Content Harry Potter


Aelita posted a comment on Saturday 9th February 2008 11:58am

I love this story and I think you guys are doing a great job! Please update as soon as possible before I forget the storyline again! Thanks for such a great story! I LOVE IT!

P.S When do they find out Evan is Harry?

beauty0102 posted a comment on Saturday 9th February 2008 6:40am

yeah great chapter can't wait for more so please update again and soon.

Elizabeth3 posted a comment on Friday 8th February 2008 4:44pm

I love to read your Author notes and the Quibbler stories after a hellish day, my roomates think me crazy!

Samantha posted a comment on Friday 8th February 2008 10:31am

I've been a little worried about reviewing given your violent tendencies towards reviewers who offend you however I really do have to say that I think this is the best story that you have done so far. In particular I find your characterisations to be very realistic and extremely believable in addition to being a refreshing change from the usual tired old fan fiction characters. Keep up the good work.

Patches posted a comment on Thursday 7th February 2008 8:01pm

This is really good. I love these really long chapters. It is harder to review them though. There is so much that happened. I think it is really great that Harry can be with his old friends and they haven't figured out who he really is. Things are moving right along. So Ginny and Neville are engaged. That is different. Arranged marriages but with consent of the arranged. That is good at least. I like the Quibbler articles. They make a fun diversion. The really sad thing is that some people will believe it because it is in print. Then someone will print the truth and People won't belive it! I am really sorry that the elf child was killed by Nagini. You can't blame the snake but you can blame Voldemort. She wouldn't even be there if it wasn't for him. Thanks for writing. I appreciate everything you add to this story. I like the end of the chapter. I know Harry want this to be over but somethings take more time than others. Thanks again, pms

Jizzle posted a comment on Thursday 7th February 2008 5:45am

Wow, talk about all tell and no show. Well, there was some show, but it was always immediately trampled by tell just in case we missed something. But besides the grating lack of anything resembling subtlety, it wasn't a bad chapter. This story has an interesting premise and focus. Happy writing.

Evelyna posted a comment on Thursday 7th February 2008 3:40am

Nice, like it!

hjdevnull posted a comment on Wednesday 6th February 2008 11:37pm

Great update. I'm quite interested to see how things go with Nagini and Evan's reveal. You said there's only one chapter to go? I was a bit surprised, but then I realized that your chapters are really close to the size of novellas so it's not all that surprising. You can fit a lot in one of your chapters.

Any bunnies knocking on your doors for what comes next? Can't wait to see what you two mad literary scientists cook up next.

Elizabeth3 posted a comment on Wednesday 6th February 2008 4:33pm

If only I could use that Excuse note!!!! The look on my professors face would be priceless! I could use one for the test I have in 5 1/2 hours.........

Elizabeth3 posted a comment on Wednesday 6th February 2008 3:45pm

The scene with they lawn chair converstaion between Atlantis and Houston had me rolling from laughing! I loved it!

IssaBissa posted a comment on Wednesday 6th February 2008 12:52pm

And of coarse we finish out another wonderful chapter from you brilliant writers!!!Keep up the marvelous work!!!! I always do enjoy getting to read updates from you!!!!!! I am looking forward to the next one!

Geovanni Luciano posted a comment on Wednesday 6th February 2008 12:27pm

OK no more Weasleys. WOW, I'm liking the story but at the same point I wish that you would do more. This story had more relationship building, that is for sure. That was something that Sunset/rise lacked. Everything there sort of fell together. I have the same problem, so I won't complain, but this was a VAST improvement. I do hope that you decide to write another story and soon. I especially like your proceeding notes and think that make excellent bits for real story material. Food for thought. Now, slay the snake and do it as if it weren't much of anything at all. I want to read the finally chapter and say, "Was that the end, then? BUT BUT BUT... Damn! A bit lackluster, yeah? I thought he'd go out with a bang, not a fizzle. I still say that Tom Riddle was a spider monkey animagus and Harry should force-transform, gender-switch and stick him back at the zoo, with nagini to antagonize HER whilst being sodomized.

