hope you can explain this to one confused reader.

But I liked the story a lot and hope you keep writing!

Banner posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 9:03pm

Thanks for a satisfying ending. I appreciate an *intelligent* climax; it makes a nice change for Riddle to be taken down neatly and efficiently. It's especially great that the house-elfs were so instrumental in the Final Defeat.
...And they all lived happily ever after.
The best way to finish!

Wyes posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 7:37pm

Hahahaha. I'd just like to congratulate you on another story well done. We'll see about the updating of my own story... first I've gotta re-write the last chapter. :x

Anywhom, I look forward to more of your work (gives me an excuse not to do important school work, after all)!

Kalen Darkmoon posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 7:27pm

Another great story of yours that I'm both happy and sad to see come to close. You folks write the best Harry/Hermione fan-fics out there. I continue to look forward to more of your writings. (As long as it's not Harry/Fan-Girl, err Ginny. *shudder*)

Thank you for such an enjoyable read!