Content Harry Potter


participium posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 3:26am

Yet another great story finished. Makes me a bit sad as well.
"When he protested, she commented that until he could figure out how he could nurse a baby, it was only fair for him to cook."

Uh huh? eum...bottle? Baby formula...
*is confused*

Mal-3 posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 3:24am

The saga ends, and we're left with one big pile of "Meh." Anticlimax after anticlimax roll down the hill until the poor reader is buried under the missed opportunites to accomplish something interesting.

Looking back on the story as a whole, this comes as no surprise. Everything in the story is stock Bobmin cliche and eight chapters of syrupy "romance" that wouldn't be out of place in a Harlequin novel. For all that this was hyped as a "characterization" piece, the characters were uniformly flat, the heroes distinguishable only because they had one more dimension than the villians. The plot rehashes the story of "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" for no logical purpose, and the only original and interesting plot twist (Harry breaking the Triwizard contract and losing his magic) was kneecapped at the end of the first chapter. Even the title, "Power of the Press" is nonsensical, as the Press only shows up for brief, poorly-written Prophet articles (or worse, "wacky" Quibbler articles) every chapter.

Oh, and once again Cho is rape-bait. Show us on the doll where the Chinese girl touched you, Bob.

The story is tedious in the telling, has come to a tedious conclusion and is now thankfully over. While not a true work of Epic Fail like, say, "Sailor Moon: American Kitsune" or "Sweat of a Gladiator," "Power of the Press" should stand as a warning to those who think quantity equals quality.

C- for effort.

Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 3:19am

Wow. I can't believe that it's all over but the partying for Harry and Hermone. Loved that image of Ginny slumping and rolling down her chair, partly because Harry had been hidden in plain sight, and that Hermione had her hooks in him. Granmum was an interesting character, and makes me realize more and more how shallow the characters ended up being in the canon, side from just a few things, for seven books, it's still strange that we only know a few things about the major characters. Interesting way to get rid of Riddle, and always like a smart Harry who is willing to learn and be ready, rather than the golly gee-whiz one of canon, imo.

Aeryn posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 3:10am

Another fantastic story. :) Congratulations on a job very well done - I rather enjoyed reading this one.

Jim_xinu posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 3:10am

Great story, thanks for sharing it with us.

Chris1 posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 2:53am

Thank you for a wonderful story.


webdoc posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 2:48am

Well done.... Bravo.

UdderPD posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 2:00am

Brilliant, Brilliant, Brilliant, now after a rest you could write some more of 'Wizard Falls'.

Actually if you are anything like me you can only write what will come out of the keyboard.

Over the next few days I hope to reread the whole story.


Gardengirl posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 1:53am

*cheers enthusiastically* Great story! Great finish! (great authors' notes!) Well done on crafting a terrific story, sticking it through to a conclusion *blushes in shame here*, and thanks ever so much for the many hours of entertainment. Cheers!

ladyimmortal posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 1:33am

God that was fantastic.

You guys wove a FANTASTIC story. The end of Voldemort was both unique and wonderfully written.

Thanks for such an awesome ending to your story. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your writing and your tales!

Bring on the X-Men :D.

Dave McCombs posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 1:30am

That was the worst thing I’ve ever read!
It was terrible!
Well it wasn’t that bad.
There were parts of it I liked!
Well, I liked a lot of it.
Yeah, it was GOOD actually.
It was great!
It was wonderful!
Yeah, bravo!

I hate to see it come to an end, but all good things must. An excellent read; I enjoyed taking time off from work to do so.

And you don't want me as a minion. I'm one of those who will try to take over, given enough time...;)

Ben Russell-Gough posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 1:24am

An interesting story and one well worth the (very long) time it takes to read from one end to the other. No criticism intended. I like long stories.

The characters of Harry, Hermione, Remus, Tonks and Sirius were well written and consistent. I like to imagine that you kept them in-character although the changes that come with differing circumstances would automatically mean there are differences to the canon characterisations. I like to think that your Hermione is actually more realistic than the canon one, as you do not give her the HBP/DH lobotomy.