Geovanni Luciano

Kyle Bissett posted a comment on Wednesday 6th February 2008 7:09am

Is the Quibbler's hounding of Percy to madness A: Intentional, and done by the paper for some specific reason, B: Intentional, and done by the paper for the amusement factor, or C: just something that happened?

There are previous examples of people with two last names and no first name. In the Vorkosigan saga by Lois Bujold, the character Ludmilla Droushnakavoi always insisted on being addressed as 'Drou', as she hated her first name. Her first name wasn't even mentioned until her wedding to Clement Koudelka (Who was also in the habit of not using his first name whenever possible). After that point, though her name was legally Ludmilla Koudelka, everyone who knew them referred to her as Drou Koudelka. There's no reason Tonks couldn't follow that example and be referred to by all her associates as Tonks Lupin.

Does Snape even have a plan concerning what he's going to do, or is he just doing whatever makes sense to his scrambled mind at the time?

Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Wednesday 6th February 2008 4:34am

Thank you Mistress. May I have another?

The Yule Ball is on December 19th. How cool, my birthday.

{Does a happy Birthday dance}

{Dosn't even try to not get hit by Alyx's bull whip}

Thank you Mistress! May I have another?

I should point out that the best use for a Bull Whip is to whip someone when they are spouting bull. Use it well.

Should be interesting to see what the House Elves will do if they are the first to find Nagini. That would be a great scene, even if it is only in omake.

Why is Harry not exploring the castle under his invisiblity cloak? Were he to be down in the chamber, might he have a way to detect living creatures near by. No, too easy maybe. Plot Killer there.

Thank you for writing.

Mike (MoA)

eowyn83 posted a comment on Wednesday 6th February 2008 12:41am

I love your stories. I am still waiting for you to post more of Wizards Fall.

In this story, you blaze your own trail with the creative ideas you've introduced to Potterverse. Magic from other cultures, International Magical communities, the bookspace and so much more. It is very refreshing to read fanfics written with such creativity instead of the usual tweaking canon types.

Lavender as the founder of Wizarding Body Works FTW! What a great match for her canon personality.

Looking forward to reading your next installment for this story and hopefully many others.

Eewec posted a comment on Tuesday 5th February 2008 6:47am

As usual I found myself thoroughly enjoying your story.

As an aside, if you ever have the problem with heating rub again, milk works a charm... don't even ask but just for info, milk works at getting the heat from hot chilly out of skin too. If you don't want someone to go stark raving mad... or just totally break their mind (you lose all the future fun possibilities if you do that) from the pain on that enema you might want to use a milk one next.

Oh, and I agree with Blind-phoenix, at least a little. You probably don't need to be completely insane to enjoy the AN's but it probably helps a great deal.

Oh just a quick question about the Quibbler stories... are they Bob's or yours Alyx? They just seem to have an inherent nuttiness to them that only seems to come out in the AN's and there. Of course it could be Bob getting in touch with his inner nutcase...

hmm, thizs review was bought to you by the word of the day 'Possibilities' ... simply due to all the 'i's and the number '69'... just because.

jdcox61 posted a comment on Tuesday 5th February 2008 6:41am

Great chapter, Harry pees on Sirius, Sirius gets breasts, and Hermione gets baby pictures. I can't wait to see what's next. Good job guys

Joseph Fritz posted a comment on Tuesday 5th February 2008 1:06am

Excellent as always!

weirdgirl posted a comment on Monday 4th February 2008 8:11pm

Great chapter. But I don't know what it is but I felt this was a bit bland compared to the others. Or maybe it's just that not much is going on in this chapter.

Is it true that there's only 1 more chapter after this? :(

Alyx, I really love your ANs. In fact sometimes I don't know which one I look forward to more... the chapter or the AN. :)

Please don't flay me for this... but will you post more of Wizard's Fall after this story? or anytime before the next chapter?

sanghamitra posted a comment on Monday 4th February 2008 4:23pm

this would be the first instant where a PG-13 story rating gets hiked to R due to author notes. careful children ( yes real children ) might be reading your stories.

Bobmin356 replied:

You are mistaken if you think this story is PG-13. It's been rated MATURE since the first chapter and every chapter since has been rated mature. Almost nothing we write is rated less than Mature.

We do not write for children.