Content Harry Potter


Akali posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 6:50pm

Well done! I loved the whole story, it was great. Cheers, Akali

Anniejay posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 6:39pm

I have enjoyed every word of your story and my only complaint is that it is over. I am looking forward to your next one.

Patches posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 6:15pm

Wow! This is a great ending. I love the fact that Harry helped Emma and Hermione get bact together with Hermione's Grandmum. That was very well done. I love the way you worked it out that Harry knew where the snake was in theory and his plans helped him to finish getting rid of the snake and Voldemort for all eternity. It was sad that the old house elf had to die fighting the snake but he wanted to revenge his child against Nagini. I am so glad that Harry was revealed to everyone at Hogwarts. That was fitting even though it was embarrassing to Harry at the time. A very fine story. Thank you so much for writing. I look forward to your next story. pms

uvarunr posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 5:35pm

Simply outstanding, as all of your stories are...this is my first ever review, and I'm proud to say that it goes to the best fanfiction team there is. Siriusly, you guys are amazing, and keep up the good work.

The Midnight Poster posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 5:12pm

The only this I didn't like about this story is that it ended. I wanted it to go on a few more years :)

But I guess all good stories must come to an end.

Quibbler story was Hilarious!

Tammy Driver posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 4:58pm

Will there be a follow up to this story?

joeBob posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 4:24pm

That was a fine ending to a good story. Thank you.

Especially liked what you did with Percy.

Alex00 posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 2:40pm

Great story.

Rick D Gale posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 2:31pm

Another great story! It seems that all you write turns to gold in my book! I wish I had enjoyed the last two HP books as well as I have enjoyed your stories.

You both are shining examples of what the FanFiction world can and should expect of the top-teir writers.

I look forward to your next endevour.


Peter Clark posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 2:16pm

That was wonderful! I can't wait for your next project!

Orion posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 1:48pm

Congratulations. This is a magnificent story, I hope that you have enjoyed writing this as much as I enjoyed reading this.

Good Work and Happy Writing for the future.

Rob9 posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 1:32pm

Great story and great ending Bob and Alyx. You do have a penchant for these things and I cannot wait to see the next story yall do. I co consider these to be more canon than the actual books no matter what yall say and they certainly are better written than the books, so as one insignificant reviewer to the best authors he has have ever read I say KEEP IT UP!!!

kb0 posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 1:06pm

Ah, so sad, another wonderful story is done. Now I guess I should go reread it again! :-) Actually, I have my own story go go work on...

I like the Ginny character, but what you did with her in this story, and especially in this last chapter was pretty funny. OTOH, feel free to "mess with" Molly any time you want. Like Dumbles, she's starting to get on my nerves. Maybe you could arrange a bikini wax for her, and perhaps that would make her act better. Mwhahaha... :-)

I look forward to your next story. Thanks for sharing this one! -- Kevin (or kb0)

dexterz posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 12:50pm

ok no chance of a about an epilogue? i've been visiting ur homepage from march3rd everyday to see if u've updated this fic....nicely done but since it was all done in a single chapter seemed a bit rushed ...deserves an outstanding

vasilis01 posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 12:32pm

Who cares if it took so long to post the last chapter? It is here and it is excellent. Good work. I hope to see more of your work.

Darrell2 posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 12:24pm

BRAVO! ENCORE! Man, was that a great fic!Please, Please, Please do an epilogue. i want a new fic made ASAP! Thank you.

Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 12:21pm

Excellent job. I like the detail level and believability of your final death and banishment of Voldemort. It had a quality to it that made sense.

Thank you for writing and finishing yet another great story. Maybe someday I can follow your lead.

Mike (MoA)

Robert Cook posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 12:09pm

Excellent story as always. About the only disappointment is that there wasn't more about the reaction to Harry's return. Though Ginny collapsing in a faint was a nice touch.

I also have to blame this story for the plot bunny that has attacked me. I'll have to write out the scenes that it has created so I can get back to my other fanfiction in a different universe.

C. Harris posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 12:06pm

Loved the line about the mysterious ticking noise! All in all a great story.

Matt101 posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 11:36am

Another great story. I can't wait for the next one. Keep it up :)