Content Harry Potter


TeddyLupin posted a comment on Saturday 8th March 2008 8:55am

Another great chapter. Yeah I was just trying to get extras, but hey you can't blame me for trying (or maybe you can spank me for it but...)

Anyways, I can't wait for the update!

patrick43057 posted a comment on Thursday 6th March 2008 12:49am

Thank you for a very enjoyable story. I would have left a review sooner but thought it would not be read so late. I just now got caught up to the story. I was wondering if either of you check on reviews from your older stories. If you do and this is common among writers I will start to leave reviews on the commplete stories that seem to be left for historians to rediscover. Wow that is a little scary.

James Porter posted a comment on Wednesday 5th March 2008 5:56am

bob your the greatest i hope you post soon ive become inthraled with your story and i ask you to please dont let alxy read this im scared of her alot bit.
james porter

lamiaseb posted a comment on Wednesday 5th March 2008 4:55am

yes i love it very much

Prodipan Sengupta posted a comment on Thursday 28th February 2008 1:33pm

Anybody home? I am looking for an update,but will settle for one of Alyx's ANs wll do.

Hemotem posted a comment on Sunday 24th February 2008 5:05pm

Once again a great chapter thank you. =)) I hope to see more soon.


heathw posted a comment on Sunday 24th February 2008 9:43am

I have nothing but the utmost love and respect for you guys and your writing. I recognize Bob is writing this story but I am referring to your body of writing as a whole. So much of the fanfiction available to we, the avid readers of the world, has grammar and usage issues enough to terrify even the most brutalized of Sudanese Refugees. I will not even begin to address the overused and overworked plot points and plot devices running rampant out there in fandom—the very thought is more than enough to make the baby Jesus cry.

I also think you are a little hard on yourselves. I will not ask or beg you to post DA or SC on this site. The stories are out there and that is enough, but to say they are somehow "unworthy" of this site? The reviewers are hard enough on you without you being so hard on yourselves. Those are great stories and do not let anyone tell you otherwise, and for a first attempt they are perhaps even phenomenal. It’s only natural that you would find errors and wish that you had done certain things different with any story completed and posted. You know what they say about hindsight…

Up until recently I have been a staunch Harry/Ginny shipper, and used Sunrise/set to try and slowly overcome my affliction. I love your work and really hate Ron, in cannon and fandom. Sunrise/set was a great choice for me as the Ron bashing helped to allay some of my Harry/Hermione discomfiture. So, cheers and thanks. And look, it really did help; here I am reading another Harry/Hermione story.

So much for the bow down and kiss your feet section. Here is where I invoke my right as a reviewer to bitch, moan, and complain…or at least ask a question. And I bet up to this point you were just cooing over my stroking of your egos and smiling pleasantly in response to my singular wit. Well, that will teach ya to get so comfortable, won’t it! Of course I realize exercising my right may cause you to invoke your right to place a sharp dagger between my shoulder blades. May I at least request that you leave the tactical nuclear weapons at home?

The Gringott’s Question:
Since when does Gringott’s give a flying f-bomb about ministry law? "Sirius and Harry have worked things out so that they are doing this through the Pacific Rim Ministry, which doesn't have any anti-Squib/Muggle laws against inheritances." The corollary would seem to be had they attempted to make the appropriate arrangements in Britain they would find themselves against a legal brick wall. So are you saying that any legal or financial ramifications stemming from multiple homicide is no big deal ("goblins cared little about the Ministry proclamations about Sirius' guilt and were happy to accommodate them") but when it comes the ministry sticking its nose into patently financial matters, the matter of the Potter inheritance, Gringott’s stands up and takes notice? I find that difficult to swallow. I mean sure, I can see where the ministry would be notified for tax purposes if nothing else. I can certainly believe, within the context of your story, that any seat on the Wizengamot would certainly be revoked, but tossing out Harry’s inheritance entirely? In this and in your other stories Gringott’s and the goblins are a nation unto themselves and only do what suits them with little regard for what some ministry might have to say about it. The whole mess feels like a contradiction to me.
While I’m harping on the Gringott’s question I have a related aside. If in SOB the Gringott’s rail system actually resides in the eight and a halfth dimension on Planet X from outer space then why couldn’t poor Amhar and others retrieve their fortunes from any Gringott’s branch?

The Hermione Complaint:
I feel like your Hermione is more than a little immature and overwhelmingly self-centered when it comes to dealing with Harry. That, in and of itself, is not a problem. My problem is I do not see her making any appreciable changes to her behavior and Harry reacts to her behavior very rarely, if at all. Let me try to cite a few examples, specific and general. The first glaring bout of mistreatment comes when they get a little frisky in bookspace, and then she ignores him for days on end. Dear god, the kid was abused and neglected for the first 14 years of his life. Either he would become short tempered and abusive, himself, or he would be somewhat desperate in seeking love and attention, and quite meek and withdrawn when said love and attention is withheld. Clearly, your Harry falls into the second category. It is easy to believe Harry would forgive her instantly, as he did, but will she not alter her behavior at all? Later we see Harry teleport into Hogwarts and follow her into her room. Again, Hermione’s initial response is to be pissed off. Apparently Harry has to conform himself to her schedule, to her wants and needs, with no regards for his own. Harry is a powerful wizard with a powerful destiny, one which is wrought with life and death situations. It would not only be normal, but necessary for him to test limits of his powers and abilities, but also for him to charge forward in situations where danger and adversity are staring him in the face. Hermione’s responses when these situations arise are to express her anger and disappointment, harp upon his injuries, and glare at him. Only once did she seem to stop herself, the journal entry after the killing curse episode. But it seemed like her little revelation was forgotten as quickly as it was realized. I would think (I know, thinking like this is dangerous) at some point Harry would either lash out at her in some way or begin to withdraw into his own shell. One of the reasons this sticks out so much, at least for me, is Harry and Ginny had similar issues is DA/SC, but they finally came to a head and Ginny made a concerted effort to change he behavior, going so far as to learn Legilimency. I do not mean to suggest that Hermione is evil or is intentionally abusing Harry, however, it is difficult for me to accept that Harry can continue to heal from his past and allow for his relationship with Hermione to deepen under the current circumstances.