The solution to the Voldemort problem was well-thought out and I particularly liked the sections written from the POV of the Voldemort/Nagini symbiosis. I also thought that Snape's degeneration into lunacy and, ultimately, the events leading to his destruction were a particularly vicious form of karmic justice.

This is a great work and a worthy successor to Sunset/Sunrise. I found the middle sections with the romance a bit of a chore to read but, ultimately, the story as a whole is well balanced and makes one feel good for our heroes' futures.

If there is anything missing it is the inevitable Epilogue. Does Tonks ever get her field qualification back? How long does Neville and Ginny last (because now Harry has been unmasked, I am afraid that Nev is going to find that he is a poor second choice in her eyes)? What future will our two young lovers find for themselves? Yeah, I can use my imagination but still... ;-)

Thanks for sharing, Bob and Alyx.

BenRG's Overall Rating: 8.5/10

pen posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 1:21am

Alyx & Bob,
I have to say, I absolutely enjoyed your story.
Most excellent mind candy. I look forward to
your X-Men Cross over. Your wife was a trip and
a half in the author notes. No I am not offering
to be a minion, Too much of an Evil Overlord.(Evil
Grin) May your muse and you enjoy some time off.



philh1985 posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 12:16am

A wonderful story! I'm a bit sad that its finished. If you ever want to do a sequel I'll be reading it! Oh yes, I have to mention, I loved Dobby's NASA outfit, but got a real chuckle out of Cindy not letting him wear a Playboy Bunny outfit. <g> Hmm, I wonder if Dobby would like to wear a Men In Black outfit, complete with sunglasses and hand-held Obliviator device. <eg> Thank you so much for your wonderful work, and I look forward to more in the (near?) future.


Ashwin posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 12:15am

That was an excellent story overall......was a bit intrigued at how you would end happy you didnt bring in anything about children etc. like Rowling ......

Top notch work!!!

DrT posted a comment on Tuesday 11th March 2008 11:54pm

Oh, Merlin! Dobby in a pb bunny costume! Just the tonic I needed to forget about student essays for a moment.

I thought there would be another chapter until towards the very end. An excellent chapter, an excellent premis, and another excellent fic.

Thanks for the ride


Amejisuto posted a comment on Tuesday 11th March 2008 11:35pm

Great end to a great story! I do sort of wish I could have seen the confrontation between Harry and Ginny, or better yet Hermione and Ginny but that's just because I wanted a smack down. LOL I'll just ... go over in the corner and imagine it, if y'all don't mind.

Still I love the feeling of relief I got from Harry once Nagini was killed. Very believable and I could just see him jumping up and down like the kid he is. Well done!

And I'm seriously looking forward to the X-men crossover. Is it wrong of me to hope that there will be a Logan vs. Snape scene? Because that would be fun. No worries, if there isn't I can imagine that too.

Thank you for a great story!

Old_Crow posted a comment on Tuesday 11th March 2008 6:09am


Second readings are always so much fun because there are more chapters to look at. I'm glad that you have discovered the joy of writing Dan and Emma. To me they have been so much more interesting than writing Molly and crew.

Your Cindy character is fun to read about.

Thanks for sharing your stories.

Best wishes,


solicitor posted a comment on Monday 10th March 2008 10:20am

I too would like to see an update, but I am more concerned about Bob and Alyx.

Has anyone heard from them? Are they OK?

Alyx, if you have finally done something to Bob of a fatal nature, e-mail me and I will tell you what happen. Remember, you have the right to be silent, so be quite.

Bob, if you have snapped and hurt Alyx, just remember that confession is good for the soul. So post the chapter and turn yourself in.

All kidding aside, is everything OK? Can we help?

mwinter posted a comment on Monday 10th March 2008 9:26am

Any time now. I hope you shot your beta. He's taking longer each time.