And finally a note to Alyx. Why not fillet Crys? Is there really that much difference in a minion and mignon? (Sorry…it’s pitiful I know, but I couldn’t help myself. ;) )

Hugs and Kisses,

Graham V posted a comment on Friday 22nd February 2008 3:37pm

Im tempted just to say good story but since alyx might kill me I'll expand. I've really enjoyed the change of pace with this story, it's new and you both have grown as writers since your times at I'm being nit picky I know but...hmmm... I guess I'm wanting you guys to expand the vocabulary a little on the intimate moments. I know it probably gets difficult to write something new to describe Harry kissing Hermione and her response but the words "passionately" and others seem to crop up a little too often. Maybe add a few words to the rotation and I'll give you some donuts... only if you say please though... and write more... and write about tutu sporting, pink, furry, monkeys in a disclaimer who anchor Snape on meat hook by stuffing the sharp shiny metal bit wherever it strikes your fancy

madrymon posted a comment on Thursday 21st February 2008 6:43pm

Great story

mekareami posted a comment on Monday 18th February 2008 4:08pm

Just reread from the beginning so that I could truely appreciate the new chapters. Poor baby houseelf :( Still really enjoying your story. I eagerly await the next update and as always, thank you for writing :)

Puck1 posted a comment on Friday 15th February 2008 10:10am

Oh! Here's a shrieking Batarang!

Puck1 posted a comment on Friday 15th February 2008 10:09am

Nice work!! If you need any more llamas or nukes, let me know!

Wyes posted a comment on Thursday 14th February 2008 2:18pm

I love your stories (I've read the majority of them, and I'm not even a huge fan of HP, JKR's writing isn't really that great), but you need to update more often (though admittedly, I haven't worked on my last story in almost 6 months...). My one criticism is that your characters always seem to overcome their problems too easily.

Crys posted a comment on Wednesday 13th February 2008 10:25pm

Crys eyes the glowing brand nervously. "Er . . ."

Now nearing panic, Crys looks around for help. Bob is not-so-subtly backing away from Alyx, so he's not going to be useful. Leo, the 5 legged llama cheerfully bleated at the captive human.

Teddy, tied up next to our intrepid hero, says, "Hey, all I did was suggest they have some kinky sex to relieve stress. I wasn't crazy enough to volunteer to be Alyx's minion."

Nope, no help from that quarter.

Crys smiles nervously at Alyx. "Um, how about a non-branding version of marking minions? Matching shirts? Maybe even a tasteful tattoo if it's done by a licensed professional?

solicitor posted a comment on Tuesday 12th February 2008 5:12am

Another great chapter. Bob, I would like to have your permission to send the lovely Alyx 2.5 kilograms of refined anti-matter (the boorish anti-matter I save for certain public figures). I was sadden to discover that there be only 1 chapter to go in this wonderful tome. But I also realize that could mean that a different story may soon be in the works.

ranchbs posted a comment on Monday 11th February 2008 10:49pm

Hi There,
I'm a 50 yr old disable audiophile\bibliophile. I stummbled on to fan fiction and the HP version before ever reading Rowling's work. I have been amazed the the range and depth of writing abilities I have come across so far. This story is by far one of the best I have read yet. I enjoyed Sunrise\Sunset also. When are you going to publish your own work damn it? I want to read some. Please? Pretty Please? Sniff.

ladysavay posted a comment on Monday 11th February 2008 4:49pm

BRILLIANT! When can we expect to see more?


IamNotawriter posted a comment on Sunday 10th February 2008 3:07pm

Hard to say what I like most, the story, the disclaimers, or the AN's.
As for the DNA comment, at least they'd be literate and able to create a plot line. Far better than much of the Dreck I've seen while looking for stories.

P.S. Under duress, and on pain of being cut off, all disclaimers Re. the possible origins of out-of-canon characters will be taken at face value.

ROBERT_1958 posted a comment on Sunday 10th February 2008 12:41pm

Great story.

Where is Dobby & Winky?

in-fanficauthors posted a comment on Saturday 9th February 2008 12:27pm

It seems like everyone is being a little too narrow-minded with respect to Harry being at Hogwarts. Sure, he cannot be in Evan's form for 10 hours straight, but he could possibly transform back while in Hermione's room/bed, and certainly he could disguise himself using muggle methods (most likely as some other random person, though with sufficient effort possibly like Evan).

Can they not stick some minor wards up inside the school at various point to at least tell them if anyone is slithering around?

Please continue.